Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Big Gainer Highlights

Originally Posted by Blues Guy
They’re all full of shit. PE is a myth. 90% of the gainers don’t have pictures. I wonder why that is. Maybe it helps EQ, but my theory is that this site was started by a bunch of sadistic dudes who get joy out of seeing small dicked people with hope while they’re out pleasing women more than we ever will.

Then there is no need for you to take this journey with us.

All the best Blues Guy and may you find all that you are looking for.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by Blues Guy
They’re all full of shit. PE is a myth. 90% of the gainers don’t have pictures. I wonder why that is. Maybe it helps EQ, but my theory is that this site was started by a bunch of sadistic dudes who get joy out of seeing small dicked people with hope while they’re out pleasing women more than we ever will.

I hear you are frustrated with your lack of results, but for some of us we have found a great benefit to penis enlargement, and not just improved erection quality. I think you are to focused on size of a dick as the ultimate satisfaction for women. If this was true there wouldn’t be countless women out there being satisfied by there women lover by only their fingers. I know I believed this also for the majority of my life, but have found my tongue much more reliable in satisfying a women. This is after reaching above average length and girth. I know it feels good to fill a women up but that is not necessarily required to please a lot of women…

Originally Posted by Growing4it
. If this was true there wouldn’t be countless women out there being satisfied by there women lover by only their fingers.

I’ve had a few lesbian friends in my life and from what I understand, they use a lot more than just fingers.. 😂

*️⃣ Now (6/1/20): 7.125” BPEL x 5.6875” MSEG

*️⃣ Start (10/31/19): 6” BPEL x 5.25” MSEG

Easy Peasy’s Quest to Swang an 8x6

Originally Posted by Blues Guy
They’re all full of shit. PE is a myth. 90% of the gainers don’t have pictures. I wonder why blah, blah blah, blah, blah….

“Ex Member”

To the Mods: Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by HenrikL
This is basically my conclusion after a year or so of PE. To grow the penis high force is needed. Around 1-2hrs of hanging or 30 mins of pumping is sufficient for maximum gains/day. Using an ADS and ”healing extended” matters nothing and does nothing to make your dick longer or wider.

I’ve been hanging every day yet I’ve yet to see gains so I think there is more to it than just hanging!

Well the writing style of the good ol’ Blues Guy is pretty aggressive but, as a beginner, I have to admit a part of me is skeptical too. I think PE can bring result, just because there are too many posters here and it would be insanely f*cked up if everybody was lying to himself and faking stats.
I think this is a healthy way of viewing a topic like PE. Always take everything with a grain of salt. We are not supposed to accept any theory blindly, we have to gauge and then try and put the work. The problem with PE is that patience is key. For example, I tried the newbie routine for 6months+ (starting slow and then adding a few more minutes of stretching, here and there, or a few more jelqs, etc), I followed everything that was written, warmup, restdays, etc. Missing no session. And I have had 0 gain, length or girth. Absolutely 0.

I am not saying PE is not working, I am saying I had no gain. So now I am getting into PE again to give it another try, but OF COURSE a part of me is skeptical (when an other part of me wants to hope I can get results). I read some guys have had results with the newbie routine in 2 weeks or 1 month+. I haven’t. Maybe it’s because of my technique, maybe of my body (hard to believe), maybe an other reason. So I know that my next trial brings me into at least a several months journey, with a LOT of hard work.

It would be very inspirational to see just ONE thread, where the poster is a “respected” member of the community, trusted by the other members who are sure this is genuine stats and pics. I don’t blame all the guys who will tell “yeah but I didn’t measure correctly or forgot to take a pic at the beginning of my PE career”, everybody has his reason, some also don’t want to put a dick pic on the internet, but I am sure there is at least one guy, genuine guy, who posted before/after pictures, with noticeable gains. We don’t need +5 inches gains to be inspired but just an obvious gain between two non-photoshoped pictures would be a great step for all the skeptics or the guys who lose faith along their PE route.

