Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Big Gainer Highlights

Thanks for the insights swaffel.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Hold on, the guy talks about putting his 10 inch girth into a VICE and clamping down until he bleeds out of his urethra… and we are taking him seriously?

2014: 8.4 x 5.5

2022: 9 x 6.2

Originally Posted by jhtownsend
Hold on, the guy talks about putting his 10 inch girth into a VICE and clamping down until he bleeds out of his urethra.. And we are taking him seriously?

You’re actually supposed to use a steam roller. There may be a little blood, but the length benefits outweigh the cons of having a pancake dick.

The edging, erection cycle, and mental PE is good advice though. As long as you take it slow, you’ll be fine.

Originally Posted by xeno
Thank you swaffel.


Actually he was just quoting relaxo . Relaxo - Big Gainer Highlights

Originally Posted by Walter5169
Actually he was just quoting relaxo . Relaxo - Big Gainer Highlights

Missed that Walter; thank you for clarifying the attribution.

Thank you Relaxo!

And thank you swaffel for bringing Relaxo’s observations forward.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by swaffel
There have been some good posts since I last weighed in here, but in particular what Relaxo had to say was quite informative in my opinion. I’ll paste it so you can refresh:

“I suppose I am a big gainer, I’ve been at PE for around 40 years in some form or another, and never used camps as such, and pumped for a couple of weeks once but didn’t really feel it was the way to go (for me.) I remember measuring when I was a teenager and being about 5 3/4. I remember measuring when I was approx 40 and recall approx 7.75, and since being on my own for the last ten years (still mostly in relationships) I have devoted more than a healthy amount of time to PE and now get “flash measurements” of 9.5” (sometimes more.) My smallest flaccid is around 4.5 and the largest about 5.5 (not often.) I was always blessed with reasonable girth but it had slowly grown to around 5.8- 6”. In the last six months I have got that up to 6.6+ BG at 90% erection.

I have some theories, and I think many other big gainers will attest these are vitally important to know and understand.

Mental attitude and conviction PE works- it does.
Dedication. Yes, like succeeding at anything in life, one has to be completely focused and dedicated to the point of obsession. I sometimes put two hours a day into uninterrupted PE, spread over the course of the whole day.
Penis conditioning- vitally important.
Self understanding from a physiological point of view. This is far more important than most realise.

Before I say more, I would like to point out I only have one penis and body combination. Therefore I cannot sensibly comment on other’s different physiological responses to PE, and their ultimate results. With regard to my penis, I have a deep one, not a “beaver tail” such as the likes of Mr Diesel. This may or may not make a difference to the effectiveness of PE- I don’t know.

A couple of observations I have made over the years, and particularly over the last few years- before I understood these things progress was a lot slower. I know I will only get bigger, I also know what I need to understand to trigger growth. In no particular order;

Relaxing into it- you MUST give yourself free time which will be uninterrupted, this gives the correct mental conditioning before a good workout. This actually starts the night before when I go to bed and my head hits the pillow- I tell myself I have a big **** and visualise what it is going to become. This is vitally important- don’t believe me…?

Timing- it does not matter what you measure, but it does matter when you “work out’ and how the measurements you take compare- I cannot stress this enough. You will have times of the day when you feel most “vital” and you should structure your sessions around these times. Also blood sugar levels have a huge effect on your best friend, low and tired - forget it. Vital, and forty minutes after a decent sandwich- go for it- the difference is huge- literally.

Edging- you better believe it. I can only conclude that edging (and in fact all PE) leaves a build up of all sorts of “things” inside the penis and surrounding tissues, which predispose it to stimulation. The more the build up, the more the readiness of the penis to do it’s thing. Also, this build up of hormones and substances (or whatever the active ingredients are) masks just how much stress you can enter into your penis, when fully edged the penis can take far more abuse- or more accurately, your brain doesn’t receive the same signals as they are masked by the altered condition of the penis.

