Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Big Gainer Highlights

Originally Posted by srsabpe
I actually spent a ridiculous sum and have tried Phallosan (crap), Male edge (works if you have big fat flaccid glans otherwise you slip out), PmP (amazing)
I regret spending about 500$ on stuff that was useless to me :(

So I would recommend pmp to you. If you get an extra adhesion glue tube (promaster cream) and always use at least 2 drops and make sure the latex is well lubricated you will get a long lifetime out of the latex parts. I guess the chinese “Penismaster” (actually named Penimaster on Amazon) for 75$ would also be OK, but way less comfortable, it doesn’t use adhesion but only silicone ring and vaccuum, I think the adhesion thing of the pmp is superior to all other attachment principles.

Interesting I haven’t used the diaphragm on the Penimaster in months…just the sluice…

Started 6.4" in the tube 2/18. Now 8" 6/10/19 in tube. 6/10/19 BPEL 7.7", BPFSL 8". Began extender 9/4/18, followed by pumping. Short term goal 8" in the tube.Long term goal. 8" x 6" outside of tube. Penimaster rods 11/6/18: UP: 2x.5cm, 2x2cm, 2x4cm, 2x8cm,2x6cm

Originally Posted by Cdawggy
How would you count wearing an all-day penis extender for 4+ hours per day on top of a 45 minute jelqing and clamping routine?

It seems like many of these big gainers were doing long daily workouts of manual exercises, which I don’t think I can do. I can do an hour on top of wearing the extender.

Wearing my penis extender for 3-4 hours per day on top of a 30 minute jelqing and squeeze it’s the least that I can do per day.
I just started wearing it again for 8 hours and doing manual exercises for 2 hours per day.
(the perfect routine for me)

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon

boxcar23 gained 24 cubic inches. He was in his late 70’s during his gainer period here, and was an active poster, giving many details about his routine and theory about growth. He was not very sure of his erect starting size but he estimated it at 5” x 4.5”. He finished at 7.75" x 7.25" which is a gain of 2.75" length and 2.75" girth. It’s likely he did most of his PE from about June 2001 through March 2003. It’s possible he tried some PE as early as 1993. He hasn’t been around for a few years now.

Boxcar23 was a general pediatrician for his occupation, so he contributed some good info into the theory of cell growth in the penis, penile health theories, understanding of kegels, penile nerves, as well some good stories about turning heads in the medical community when he “proved” to them with definitive evidence that PE is real. As a physician he believed that age was a factor in his gains, citing lower elasticity in the tissues.

It seems he enjoyed his increased flaccid size more than erect size (in my 70’s I bet I will too) and went to the nude beaches in Jamaica. A lot of the measurements he quotes vary between flaccid and erect, and between whether they are immediately post-workout or not. So when reading through his individual posts, it’s not always clear on his growth progression. I would like to think as a man of science though, that his overall gains are quoted in the same state as they were initially measured.

He started out for the first couple months with half an hour jelqing and stretching daily, and then added in a Bib hanger and uli’s and squeezes for the next 6 months. There is a lot of variation in the measurements he posts during this period, but one thing is for sure, he gained length and girth very fast over the first 6-8 months using these exercises. His flaccid length started in the range of 3” x 3” to 5” x 3” and quickly went up to the 5” x 5” to 7” x 6” range. He attributes most of the gains to the hanging during this period

After about a year of that he updated his routine to 20 minutes of hanging (about 15-20 lbs BTC) followed by 20 minutes pumping at high pressure (10-20 inHg – important: he did not feel pain at this pressure while most people would) with 3-4 jelq sessions of about 100 jelqs each between about 5 minute pump sets, as I read it. Then he finished with 20 minutes of slower high force jelqing.

His rest schedule and overall time for each session was about a hour per day, 5 days a week. He estimated on average he did 500 jelqs per day.

His growth theory advocated using higher forces, but he also says that he didn’t feel pain, or that he felt a “pleasurable pain” so he was using that as an indicator of acceptable forces. He thought it was very important to use an overhand jelq grip and start the jelq as close as possible to the pubic bone. He has one post “Mouse under the Rug” where he outlines an interesting technique of kegeling and manually “pinching” off the bulbous area of the penis below the balls. Apparently he was able to get good girth expansion in this way, including a girth workout for the “internal” penis that is surrounded by the scrotum and usually so difficult to work.