Of course, nobody owes anything. Of course some people will say “I don’t need to prove anything to you, just work and you will see, I know my stats are real”. It’s not about not believing you, it is about an actual proof that serves as an inspiration for hundreds of guys. It would be far easier mentally to work on a goal for months or years and hundreds+ of hours when we saw that it actually works. If I hit the gym as a skinny anorexic dude with chicken legs, I know for sure that if I put the work, I can become a monster in a few years. That’s motivating.

I tried to search all I could on this board but could not find a trusted member with genuine before/after pics with very obvious gains. I am sure there are a lot, can someone link it ?
During my researches, I saw a ton of this kind of progress pics but even when the guy claims +1,5 inch gain in girth and 2 inches length, it’s still very hard to see any difference, it could have been taken between a semi boner and a full erection. And this kind of gain should be extremely noticeable.
Some guys are also really thin/short compared to the stats they claim. I think we can all agree that there ARE a lot of fakes, obviously, like everywhere, especially in this kind of “I have the biggest” subject. But I am also sure there are a LOT of genuine mates out here. Again, please don’t take it as an attack, just if someone has a link towards real result pics, I would be happy, and I’m sure a lot of others would be too.

This question has probably been asked dozens of times, but I haven’t found the answer. I found a lot of progress reports but I am searching for at least one well known member with “huge” gains.
If I don’t find this motivation, I will do my 6months+ PE workout anyway and see the results by myself ;) If after 6 months of manual PE and then 6 months of manual + extender PE I still don’t see any gain, I will probably quit for good, considering it as a huge waste of time and effort. Even if it works, I’m sure everybody has some “down time” during their PE journey, and it would be good to look up to a motivational member who achieved verified great success.

Wow, that was a long post.

Thank you.

Last edited by Allo : 06-04-2020 at .

There is no advatage for you or me or anyone else to see real proof of big gains of an other person and I ll explain you the reasons:

Some dicks are easy to gain fast and a lot… some are gaining a little and slow and some are gaining NOTHING ( non gainers ).
So even if you see a perfect real pic of someone that gained 2 inches in length and 1 inch in girth it doesn t mean that because he did it … you can also do it.
So what s the point?

Now what I have learned through my 2 years experience of consistent PE ( and some spread months of PE in the past) is that every dick is gaining with different ways.
There are people that are gaining ONLY with low intenisties and people that are gaining ONLY with big intensites and some are gaining with anything and some are not able to gain no matter what they are doing.
So it s up to the person to explore with patience and dincipline what works for him and if something did not work not to be desapointed and just go for the next method to see if its gonna work for him.

Even a little change in the same routine can make a person from non gainer to a gainer.
A perfect example is me… I had done jelqing 3-4 periods of my life with zero gains.
The method of my jelqing was the classic one … 2-3secs strokes with medium inetnsity and I gained nothing.
Then I changed it and I was doing 5-8 secs strokes with LIGHT intensity and teh girth gains was poping like crazy making me gain 1,5cm in 6 months and +0,5cm more with a little add on of bundle stretching right before jelqing.
So from a non gainer (in length and girth) I became sudently a big girth gainer and sooooooooooo easy and so fast without even doing dangerous stuff like clamping or pumping.
My length gains are very small no matter the 1450h of extending and hard manuals I have done.

Through this journey and being an analytic guy and big observator I noticed that the periods that I was gaining length was ONLY when I was doing LOW intensity of extending for only3-4h per day and that whenever I was upping the intensity and/or the vol the gains were getting instantly into a halt and the Bad Pis were happening.
The other period that I gained was with LIGHT intensity manual stretching…

So lets say that now that I am into the right path of the less is more that I have found out that is the only thing that is working me…. in some months I ll gain 1/2 inches more…. well it will happend the same thing as my girth gains…
So what IF I had stopped and said… well PE doesn t work … or well my dick can t gain?
I would just have a false conclusion.

So what u need to understand is that by looking at a dick pic that is genuine and the gains are huge… it doesn t change your PE journey.
So there is really no point in asking for proofs.

I d like to add some more things.

The other reason of me not gaining good length is the lack of proper rest days and the lack of week offs .
I was gaining ONLY when I had 2 rest days per week and also I was gaining after week offs.