Blood in- blood out. It’s vitally important to let the penis and genitals cycle. In my experience, my erection goes through three or four cycles in each workout session.
This is your **** doing what it should, it’s flushing the system, getting old blood out, and new blood in. Who knows what bio is put into the bloodstream by the main body during the sexual stimulation you give yourself to aid PE. Letting him blow down and expel waste also allows him to breath in a fresh supply. Blood also brings heat with it- which is useful. “

I would like to add a few things, but first I should say that I agree mostly with everything Relaxo said. I have applied many methods in the effort to maximize my erectile function over these last thirty years or more. Pretty much if you name it, I have tried it. I’m a do-it-your-self-er and inventor so there are things you probably couldn’t name that I have tried also, but let me just briefly go over some of the principals and techniques that I have employed that I believe have yielded the best results. I suppose I will get criticized, and rightly so, if I don’t first stress that some of the things I talk about should not be tried without first adequately conditioning your penis. This for me was a very long process, but I believe now with all of the great advice that is alliterated on this site that it could be done much faster - perhaps within one year or even less.
First, diet and exercise. Too much has already been said about this for any need to say much more. I would simply stress that getting enough minerals in there proper form (mono atomic) is essential. The best way to do this in the world such as it is today is to to eat as much wild, raw foods as is possible. I get out regularly and gather berries, nuts and seeds while they are in season, and put them up for consumption through out the year. I also make a heart healthy tincture out of hawthorn berries to help promote good circulation. Also I eat lots of raw aloevera to help promote absorption, which is just one of it’s benefits.
Clamping. Start slow. Continually attempt to work the clamp further and further down your base. As you proceed, work to increase intensity. Like Relaxo pointed out, a well conditioned penis can take a phenomenal amount of force. At this late date in my P.E. Career I can now clamp off my unit with two cable clamps and still have 8 inches to work with ( I now use the large ones as I have a 10 inch base girth) and then slowly crush it in a bench vice. While doing this I have my penis sheathed in a protective neoprene cover with the gland uncovered. The force applied is substantial enough to double the size of my protruding gland. Yes, it hurts, and at times I have made blood come out my urethra, but as of yet it has never resulted in any serious problem. And yes, I have broken quite a few clamps.
Vacuum pumping. I’ve been pumping for about 15 years now. To make a long story short. I’ve concluded that I get the best results with a form fitting, contoured cylinder with an oval shaped opening that is off set at a 60 degree angle to the direction of the shaft. This has been highly effective in bringing out and enlarging my base. Also I fill the cylinder with very warm olive oil. I’ve made the base of the cylinder in such a manner that when under vacuum pressure it applies more force to the base shaft than to the upper shaft and gland. This was a tricky project that required making a clay model of my penis in a slightly larger, idealized form, and then laying up glass and resin while also fitting a gate valve at the top of the gland.(over the years I’ve made several as my size has increased.) Mostly I pump at the highest possible pressures, sometimes up to three hours, all the while kegeling fresh blood into my organ. I have counted up to 3000 kegels at a time. With much practice and concentration I’ve managed to gain mastery over which side of my penis I kegel blood into.
All day pressure sock. I can’t stress this enough. Time and again it has been proven that pressure aids in healing, and growth. I won’t go into this as I’ve seen that an excellent expose has already been written about it by the infamous “Chubypeckerwood.” I recommend doing a search and reading what he had to say about this subject, as it was spot on.
You may have surmised by now that I am completely obsessed with penis enhancement. Yep, I have been ever since I can remember. I started tugging in a pretty ferocious manner at a very young age. I started measuring my length and girth at about age 8. I was fantasizing about penetrating woman with a huge unit even before that.. I could give you what may pass for an explanation as to why, but in the end does it matter - we want what we want. When I was twenty I got onto a book that suggested it was quite possible to enlarge one’s self.. I have been hooked ever since, and have perused this goal with a determination that is nothing short of manic. That was 32 years ago. Now, every woman I have sex with tells me I have the biggest cock they have ever seen, by a long shot, and I am still not satisfied. It really does make you wonder.

