Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Another Newbie Speaks

Another Newbie Speaks

Well, here it is. I’m taking the plunge and actually posting on the site as opposed to just reading it all the time.

Who am I? Well, I guess you can call me AJ. I’m 24, and I’ve been PEing for exactly 4 months as of the 15th of January. I spent the first few months trying to figure out how to do it, basically. I got used to the feeling of stretching and jelqing, and streamlined my techniques to a comfortable level. I dont hang, and I dont pump.

Here’s what everyone is really interested in… I gained! Holy crap, this PE stuff really isn’t a myth! Obviously, I knew it couldn’t just be a huge conspiracy with these many people talking about it, but I just couldn’t believe it whole-heartedly without seeing real gains myself. The first two months, I saw none, but that is perfectly normal. I did see good flaccid gains, but no erect gains, which is what I’m interested in (duh). Third month, I saw a small gain in length, but I held my breath because I thought it could have been a measuring error of some sort. Well, yesterday I measured (as I do on the 15th of every month) and found I had gained 3/8” since the beginning. I measured several times just to be sure, and it’s definite, and unmistakable. No girth gain, but I’ve been concentrating on length.

I started out with 6.5” bpel, 5.5” girth midshaft. A very stout cock by the standards of all the girls I’ve plugged it into. So, I figured I’m doing alright in the girth department, so I’d concentrate on length. Here’s the routine I’ve settled into:

heat up 5 min
stretch 15 min
heat up 5 min
stretch 15 min
heat up 5 min
dry jelq at least 15 min (usually more)
constricter (a la DLD) 15 min once a week after the jelqs

It usually takes close to an hour and a half when all is said and done, since I try to multitask when I PE. 3 on 3 off is what it usually boils down to. I totally subscribe to what Wadzilla said about conditioning, super-conditioning, and resting. I’m going to keep to my routine as it is for now, but when I stop seeing consistent gains, I’m gonna try a 2 week conditioning, 1 week superconditioning, 1 week rest cycle.

For my warm ups I use a small space heater and just hold it close to my cock. It can get pretty hot, so I have to be careful about how close it is. For stretches I always try to pull below my LOT, which is currently at 9 o clock. I stretch normal stretches and Vs the first set, and go under the leg or between the cheecks for the second set. Each stretch usually lasts about 10 seconds. I think what has helped me the most has been tight control of my PC muscle. I do kegels when I warm up, but I think I was just blessed with good PC control from the beginning. If you dont know how to use yours, find out!

So, initially I told myself all I wanted was to be 7” long. Above average, that is. Well, now that I’m seeing that gains are truely possible, my goals have changed. Surprise, surprise, I want 8”. The magic number. When I get to 8, I’ll start worrying about girth. Frankly, I think my current 5.5” girth will suit me just fine. Maybe down the road I’ll want to increase it, but it’s almost been too big for a couple of the girls I’ve put it in. So, that’s it… the goal is 8 x 5.5. I’ll make it a birthday present to myself. I was born in late August, so I’m giving myself 8 months to achieve. Am I being too optimistic? I don’t think so.

Yeah, I ramble too much. Sorry about that, but there’s one more point I want to make in my intro. Why did I post to begin with? It’s been pointed out that the reason you see so many gainers on the site is because no one wants to post unless they’ve gained. Well, I think that’s absolutely true. I didn’t post until I saw a definite gain, and every one of me there’s probably 10 other lurkers who will never post. Perhaps we give a scewed view of this thing called PE. Maybe it’s a science, or perhaps an art form, that consists mostly of failure. In that case, however, I think it’s the solemn resposibility of the gainers to post what they did and how they did it, so we can keep PE alive and respectable. The doctors are wrong. PE works. Those of you who are losing faith, you’ve got another voice right here to reaffirm the fact that PE is here to stay.

<soapbox mode off>


Re: Another Newbie Speaks

Originally posted by ajullr01
Well, here it is. I'm taking the plunge and actually posting on the site as opposed to just reading it all the time.

… Why did I post to begin with? It's been pointed out that the reason you see so many gainers on the site is because no one wants to post unless they've gained. Well, I think that's absolutely true. I didn't post until I saw a definite gain, and every one of me there's probably 10 other lurkers who will never post. Perhaps we give a scewed view of this thing called PE. Maybe it's a science, or perhaps an art form, that consists mostly of failure. In that case, however, I think it's the solemn resposibility of the gainers to post what they did and how they did it, so we can keep PE alive and respectable. The doctors are wrong. PE works. Those of you who are losing faith, you've got another voice right here to reaffirm the fact that PE is here to stay.

<soapbox mode off>


Good going, and congrats on your gain.

What lurkers miss out on by waiting until they gain before they post is a lot of personal interchange and advice that may be useful to them in their own, particular situations.

But gains do ramp up your enthusiasm, don’t they?



Hi ajullr01

Congrats on your gains, i like your story!!


Start : 4.45"X4.15" NBP (Feb 2002) Today : 6.70"X5.00" NBP 7.10"X5.00" BPEL Goal : 7.00"X5.32" NBP

Hey AJ,

Great first post.

CONGRATS ! on your gains. I hope they keep coming.


1999: 6" EBPL X 5.25" EG ~ 2001: 7" EBPL X 5.75" EG ~ 2003: 7.25" EBPL X 6" EG

Current (Jan 2013): 7.125 EBPL X 6"EG ~ GOAL = 7+" (anything more is fine) EBPL X 6.5" EG

Amen, brother.

>Holy crap, this PE stuff really isn’t a myth! <

I love that.

Welcome and congratulations. Keep at it and keep posting. I like the way you talk.



Congrats AJ.

Stay focused on the goal

My Current Stats: NBPEL : 7.5" BPEL: 8.0" EG : 6.0" GOAL ACHIEVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just Maintaining......

Good job, AJ, and welcome to the board. Hope you stick a round. Great 1st post.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Glad you emerged from underground. Yes, at 5.5” EG, you definitely have above average girth for sure; very respectable thickness. Your starting measurements were almost exactly the same as mine (you had 1/4” more girth).

I would also recommend you focus on length first, then worry about girth later, because the thicker your stick, the tougher tunica length gains will be.

Great first post. It gives us other newbies hope.


You remind me of Davey Crockett. You go off into the wilderness for several months and nobody hears from you and then come back to the big city to report all of your adventures along the way.

Of course you are in the wilderness now, so you won’t be around to see this.



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