Mouse under the rug

All in all, boxcar23 had some amazing gains, and contributed a lot of good info on how he thought those gains happened from a medical standpoint. There is considerable variation in his measurements, but that is expected at the age of 79. His age probably played a role in his success as well, but he attributes most of his gains to his early hanging, and then his jelqing/stretching through his career, and finally adding pumping about halfway through.

If you want to read some more details about his routine and size progression, do a search on the threads that he specifically started. He made a thread every once and a while with updates on his gains and routine.

This is basically my conclusion after a year or so of PE. To grow the penis high force is needed. Around 1-2hrs of hanging or 30 mins of pumping is sufficient for maximum gains/day. Using an ads and ”healing extended” matters nothing and does nothing to make your dick longer or wider.

Originally Posted by HenrikL

This is basically my conclusion after a year or so of PE. To grow the penis high force is needed. Around 1-2hrs of hanging or 30 mins of pumping is sufficient for maximum gains/day. Using an ads and ”healing extended” matters nothing and does nothing to make your dick longer or wider.

After many years of conditioning*

I agree but I do think ads has an effect just like massaging after a workout in the gym

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

Lol add Janus in it as well… Fuckin oddball

Originally Posted by deadly12xx12

Lol add Janus in it as well… Fuckin oddball

No need to kick a guy when he’s gone. It’s unfortunate you’d post something like that.

Haven't been here in years

Haven’t been on this site in years. I was flattered to see that I was listed on this thread as a big gainer. I also haven’t measured myself in years. I continue to sporadically clamp and edge. I think my girth has either stayed the same or increased. Length is probably around the same or slightly smaller. Maybe I’ll check this weekend and post pics.

I just figured I would reply quickly…. 25 years. 2.5” gain and looking for 1.5 more :) check out my join date 2002

I don’t post much but feel I really should share. I have been posting in the Life, Love and Fantasies

I have to say its so FUCKING COOL to see some of the original posters and know ppl are still around!

Last edited by cammie77 : 02-14-2020 at .

Originally Posted by cammie77
I just figured I would reply quickly.. 25 years. 2.5” gain and looking for 1.5 more :) check out my join date 2002

I don’t post much but feel I really should share. I have been posting in the Life, Love and Fantasies

I have to say its so FUCKING COOL to see some of the original posters and know ppl are still around!

Can’t wait to see your story.

Originally Posted by Terry Crews
Can’t wait to see your story.

Honestly I’m thinking of doing about a 20 minute video if anyone is interested.

1995 5" Bpel

2020 7.5" Bpel

Originally Posted by cammie77
Honestly I’m thinking of doing about a 20 minute video if anyone is interested.

1 - Terry

Originally Posted by Terry Crews
1 - Terry

Thanks, I honestly don’t have time to follow this thread so if it wouldnt be too much trouble have a moderator or someone msg me the results.

How about the members come up with questions?
put them in a list for me

I’m going to get into the why when how and what of PE I have 25 years under my belt. I’m not sure this has really been done :)

I’ll do a simple go pro video neck down.

Peace out

1995 5" Bpel

2020 7.5" Bpel

That will be very interesting and educational.

They’re all full of shit. PE is a myth. 90% of the gainers don’t have pictures. I wonder why that is. Maybe it helps EQ, but my theory is that this site was started by a bunch of sadistic dudes who get joy out of seeing small dicked people with hope while they’re out pleasing women more than we ever will.

Starting stats (5/9/18): NBPEL: 5.5" MSEG: 4.5" (with cock ring)

Short Term Goal: NBPEL: 6.3" MSEG 4.8"

Long Term Goal: NBPEL: 6.5" MSEG 5.25"

Originally Posted by Blues Guy
They’re all full of shit. PE is a myth. 90% of the gainers don’t have pictures. I wonder why that is. Maybe it helps EQ, but my theory is that this site was started by a bunch of sadistic dudes who get joy out of seeing small dicked people with hope while they’re out pleasing women more than we ever will.

All that plus we trick the gullible into paying for the site.
We have a separate forum where we laugh and make fun of the other members.

Now that we are past the silly stuff,
Cammie, that would be hella cool to get some of your thoughts and experience.

Thank you so much in advance,

First redneck to say the phrase, “hold my beer while I go and microwave my unit for a bit”


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