Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Big Gainer Highlights

Well, 1 on ten millions is exagerately low, we don’t have so many member and we do have people who posted 2”+ length gains (girth is another story); other than that, I agree with you dzuchy.

Originally Posted by dzuchy

My take is very, very few people achieve anything over 1” growth (either way)

What would you attribute that to?


I agree very few people achieve over 1inch either way. But that I say is due to lack of dedication and consistency rather than being biologically unable to gain.

Just like with normal bodybuilding, very few men push for their optimal physique once they realize how much work that takes.

Start stats NBP: 6.7 inches length, 5.12 inches girth.

Goal: 7.0x5.6 // 18x14,3cm nbp

Current: 6.8x5.314

Originally Posted by Sumbigd
I agree very few people achieve over 1inch either way. But that I say is due to lack of dedication and consistency rather than being biologically unable to gain.
Just like with normal bodybuilding, very few men push for their optimal physique once they realize how much work that takes.

Well said!

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by dzuchy
Really? Why? Go to reddit /progresspics- people keep meticulous track of weight loss, weight gain(muscles) etc. And also post NSFW pictures. People are proud of what they accomplish and you’re telling me, out all these “growers”, not one has meticulously detailed it? Come on..

My take is very, very few people achieve anything over 1” growth (either way) and less than .000001% get anything near 2”. Anything more is just not believable with out proof.

I have one picture of my self from years ago before I started to gain muscle mass seriously. I was 180 to 190 lbs at 6’ 2” and fat. Now I’m 232 lb at a lower level of body fat however I still have some fat to lose.

I don’t really keep meticulous records because when I saw my picture at 180 to 190 lbs I was disgusted. I looked like complete shit. I never thought I was fat because my waist was ~34 in. Well now it’s 31 in at 232 lb and I still have more fat to lose. Anyways this is off topic but I think if 100% of guys get a shirtless picture done I’m 100% sure around 95% of you will be disgusted with yourself. Just like I was. I mean I *was* gross.

Alright for PE yea I don’t take pictures. Always felt kind of weird thinking like “hmm I should take a picture of my dick so I can see how much longer it gets when I pull on it!”. Sounds strange ya?

I don’t think very few people get more than 1 inch growth or even 2 inch growth. I really believe it’s very common assuming someone is dedicated enough and uses enough force.

I remember for a time I thought growing less than 0.25 inches in a month was “slow”.

I don’t think I’m different because normally I’d do 12 hours a week when I was really gaining most of the size I did.

Honestly dedication and enough force + heat are the deciding factors.

Originally Posted by Sumbigd
I agree very few people achieve over 1inch either way. But that I say is due to lack of dedication and consistency rather than being biologically unable to gain.
Just like with normal bodybuilding, very few men push for their optimal physique once they realize how much work that takes.

You can work your ass off in the gym, eat proper, take every supplement in the world and you may only reach “x” amount of muscle mass without anabolics. It’s life.

No matter how hard you dedicate, you may just not get muscular. It’s life. Some guys have been very, VERY dedicated for years with PE and have absolutely zero growth. Why? My guess is people exaggerate their growth. I have no doubt you can make your penis bigger but 1” is probably the biological max. Never seen proof otherwise.

Originally Posted by TungstenMan
I have one picture of my self from years ago before I started to gain muscle mass seriously. I was 180 to 190 lbs at 6’ 2” and fat. Now I’m 232 lb at a lower level of body fat however I still have some fat to lose.

I don’t really keep meticulous records because when I saw my picture at 180 to 190 lbs I was disgusted. I looked like complete shit. I never thought I was fat because my waist was ~34 in. Well now it’s 31 in at 232 lb and I still have more fat to lose. Anyways this is off topic but I think if 100% of guys get a shirtless picture done I’m 100% sure around 95% of you will be disgusted with yourself. Just like I was. I mean I *was* gross.

Alright for PE yea I don’t take pictures. Always felt kind of weird thinking like “hmm I should take a picture of my dick so I can see how much longer it gets when I pull on it!”. Sounds strange ya?