When and how the edging is recommended for a newbie like me?
What was your initial girth(ms) and what is your current girth?

As is the maximum that can grow in thickness only with manual exercises?





When and how the edging is recommended for a newbie like me?
What was your initial girth(ms) and what is your current girth?
As is the maximum that can grow in thickness only with manual exercises?”

Edging is always recommended IMO. Two things happen. Firstly you don’t lose the urge, which keeps you vital. Secondly, eventually you will get to a slightly altered state- try it. Maybe around day 3-4 you will be so ready, yet your tissues will be swollen, tired and have taken on a different quality. At this point you will not be gaining full erection so easily, and you can really work at high pressure with manual exercises. I would estimate I have grown a good 1/2 inch girth during the last six months, seems to be fully cemented with more at the base.
One tip is to stop concentrating on length exercise, as you should be trying everything you can to work blood at pressure into the cavernosa with total neglect for the spongiosum. Do it correctly and you will gain length as an unintended consequence.

My main goal is functionality and thickness. I just want to growing thick. say what grows in length will be side effects.
I took almost 5 months with the Linear newbie routine and my routine is JAI 5on2off jelquing 2on1off and with I R constant heat lamp.
Growing = 0
Functionality = 200%

I’m very happy but I was happier if fatten.
Thank you so much




Give it time.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Originally Posted by Relaxo

Secondly, eventually you will get to a slightly altered state- try it. Maybe around day 3-4 you will be so ready, yet your tissues will be swollen, tired and have taken on a different quality. At this point you will not be gaining full erection so easily, and you can really work at high pressure with manual exercises.

This is very interesting thank you, how long do you keep going in such cases? It sounds like borderline overtraining, so when do you decide to take days off?

Originally Posted by Walter5169
This is very interesting thank you, how long do you keep going in such cases? It sounds like borderline overtraining, so when do you decide to take days off?

Overtraining- hhmmm. I suppose in a way it is. Thing is, if you ejaculate yourself, or participate with a partner, once it’s all over your mind puts the sex circuits on to ignore mode.
I dont know if you have any idea what a guitar valve amp is, one with a standby and on switch. With edging, the sex circuit becomes wired to “standby” mode. It’s warm it’s ready to deliver max power.
Overtraining (or response exhaustion) is very real, the same way that constant ejaculation robs the penis of the chance to be “loaded.” two to three days in works best for me, at that point you can really get into the zone with some really impressive manual internal pressure exercises, and everything is stacking up in your favour.

I understand what you mean with the edging stuff, I was more curious about the PE part (which you partly adressed). So from what I understand you had slightly lower EQ on the second or third day, hit the penis hard with manual exercises and then took the next day off (or until top EQ?) ?

Were your edging without cumming and PE days synchronized? By that I mean did you cum only on your day off ?

I have tried edging without cumming for a week, and at the moment, a month or so, and I’m not sure I don’t have more benefits from ejaculating every three days or so, I suspect everyone is different and hormones play a part (not to mention xeno’s views on manipulating energies (which I am curious to know more about)).

Cleaning up this thread.

Let’s stay focused on thread’s subject. Non-related stuff will be directed somewhere else.

We appreciate!

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Good Job you guys! Hope to achieve an A+ gain too. I’m on size genetics at the moment.

Sorry to move away from the discussion of reliability and proof. However, I was wondering if you are still monitoring impressive gainers, BD. It has been a while since the start of this thread. I am interested to see if there are any more members worthy of the Hall of Fame that I consider this thread. Still working on getting on here myself ;) i’m looking at +0.88” BPEL, +0.22” MSEG, and +2.43 cubic inches in volume over +3 years (no where near consistently). I have a long road ahead of me.

Unfortunately (for some in this thread) my beginners pictures are lost due to a laptop wipe. Guess I’ll just have to gain 2” extra from this point in time ;)

Edit: grammar and sentence structure.

The aim: to be unable to fit in a cigar cutter.


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