Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

All Day Cock Ring

Originally Posted by Retainer
i have a VERY hard time imagining death of the penis.

There are other levels of success and failure. Maybe you’re dick doesnt fall off. Maybe you get erectile disfunction from the lack of blood flow. Maybe you have a significant lose of sensation from lack of circulation. Short of you’re dick falling off are other things that are pretty horrible.

For what? a theory that doesnt even make any sense to me. How can cutting off circulation to you’re flaccid dick make you’re erections bigger?

Im not trying to make this a us vs them debate. I dont what you guys to try to prove me wrong. I’ve been doing PE for many years and im just voicing my opinion.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

I know this is an old post, but I started wearing a cock ring after my clamped sessions. Now, I’m starting to favor an “all day clamp” over an “all day stretch”.

I wore it about 8 hours (on and off of course, but roughly 8 hours total with it on). I would do a few kegels every few minutes to get some fresh blood in there, and this helped to keep it engorged. I even wore it to sleep for about 4 hours. My dick stayed warm and plump all day and night. I woke up with a semi-erection (like I just had one and it was fading away) and my dick was warm and still fat. I don’t plan on doing this every day, but I can’t lie - so far so good. Good enough to make me WANT to do it every day.

I have a simple rubber cock ring. I’ve had it for a while and it’s pretty stretched out, so it’s not extremely tight. In fact, it’s not very tight at all if I’m completely flaccid. I think that may be the real reason it works so well - it only really constricts blood flow whenever I get a random erection. When the erection goes down, the blood can flow about 90% unrestricted.

Personally, after seeing that my dick doesn’t get cold and I still get hard wood (randomly and in the morning), I think I’m gonna try this for at least a month. I’ll probably do a week decon break and come back and start the process over again.

What do yall think?

These days I think I DO have a pretty big dick

|| Currently NBPEL 7x5 || Long Term Goal 7.5x5.75 || Target Date for long term goal = December 2010 ||

Don't over train!! Less is more!! Drink water!! Eat right!! Be consistent!! Think Positive!! Size is the least important factor in sex!

Hmmm…I see. So, did it happen to him because he wore it for 2 years? Or did it happen because it was too tight?? I’m pretty sure I can reach my goal in less than a year, and mine is very tight at all. Only when I get wooded up - then it goes away (as long as I don’t play with it!). Still think it’s a bad idea?

These days I think I DO have a pretty big dick

|| Currently NBPEL 7x5 || Long Term Goal 7.5x5.75 || Target Date for long term goal = December 2010 ||

Don't over train!! Less is more!! Drink water!! Eat right!! Be consistent!! Think Positive!! Size is the least important factor in sex!

I think you shouldn’t wear it while sleeping.

Yeah, you’re right. I’m not gonna wear it when I sleep. I’m still gonna wear it in the day time though. I want to try it for at least a month. I can pee fine with it on. I don’t have to push, so I don’t think I’m doing any “damage” to myself. I’ll let you all know how it turns out.


These days I think I DO have a pretty big dick

|| Currently NBPEL 7x5 || Long Term Goal 7.5x5.75 || Target Date for long term goal = December 2010 ||

Don't over train!! Less is more!! Drink water!! Eat right!! Be consistent!! Think Positive!! Size is the least important factor in sex!

Damn. 1 week into it. All I have to say is, if things keep up like this, I think I’ll definitely be reaching my goal BEFORE my target date. Again - I think it works best because my cock ring is so old that it’s not very tight all day. So, if anyone else is gonna try this, get a rubber one and stretch out with your hands before you start using it. Also, I don’t masturbate anymore (which is super hard (no pun intended)), so that probably helps too.

Still not wearing it when I sleep, but my dick hasn’t returned to it’s’ “unplumped size” since I started doing this. Even when the ring has been off for a while. My flaccid hang is way lower and thicker. It’ll probably take a few weeks before I see definite results in my erect state, but I couldn’t wait for a month to share this with you all!!

I must reach my goals in 2010. I’ll be too busy to concentrate on PE after this year. I have to go to the extreme now. Gotta win in ‘0-10!

These days I think I DO have a pretty big dick

|| Currently NBPEL 7x5 || Long Term Goal 7.5x5.75 || Target Date for long term goal = December 2010 ||

Don't over train!! Less is more!! Drink water!! Eat right!! Be consistent!! Think Positive!! Size is the least important factor in sex!

I wear mine all night.

8-9 hours straight no problems:)

All those cases of penile strangulation are from dimwits that had REALLY tight constriction on their dicks.

They used things like rubber bands,duct tape and other crazy crap!

A properly fitted cock ring should prove to be harmless even when worn overnight and all day:)

Starting length-About 6.15 inches,Current length at least 7.5 inches NBEL

"I am NOT a TOY"-Teddy

Originally Posted by SirFoggy

A properly fitted cock ring should prove to be harmless even when worn overnight and all day:)

If 1000 guys tried this, I suspect quite a large number of them would have no dick after a few months. Some guys can get away with anything. Other guys can’t even have a wank without doing damage. Everyone else is somewhere in the middle. I find your above statement careless and ill-informed.

