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All Day Cock Ring

All Day Cock Ring

Any thoughts/opinions about wearing a cock ring (a rubber one) all day around the base of the penis (all day meaning 8 or so hours)?

Thanks in advance

I have just started doing this a few days ago, and I have been able to maintain an extra 1/8” of girth since. It also helps with your flaccid hang so I definitely recommend it. Since you are wearing it flaccid, you will want to get one that is fairly tight. It can get a bit irritating on your skin which I have noticed, but I am using some aloe vera to help with that. Good luck.

When I wear one, I try to get an erection with it and engorge the penis with blood. Although, since I don’t have 8 hour erections, I’m sure the blood would eventually leave the penis, so, its not really stuck in there all day.

I don’t know if I would wear one that is tight when flaccid, because, what if you get an erection during the day? I mean, the one I wear fits somewhat snug when flaccid (not “cold shower” flaccid, though), so, when hard, it brings out the veins :)

Let’s see put a tourniquet on your penis all day……makes no sense.

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo

Add another 1/8” gain of girth since I started wearing the cock ring a few days ago. That’s a total of 1/4” in 3 days. Is it permanent? I don’t know. Probably not yet, but if I am measuring this on a day to day basis, that is permanent enough for me. There isn’t any lymph fluid build up. My erection is totally rock hard. Shilow, it makes perfect sense. You are allowing your penis to retain more of the engorgement you got from your pe session, but at a safe level since your dick is flaccid. Therefore, instead of losing all of your engorgement, you keep some of it which will only make your dick expand more permanently into the newly engorged state. Try it sometime.

You two might be needing this later : Injuries / Treatments

You might also want to look into something a bit more benign: ENHANCE YOUR PUMPED/UNPUMPED BULGE - THE VELCRO WRAP

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.

Two of my thrombosed veins came from similar things. A moderately loose elastic cock ring accidentally worn overnight caused one, and a loose strap worn for about 5 hours caused the other. Both gave me problems for a very long time.

I’m not sure why this would be too dangerous. My dick feels no different since I started doing it. It’s just thicker. I see it as just keeping my dick fluffed up.

Sounds good SlickDickey

Well, wearing it over night is certainly dangerous. I also take mine off at several points during the day. Maybe what this is doing is simply helping cement the gains you make from your pe session. I am going to keep at this and see how it comes along and will post any updates, but so far it seems like I have gotten 1/4 inch of hard girth from wearing this thing.

There was a thread about this awhile back. I’m just too lazy to search right now.

I do it sometimes, especially after pumping or on a day where I really don’t have the time to do any other form of PE.

I think it was agreed on in the other thread that the smart thing to do was to wear the cock ring around the dick AND the balls. Thus preventing strangulation (and death) of the penis. Since you are doing this for long periods, please be careful how tight you make it and ALWAYS listen to your dick, even if it’s just a whisper.

Thanks for the heads up Root. I have a cock ring that is slight larger than the one I wear now. I will try that around my dick and balls. My dick feels fine now, but I will definitely listen to it.

This seems like a very bad idea to me. I only leave my rings on for 10 minutes at a time. Cutting off the circulation of an organ for extended period of time cannot be a good thing. Besides the thing needs to heal, give it a rest.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

The circulation is only partially being cut off. If my dick was suffocating, I think it would be telling me.

Thanks for all the help and input, guys :)

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