I don’t think very few people get more than 1 inch growth or even 2 inch growth. I really believe it’s very common assuming someone is dedicated enough and uses enough force.

I remember for a time I thought growing less than 0.25 inches in a month was “slow”.

I don’t think I’m different because normally I’d do 12 hours a week when I was really gaining most of the size I did.

Honestly dedication and enough force + heat are the deciding factors.

There are probably millions, if not more. Men doing PE . Many are dedicated. Many are lucky to get .25” of growth. As I said, there are guys who had growth and have proof. NONE are over 1”. These guys who claim 1” + are bullshitters. Plain and simple. The onus on proof is on the growers, not the doubters. It’s very hard to believe a guy who invest 20+ hrs. A week on PE wouldn’t keep detailed records.

Originally Posted by dzuchy
There are probably millions, if not more. Men doing PE . Many are dedicated. Many are lucky to get .25” of growth. As I said, there are guys who had growth and have proof. NONE are over 1”. These guys who claim 1” + are bullshitters. Plain and simple. The onus on proof is on the growers, not the doubters. It’s very hard to believe a guy who invest 20+ hrs. A week on PE wouldn’t keep detailed records.

I agree that proof helps, though, It’s one thing if its ‘hard to believe’ and another thing to chose not to, which seems to be the mindset you are making these comments from.

You’re painting broad strokes and seem to have a mindset that those levels of gains are by default, impossible. Therefore, in my view, you are going to be extremely unlikely to ever make such gains as you’ve already decided that you can’t.

I wish you all the best on your PE journey anyway and hope that you smash the .25” and prove yourself horribly wrong.

Happy gaining


Originally Posted by dzuchy
There are probably millions, if not more. Men doing PE . Many are dedicated. Many are lucky to get .25” of growth. As I said, there are guys who had growth and have proof. NONE are over 1”. These guys who claim 1” + are bullshitters. Plain and simple. …

Why don’t you learn more before calling other people liars?
2-inch Growth Comparative Pictures

This is the first that came to my mind, and probably the best example; there are many many others who got more than 1”.
No idea of where you picked this ‘1 inch gain is the absolute max’.

Originally Posted by flashypants
I agree that proof helps, though, It’s one thing if its ‘hard to believe’ and another thing to chose not to, which seems to be the mindset you are making these comments from.

You’re painting broad strokes and seem to have a mindset that those levels of gains are by default, impossible. Therefore, in my view, you are going to be extremely unlikely to ever make such gains as you’ve already decided that you can’t.

I wish you all the best on your PE journey anyway and hope that you smash the .25” and prove yourself horribly wrong.

Happy gaining


LOL. I have been PE for over a decade and have gained what I wanted and it’s far more than .25”. I don’t think anyone in their right mind should expect more than 1” x 1” in PERMANENT growth (not pumped up growth).

Is 1” possible-yep and pretty easy if you are dedicated.
Is 2” possible- yep, for some men, and it takes an insane amount of dedication and time and good genetics.

Anything above a 1” growth and you don’t have proof I consider it fantasy. I know for fact that there are many people who play games on these forums. In fact one of the most famous “gainers” on another board turned out to be a female. She was having a laugh. It lasted years and she is still quoted on some boards. It’s a joke.

When I hear guys who claim 4”+ gains I laugh at them. BIB is a liar. Monster is a liar. Etc etc. They are charlatans. Plain and simple.

PE is possible. Of course it is but even an 1” growth should be considered a miracle because that’s all 99.9% of men will get. If I am wrong prove it with proof.

Today it’s a bit different, every phone has a camera, digital pictures are pervasive. The ability to prove has gone a lot further. It’s kind of surprising to me that we have so few proof pictures. But in the end a picture proves very little. They are super easy to fake, you could fake convincing before and after pictures on the same day, showing a 2” gain.

I think assuming that everyone is lying if they gain more than 1”, is probably based on your own experience and what you think is achievable for yourself. That’s fine. Other people have had a different experience and many of them have had a better experience on more like 2.5 hours a week of PE. And many are atrocious record keepers.