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Well if I wear it for much longer then 24 hours without a break it can give me a band of irritated skin where the ring is at…

But that only happens if I do alot of edging:)

I find it strange to toss up a story about some moron using DUCT-FUCKING-TAPE that ended up with a blackened wee wee to warn against using something that is designed and intended to be used on ones genitals…

Starting length-About 6.15 inches,Current length at least 7.5 inches NBEL

"I am NOT a TOY"-Teddy

Last edited by SirFoggy : 01-06-2010 at .

Originally Posted by SirFoggy
I find it strange to toss up a story about some moron using DUCT-FUCKING-TAPE that ended up with a blackened wee wee to warn against using something that is designed and intended to be used on ones genitals…

Designed? Who designed that? Scientists at NASA? Cockrings aren’t that better than rubber band.

I agree perfectly with Marky. I’ve done hanging with an underneath glans device, up to 7 kg - I’m not going to advice this to anyone, because my penis is not the average penis. The average penis can have injuries with just too much pressure when jelqing, go figure.

Before speaking, better reading something around - a good idea would be starting from the beginning of this very same thread.

One thing that I hate to do is admit that I was wrong. But, when it comes to my dick - I have no problem stopping and admitting that I fucked up!! I also hate to admit that I have to hit my head to learn. I was warned, but I always have to see for myself!! What an idiot.

Yeah - so about a week and half was all I needed and my dick straight up gave out on me. For about 10 days I wore a cock ring for about 5 - 9 hours a day. At first it was great, everything stayed fat and hung low without getting cold. In fact, it still hangs low and it still noticeably fatter. However, my EQ is shit right now!! I haven’t put the cock ring back on in like 4 days and I’m still having infrequent erections during the night and my dick feels like it’s just hanging off my body.

It’s not really the shaft where I feel the problem is, it’s the base. Specifically, the part that was under the cock ring. The best way to describe it is that it feels like I was about to start killing the tissue. Kinda like how some people put rubber bands around the tail of a Rottweiler, then it falls of 6 weeks later. It feels like the muscles and tendons were JUST about to go into “kill myself” mode. However, I can stimulate myself to a 100% erection, which is the only reason I’m not freaking the fuck out right now.

However, to be honest with you, I’m not exactly sure if it’s the cock ring or the fact that I have terrible insomnia. I sleep maybe 5 hours a day at the most. I am well aware that I never get enough rest. However, there isn’t too much I can do about that right now. "Relaxation” techniques will never work for me.

So - once again, my impatient ass is going to take a long break from PE and come back. My remedies will be: lots of water, a good diet, exercise, supplements and as much rest as I can get. Luckily (and I use that term sparingly) my gf and I are having a pregnancy scare, so she’s not really feeling sex these days. So, I won’t have to use my dick for anything other than pissing for at least a week. By then, I should be fine. If I’m not cool by 6 weeks or so, I’m going to the nearest doctor I can find and I’m gonna get my shit checked out.

So, for anyone else that wants to try wearing a device that engorges your dick for a long time, please take my advice - don’t do it. It looks nice, it gives you an incredible confidence boost, but the trade off of terrible EQ isn’t worth it!! Don’t be like me - take the advice!

These days I think I DO have a pretty big dick

|| Currently NBPEL 7x5 || Long Term Goal 7.5x5.75 || Target Date for long term goal = December 2010 ||

Don't over train!! Less is more!! Drink water!! Eat right!! Be consistent!! Think Positive!! Size is the least important factor in sex!

It will come back normal, Berver, I don’t think you can have caused any irreversible damage in such a short time. Luckily you haven’t worn it while sleeping, it could have gone worse.

No, I did wear it while sleeping. 3 times I think. Only like 3 hours each night, but I still did it.

I think you’re right though. I couldn’t have done anything too bad in that short amount of time, plus I can stimulate to 100%. I’m not worried about it THIS time, but it still sucks :( I just need another 2 weeks or so.

But, you did try to tell me!! Good looking out. Next time, I will be sure to take your advice haha.

These days I think I DO have a pretty big dick

|| Currently NBPEL 7x5 || Long Term Goal 7.5x5.75 || Target Date for long term goal = December 2010 ||

Don't over train!! Less is more!! Drink water!! Eat right!! Be consistent!! Think Positive!! Size is the least important factor in sex!

Ok, after reading some stuff on the injuries forum, I have come to the alarming conclusion that my injury is consistent with people that have a venous leak.

Could I have given myself this problem?? I hope to God not. I’m kinda freaking out now. As soon as I get paid I’m going to the urologist. I have no insurance and very little money, but I’m kinda scared now. I have done this to myself, then my life is ruined.

Any opinions?

These days I think I DO have a pretty big dick

|| Currently NBPEL 7x5 || Long Term Goal 7.5x5.75 || Target Date for long term goal = December 2010 ||

Don't over train!! Less is more!! Drink water!! Eat right!! Be consistent!! Think Positive!! Size is the least important factor in sex!


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