Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Big Gainer Highlights

Originally Posted by Aboveallothers
I don’t think keeping a penis in erect stretched length would be a smart thing at all, especially since Viagra warnings indicate that you should go to the Emergency room after an erection doesn’t go away for hours. I don’t think the ESL-40 would work. It’s not the type of vacuum/suction that you think. it won’t give you the erection type that you seem to be indicating.

Im sorry english is not my main language. I meant keeping my penis stretched as long as my erect length but flaccid and stretched, what about that?

Originally Posted by srsabpe
Im sorry english is not my main language. I meant keeping my penis stretched as long as my erect length but flaccid and stretched, what about that?

Well, that is basically what NBFSL is. Your penis stretched out to the maximum length out in front of you. That is pretty much what all Penis extenders do. Autoextender/Euroextender. All of them do that.

12-25-2017: BPFSL: 5.0" BPEL: 6.0" MSEG: 5" Volume: 12.0"

Goal: BPFSL: 8" BPEL: 9" MSEG: 5.5" Volume: 22.0"

Originally Posted by srsabpe
So I think trying to max your gains from a simple extender or light manual stretching before moving to hanging etc. .

So yes, this would be a great idea. But I wouldn’t go for a “simple” extender. Try to get a high quality one, that has a metal build, not plastic. Those ones that are metal, and have great reviews, will not break easily, like the plastic low quality ones can. If you drop $100 bucks on a cheap one, and it breaks, and they have bad customer support, you will cry (if money is a big deal to you).

I’ve been doing some serious jelquing, finally. I can justify buying both a pump and an extender, in about a months time.

12-25-2017: BPFSL: 5.0" BPEL: 6.0" MSEG: 5" Volume: 12.0"

Goal: BPFSL: 8" BPEL: 9" MSEG: 5.5" Volume: 22.0"

Originally Posted by Aboveallothers
So yes, this would be a great idea. But I wouldn’t go for a “simple” extender. Try to get a high quality one, that has a metal build, not plastic. Those ones that are metal, and have great reviews, will not break easily, like the plastic low quality ones can. If you drop $100 bucks on a cheap one, and it breaks, and they have bad customer support, you will cry (if money is a big deal to you).

I’ve been doing some serious jelquing, finally. I can justify buying both a pump and an extender, in about a months time.

I actually spent a ridiculous sum and have tried Phallosan (crap), Male edge (works if you have big fat flaccid glans otherwise you slip out), PmP (amazing)
I regret spending about 500$ on stuff that was useless to me :(

So I would recommend pmp to you. If you get an extra adhesion glue tube (promaster cream) and always use at least 2 drops and make sure the latex is well lubricated you will get a long lifetime out of the latex parts. I guess the chinese “Penismaster” (actually named Penimaster on Amazon) for 75$ would also be OK, but way less comfortable, it doesn’t use adhesion but only silicone ring and vaccuum, I think the adhesion thing of the pmp is superior to all other attachment principles.

Originally Posted by srsabpe
I actually spent a ridiculous sum and have tried Phallosan (crap), Male edge (works if you have big fat flaccid glans otherwise you slip out), PmP (amazing)
I regret spending about 500$ on stuff that was useless to me :(

So I would recommend pmp to you. If you get an extra adhesion glue tube (promaster cream) and always use at least 2 drops and make sure the latex is well lubricated you will get a long lifetime out of the latex parts. I guess the chinese “Penismaster” (actually named Penimaster on Amazon) for 75$ would also be OK, but way less comfortable, it doesn’t use adhesion but only silicone ring and vaccuum, I think the adhesion thing of the pmp is superior to all other attachment principles.

Interesting. That was definitely the one that I thought was the best one to get when I was compiling a list of ones to consider. When I get my money together, I will definitely give that one as my purchase. I hope its great enough so I don’t need another brand of an extender. Good to know that you feel so highly about it. Also thanks for the advice on promaster cream. It is much appreciated.

12-25-2017: BPFSL: 5.0" BPEL: 6.0" MSEG: 5" Volume: 12.0"

Goal: BPFSL: 8" BPEL: 9" MSEG: 5.5" Volume: 22.0"

Originally Posted by Titleist
I wish I had taken measured photos way back when and really chronicled my growth. It may turn people off because it takes a very long time to get two inches of growth.

It’s why I think everyone should C with clear measurements even if they will never post or share them.

I’m agree with you Titleist!
Unfortunately, I don’t have any “measured photo” from the start me either.

Originally Posted by a-unit
I was doing two hours a day for a while and it was effecting my work.