Some people are lucky and they just pick up a routine and they are gaining…
BUT some people have to experiment with methods and intensities/vol/freq in order to find out HOW their dicks can gain.
If you are in that category then the future gains will depend of these factors:

1)Not lose hope
3)Education on the subject by reading tons of other people experiences through PE forums

Originally Posted by Allo
Well the writing style of the good ol’ Blues Guy is pretty aggressive but, as a beginner, I have to admit a part of me is skeptical too. I think PE can bring result, just because there are too many posters here and it would be insanely f*cked up if everybody was lying to himself and faking stats.
I think this is a healthy way of viewing a topic like PE. Always take everything with a grain of salt. We are not supposed to accept any theory blindly, we have to gauge and then try and put the work. The problem with PE is that patience is key. For example, I tried the newbie routine for 6months+ (starting slow and then adding a few more minutes of stretching, here and there, or a few more jelqs, etc), I followed everything that was written, warmup, restdays, etc. Missing no session. And I have had 0 gain, length or girth. Absolutely 0.

I am not saying PE is not working, I am saying I had no gain. So now I am getting into PE again to give it another try, but OF COURSE a part of me is skeptical (when an other part of me wants to hope I can get results). I read some guys have had results with the newbie routine in 2 weeks or 1 month+. I haven’t. Maybe it’s because of my technique, maybe of my body (hard to believe), maybe an other reason. So I know that my next trial brings me into at least a several months journey, with a LOT of hard work.

It would be very inspirational to see just ONE thread, where the poster is a “respected” member of the community, trusted by the other members who are sure this is genuine stats and pics. I don’t blame all the guys who will tell “yeah but I didn’t measure correctly or forgot to take a pic at the beginning of my PE career”, everybody has his reason, some also don’t want to put a dick pic on the internet, but I am sure there is at least one guy, genuine guy, who posted before/after pictures, with noticeable gains. We don’t need +5 inches gains to be inspired but just an obvious gain between two non-photoshoped pictures would be a great step for all the skeptics or the guys who lose faith along their PE route.

Of course, nobody owes anything. Of course some people will say “I don’t need to prove anything to you, just work and you will see, I know my stats are real”. It’s not about not believing you, it is about an actual proof that serves as an inspiration for hundreds of guys. It would be far easier mentally to work on a goal for months or years and hundreds+ of hours when we saw that it actually works. If I hit the gym as a skinny anorexic dude with chicken legs, I know for sure that if I put the work, I can become a monster in a few years. That’s motivating.

I tried to search all I could on this board but could not find a trusted member with genuine before/after pics with very obvious gains. I am sure there are a lot, can someone link it ?
During my researches, I saw a ton of this kind of progress pics but even when the guy claims +1,5 inch gain in girth and 2 inches length, it’s still very hard to see any difference, it could have been taken between a semi boner and a full erection. And this kind of gain should be extremely noticeable.
Some guys are also really thin/short compared to the stats they claim. I think we can all agree that there ARE a lot of fakes, obviously, like everywhere, especially in this kind of “I have the biggest” subject. But I am also sure there are a LOT of genuine mates out here. Again, please don’t take it as an attack, just if someone has a link towards real result pics, I would be happy, and I’m sure a lot of others would be too.

This question has probably been asked dozens of times, but I haven’t found the answer. I found a lot of progress reports but I am searching for at least one well known member with “huge” gains.
If I don’t find this motivation, I will do my 6months+ PE workout anyway and see the results by myself ;) If after 6 months of manual PE and then 6 months of manual + extender PE I still don’t see any gain, I will probably quit for good, considering it as a huge waste of time and effort. Even if it works, I’m sure everybody has some “down time” during their PE journey, and it would be good to look up to a motivational member who achieved verified great success.

Wow, that was a long post.

Thank you.

Hello Allo!
You can check out my thread for pictures. I took pictures after 2 weeks of PE. I gained 2 cm my first 4-5 months and my pictures are taken in the exact same way, same place, light and same ruler. The best thing was that my girlfriend started to make comments about my dick being bigger😄
Unfortunately there has been very small gains last 10 months. I now know why, to little rest days. My dick even lost gains and I had bad EQ at one point.

