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alternative to jelqing?

alternative to jelqing?

I just don’t really like jelqing at all, and don’t feel like it’s ‘working’. It almost seems like an exercise tailor-made for dicks that are long while flaccid, mine’s not. I feel I get way more out of stretching, but realize it doesn’t do much for girth (right?).
So what I’ve been doing (in the 2 days since I started - heh) is following the newbie routine, but substituting this for jelqing:

I use both my hands/fingers to grip the base of my shaft. I press in (forming a manual cock-ring), then towards my body, pumping blood into the penis. I hold it there, and really see it pump up, all the way to the head, which swells. I hold for 6 seconds, release for 3. I repeat this for the 10 min…
This is done while semi-erect/erect.

Am I wasting my time, or could this be as productive?

Big number guy,

If you cant manage normal jelqing just yet, do what you are doing here but before grabbing at the base do a BTB jelq. So it would be:

1) Do one BTB jelq,
2) Grab as close to the base as possible,
3) Hold the grip for a few seconds,
4) Release the grip only while you do another BTB jelq,
5) Grab and hold again.

After a few minutes of this, you should be able to do normal jelqing, because you should have gotten some decent engorgement. If you still cant, then just continue in the above way (as long as you find it effective, that is).


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