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Any advices to avoid foreskin growth?

Any advices to avoid foreskin growth?

I’m uncut, and before starting PE I had enough foreskin, and I don’t like it. Now that I jelq a lot I see that the foreskin has grown a little, and when I stretch I see that the foreskin stretches too. It’s really a problem for me, because that would lead me to not being able to retract completely my foreskin when erect. Any advices to avoid this? Any comments will be appreciated.


You’ll need more skin for your penis as it gets longer. You can avoid PE if it’s more important to not gain length if that means you have more foreskin. I suppose there are exercises that are less likely to encourage as much skin growth, but who knows if a routine using only those would be effective. Good luck.

Hey hows it going, on another thread, the one about restoring forskin as a side affect I posted this, hope it helps:

“Hmmmmm… I know your talking about restoring here, but what about avoiding that? Am I free to post?

I recently, well not that recently (about a year and a half ago) had to get circ’d. Not matter how much lube my wife and I would use during sex, the foreskin would get a whole bunch of tears, in it. Needless to say, pulling the skin back to urinate became a painful process.

I’d pull the skin back and there’d be a bunch of little tears, man it burned, and I have a pretty high tolerance for pain (I am married after all, Just messing, really I love married life but like to poke fun at all the stereotypes. Since I’m so happy, I love mocking the stereotypes.) Even during sex, at times I could feel it ripping. My wife gets very wet and we could never not-use lube and still this would happen, she’s just ultra tight (it took us three days after our marriage to fit it in, and it WAS only 5” in girth, that’s not small but it’s not huge).

So anyway, I had to get the for-skin removed, and I love it now. It’s the best. My wife says she also likes it better now too. Anyway, there is a point to my rambling.

I jelq, holding the base of my penis as to not stretch the skin. Since the circ, I’ve had extra skin around the head and when I jelqed in the normal fashion, the skin would bunch up and almost pass the crown. Since I didn’t want to restore my forskin, I developed a new style of jelqing.

Place the penis between two fingers pushing back towards the pubic bone. When you jelq, the skin of the penis, isn’t stretched, just the insides of the penis. It’s worked great for me. I alternate every ten jelqs. It allows me to stretch the penis without stretching the skin around my head.

I guess a good analogy would be petting a bull dog. If you pet him all his skin will bunch up, if you hold the skin with one hand, you can pet the dog and feel under the skin.

I probably just wasted 5 min. of your time, sorry. If I helped anyone, then great.

Peace and God Bless.”

Well, I think doing that uncut would stop some of the growth.

Also, I think I jelqed with the skin pulled back before (when I had it) have you ever tried that?

Peace and God Bless.

"Kids you've tried your best and failed miserably... the lesson is, never try." -Homer Simpson

If you cant manage to stop all that extra foreskin from growing some more…You can always consult with a good Jewish Rabbi…No? :chuckle:

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


All kidding aside…I agree with Believer’s suggestion to jelq with the skin pulled back…its at least worth trying anything before having to resort to surgery. You might find that the skin is simply expanding in proportion to your gains but getting a head start otherwise you have a genuine problem on your hands.

I am also uncut but I have not encountered any problems thus so far.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


I’m also uncut. When stretching, I hold the glans by pulling foreskin back.

If you tie a string around your balls and pull it back between your legs

holding the string between your buttocks when jelqing , you will find

that the skin does not get in the way, or stretches.

This shortens the foreskin and leaves the shaft firm.

Thanks… I should give it a try to seuntjies’ comment.


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