My requirements for proof, beyond my own experience, would be a proper medical trial (not these silly extender ones, maybe a few hundred men). That’s the kind of proof I think it would be possible to take to people and say “look at this”. Everything else is not really proof.

So, if there is no proof what do you do? You either try it for yourself and see or you assume that it’s all bullshit and ignore PE entirely. I think either approach, given the state of knowledge in PE, is an appropriate response.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by dzuchy
LOL. I have been PE for over a decade and have gained what I wanted and it’s far more than .25”. I don’t think anyone in their right mind should expect more than 1” x 1” in PERMANENT growth (not pumped up growth).

Is 1” possible-yep and pretty easy if you are dedicated.
Is 2” possible- yep, for some men, and it takes an insane amount of dedication and time and good genetics.

Anything above a 1” growth and you don’t have proof I consider it fantasy. I know for fact that there are many people who play games on these forums. In fact one of the most famous “gainers” on another board turned out to be a female. She was having a laugh. It lasted years and she is still quoted on some boards. It’s a joke.

When I hear guys who claim 4”+ gains I laugh at them. BIB is a liar. Monster is a liar. Etc etc. They are charlatans. Plain and simple.

PE is possible. Of course it is but even an 1” growth should be considered a miracle because that’s all 99.9% of men will get. If I am wrong prove it with proof.

I thought of another reason for large gainers. What if they lost 1-1.5” due to ageing and poor health such as smoking or drinking. Then they PE get their old size back and 1.5-2” gains ontop of that. There you have a 3+” gainer….

Originally Posted by memento
Today it’s a bit different, every phone has a camera, digital pictures are pervasive. The ability to prove has gone a lot further. It’s kind of surprising to me that we have so few proof pictures. But in the end a picture proves very little. They are super easy to fake, you could fake convincing before and after pictures on the same day, showing a 2” gain.

I think assuming that everyone is lying if they gain more than 1”, is probably based on your own experience and what you think is achievable for yourself. That’s fine. Other people have had a different experience and many of them have had a better experience on more like 2.5 hours a week of PE. And many are atrocious record keepers.

My requirements for proof, beyond my own experience, would be a proper medical trial (not these silly extender ones, maybe a few hundred men). That’s the kind of proof I think it would be possible to take to people and say “look at this”. Everything else is not really proof.

So, if there is no proof what do you do? You either try it for yourself and see or you assume that it’s all bullshit and ignore PE entirely. I think either approach, given the state of knowledge in PE, is an appropriate response.

Any study on PE will be like a study on diet. You will have to take the subject’s word that he used the extender “x amount of time” in which he will lie or over exaggerate. Just like diets: “I only ate 1000 calories that day” when the truth is they probably ate triple that. Researchers won’t be able to control the subject. My feeling is a guy will say he wore it 25 hrs. A week and got no results but really probably did an hr. Or so.

That said, I believe PE works , however, when I go through some “extreme gainers” post I find a lot of lies and hyperbole .If a new guy comes on these boards and reads all these amazing “gains” and he gets 25% of that- what does that accomplish? It discourages guys.

Meh PE works, and a guy being disappointed by not getting big enough gains to rival mandingo, is that guys very own concern to sort out. Whether his inspiration came from lies or not doesn’t really matter.

(you get my idea, just get going and find out for yourself about your limits).

Start stats NBP: 6.7 inches length, 5.12 inches girth.

Goal: 7.0x5.6 // 18x14,3cm nbp

Current: 6.8x5.314

Originally Posted by Sumbigd
Meh PE works, and a guy being disappointed by not getting big enough gains to rival mandingo, is that guys very own concern to sort out. Whether his inspiration came from lies or not doesn’t really matter.
(You get my idea, just get going and find out for yourself about your limits).

And your proof is what? A .1” gain? You got to be kidding.

Lies are lies are lies. The question is not “does PE work”, the questions is “what did you REALLY and VERIFIABLE ” gain.

You wouldn’t allow someone to come here and say “I gained 30 pounds of muscle in one month using XYZ pill” when he really gained 2 pounds so why would you settle for lies and exaggerations in PE? Just plain silly.


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