I also think that people making extreme claims yet very little or no posting history seems odd.

Can I ask how long after did you gain your first inch. I’m new here and I am just looking for an inch, it would be enough for me . And I haven’t really measured my girth but my penis looked slimmer and harder this week, kinda made me feel weird.

I know this thread is focused on “big gainers”, but it’d be helpful see some information about the more modest gainers who, I imagine, are in the 80 percentile category!

Stone phallus totem in Formosa Aboriginal Cultural Village

Originally Posted by a-unit
I was doing two hours a day for a while and it was effecting my work.

I also think that people making extreme claims yet very little or no posting history seems odd.

I have been doing P.E. Since January and I never really post.. I don’t even measure much.. But I’m telling you right now.. Even in 6 months my girl claims I gained quite a bit.. I wasn’t massive at all when I started but I did NBP measurements I know I gained at least .5” length easy.. It seems to be working well for me by just using the less is more.. May seem weird but if you do less in the beginning.. You’ll see gains.. Keep SLOWLY adding.. I haven’t added anything to the routine.. Jp90 other than an extender and I literally just stared messing around with a ring.. Both are for post P.E. Jp90.. One or the other for at least 2 hours for the extender and 20 minutes w the ring. Not on the same day either.. I just see so much about big gainers and nobody wants to believe it.. I also have a very extensive resume from the gym as well though.. I was in the service.. My body is already geared to recover.. It’s all I’ve been doing my whole life.. Now that I take vitamins. Watch my diet, use the P.E. Gym! Now I’m gaining and I’ll post again one day but I’m gonna just use before and after a to show progress.

I made a GREAT mistake of starting off intensely with an extender and after a month started stretching and some jelqing also long and intense. 3 months after I seen only girt gain, no length which is what I want. I am too impatient for decon breaks, even for a full rest days (I think I had 2 so far), so I’m now going with occasional stretches throughout the day, inspired by this thread > Very short duration manual stretch - gains?

any chance if there is data how often these big gainers had sexual intercourse?

Jan 1 2011

Nbpel 4.9 inch. Bpel 5.35 inch

Nbpfl 3 inch

As often as they could get it and fit it. :chuckle:

What are you getting at?

There’s some anecdotal evidence to suggest keeping a loaded gun could help gains, whereas depletion to the point of shooting blanks could hinder them. And getting regular action, general sex positivity, and a happy relaxed attitude about PE can only help on the mental side.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
As often as they could get it and fit it. :chuckle:

What are you getting at?

There’s some anecdotal evidence to suggest keeping a loaded gun could help gains, whereas depletion to the point of shooting blanks could hinder them. And getting regular action, general sex positivity, and a happy relaxed attitude about PE can only help on the mental side.

I had a theory for myself that having sexual intercourse on a regular bases hinders my gains from my pe journey. Just wanted to see if gainers were having intercourse on the regular.

Jan 1 2011

Nbpel 4.9 inch. Bpel 5.35 inch

Nbpfl 3 inch

Originally Posted by iwant2bhung
I had a theory for myself that having sexual intercourse on a regular bases hinders my gains from my pe journey. Just wanted to see if gainers were having intercourse on the regular.

As a “big gainer”,I have sex regulary but,I only come once a week.
Suggestion: Keep your loaded gun from Sunday to Saturday.
Usually, it will give you a huge cumshot on Saturday night. :-)

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon

3. Time, effort, dedication, consistency, and perseverance bordering on obsession was the closest thing to a common factor under our control that I could find in the study. I believe you [memento] posted something in that thread along the lines of what we get back from PE is definitely related to how much we put into it. Again, I think predisposition dominates this effect, and that not everyone benefits from 3 hours of PE per day unless they are pre-disposed to be able to take advantage of that extra time. That being said, big gainers tended to put in much more time and effort than the average PE’er. If the average PE’er does 30 minutes 4-5 days a week for 1-2 years. The average big gainer was more in the realm of 1-3 hours of PE, 5-7 days per week, for 2-10 years. They really took a deep personal involvement in their gains, listened to their dicks, found what worked for them and what didn’t, and then ran with it. They tended to experiment often, make up their own unique routine, [and] even design their own home-made devices to fit a particular personal need. PE was truly a hobby and lifestyle for them. They had an ongoing and active commitment to gain.

How would you count wearing an all-day penis extender for 4+ hours per day on top of a 45 minute jelqing and clamping routine?

It seems like many of these big gainers were doing long daily workouts of manual exercises, which I don’t think I can do. I can do an hour on top of wearing the extender.


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