190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0
210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3
___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3
The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.
190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0
210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3
___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3
Start: BPEL 6 3/4 MEG 4 3/4 BPFSL 6 7/8
Goal: at least 7 1/2 NBPEL x 5 1/2 MEG.
Perspective is everything. Progress thread: From anxious to confident
(Beginning 1/17/11): 6 3/4" (bpel) 5 1/4" (eg)
(Short Term Goal): 7 1/2"(bpel) 6" (eg) (5/22/11) 7"(bpel) 5 1/4" (eg)