Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Another Size Thread


My girlfriend checked her email at my house one day and forgot to close it out when she left. Well, curious/nosey me decided to snoop around and read some of her old emails. I came across an email where she mentioned her ex boyfriend was “big” and it kinda made my heart sink. Even though this was typed like a year before she met me. It did have an effect on me for a while, and it made me suffer in the bed for a little while.

I brought myself to the realization that the description of “big” wasn’t enough to go by. Maybe he was just the biggest she’d ever had at the time, and she’s only been with 5 guys including myself. It made me feel much better when she grabbed my dick one day and said “there’s that big cock I love so much”… after that, I could care less. Between that comment and her vocal reactions/noises during sex, I knew that I was doing as good or better than the ex ever did.

Our minds are too powerful for our own good… and fishing for information that you really don’t need to know can totally wreck it for ya.

Start: November 2010 (BPEL: 7.5" -- EG (Midshaft): 5.6" -- EG (Base): 6.1")


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