I agree that there are probably people here that lying about their gains. It’s quite easy to take picture with a ruler as proof but only a few do it and almost non of the big gainers have before and after pictures.

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

I credit most if not all of my gains to pumping. It is also a very pleasant experience, but you need to research it carefully before starting as it is a complex and subtle PE method and will take time to perfect the routine that is right for you. You’ll find all the information you need in the pumping forum. I wouldn’t waste too much time on the pointless search for absolute proof that PE works. Even if it existed, there are so many variables in application of the various technique and in individual responses meaning that what worked for one individual may not work for you. Indeed you may be extremely unlucky and never find a technique that works for you at all. That’s life I suppose, but I would take the positive approach and as the Nike logo says ‘Just do it!’.

Originally Posted by irishjim
I credit most if not all of my gains to pumping. It is also a very pleasant experience, but you need to research it carefully before starting as it is a complex and subtle PE method and will take time to perfect the routine that is right for you. You’ll find all the information you need in the pumping forum. I wouldn’t waste too much time on the pointless search for absolute proof that PE works. Even if it existed, there are so many variables in application of the various technique and in individual responses meaning that what worked for one individual may not work for you. Indeed you may be extremely unlucky and never find a technique that works for you at all. That’s life I suppose, but I would take the positive approach and as the Nike logo says ‘Just do it!’.

Could you please post what was the pumping routine you did and gained with it?

My first venture into pumping was a very long time ago, long before Thunder’s Place, and the availability of the sophisticated pumping equipment now available. The first thing to note is that the kit I used was a cheap sex shop cylinder and a rubber bulb type pump without a gauge. Given the limitations of the equipment it wasn’t possible to generate much pump pressure which at least had the benefit of minimising the chance of injury through applying too much pressure. The session was basically a 20 minute pump session at a pressure that produced a good expansion without going into pain. I did this along with a version of what would now be known as the ‘newbie routine’ (jelking, manual stretches and squeezes). This was done every other day. My gains, both length and girth, all came in a six month period. Although I have tried a wide range of other PE techniques since, and still do today, no significant gains above those early ones have happened. The pump routine I follow now is very close to the one set out by Avocet in ‘Pumping 101’ and that is the one I would recommend to beginners. the equipment I use is a 2.25” x 10” flared cylinder from along with a plastic trigger pump.Read plenty in the pumping forum, especially the advice on sizing your cylinder.

Seeing all the people questioning the reality of PE entertains me to the core. I have been doing PE for 26 ish years now. I was always a slow gainer. I found out about PE on WebTV… Yeah way back before Thunders Place, No offence Thunder ;)

Most of the time I was very skeptical. Every couple months I would see another 1/8” on the ruler but shrug it off as maybe I had an extra good pull or I was really warmed up. Gains would stop and I would get frustrated, stop for a few months then start up again. Over the years I gained and lossed but I’m at least 2” longer and much thicker than I was when I started in my early 20’s.

Over the years I have tried…

Various hormones, internationally sourced. Dangerous I had a heart attack after a round of hormones
“ebay” creams…. junk
pumps / bathmate.. fun no permanent gains
All day Stretchers …. worst waste of time ever
Manual exercises / stretches IMO are the best thing you can do
Extended wear cock rings work good for me, be careful not to castrate yourself.

Currently I’m using cock rings, 20-24 hours a day for flaccid gains the wife seems to think it’s helping the erect length.
The ladies at the beach all seem to enjoy the bulge :) Bonus… Chicks dig them, seriously…

1995 5" Bpel

2020 7.5" Bpel

Originally Posted by Pe_is_an_art
I d like to add some more things.

The other reason of me not gaining good length is the lack of proper rest days and the lack of week offs .
I was gaining ONLY when I had 2 rest days per week and also I was gaining after week offs.

Some people are lucky and they just pick up a routine and they are gaining…
BUT some people have to experiment with methods and intensities/vol/freq in order to find out HOW their dicks can gain.
If you are in that category then the future gains will depend of these factors:

1)Not lose hope
3)Education on the subject by reading tons of other people experiences through PE forums

I totally agree with this. Rest days and consistency are really important. We create micro tears during PE, but the growing part only happens when we rest.


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