Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Big Gainer Highlights

It’s the third time in a very short time frame that you call people liars, dzuchy. You have to tone down. If there is no proof, there is no proof in both ways : you don’t know for sure that they are lying. You are free to be skeptic, and I am very skeptic of big gains too, but calling a man liar is another pair of boots.

Originally Posted by dzuchy
There are probably millions, if not more. Men doing PE . Many are dedicated. Many are lucky to get .25” of growth. As I said, there are guys who had growth and have proof. NONE are over 1”. These guys who claim 1” + are bullshitters. Plain and simple. The onus on proof is on the growers, not the doubters. It’s very hard to believe a guy who invest 20+ hrs. A week on PE wouldn’t keep detailed records.

I really don’t believe as many guys lie on the internet as you believe. I mean how big of a loser would someone have to be to get off on lying on some random forum?!?! Very very rare in my opinion.

As I said I don’t keep logs. All I care about is where I’m at now. I know it works for me. No reason to “prove” it to anyone.

Dedication, time under load, hard enough tension and heat. All you need bro.

But I do have the “ligament of zero gains” (the ligament inside the dick that’s on the top. I think it’s causing my dick to curve up because when I pull on my dick the ligament is 100% taught however my erectile chambers are ***super*** loose. So loose that I can wrap them 360 degrees around the ligament. No joke. At the moment I’m focusing on heated fulcrum stretches. If I can stretch the ligament out I should easily be at 9 to 9.5 inches long no problem. That’s how much slack my erectile chambers have.

I think it’s quite possible to recruit subjects for observed testing. I don’t think it would work otherwise for the reasons you state and beyond that you’d have to ensure that everyone is using the same technique and experiencing the same forces.

I think you are right that the further outside your own experience someone’s gains are, the less likely they seem. I think that goes in either direction, it’s easy to wonder why people have purportedly done the same routine as you and gained nothing, when you’ve done it and gained well. Beyond that, you have to make the assumption that people are generally attempting to give a true impression of their experience or the entire idea of this board falls apart. There are definitely bullshitters, for reasons of financial gain, for their own enjoyment or to maybe attempt to fill a void in their psyche. It’s also fairly obvious that the larger the claimed gains the more chance that it’s bullshit but there are also outliers in any set.

I think this thread is useful, not for the stated gains of any individual but to see if there are trends in people claiming larger gains. It would seem sensible that if a large number of people have followed a similar path and they all claim better results than the norm, that it’s sensible to look at what they are doing. So far, I think commitment is the obvious commonality but beyond that the methods seem to vary wildly and so in some way this thread isn’t making a case for a particular approach.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by TungstenMan
I really don’t believe as many guys lie on the internet as you believe. I mean how big of a loser would someone have to be to get off on lying on some random forum?!?! Very very rare in my opinion.

It’s not nearly as rare as you seem to think unfortunately.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
It’s not nearly as rare as you seem to think unfortunately.

Maybe I’m too trusting of people then I don’t know. I just find it hard to believe some guy would go for 1+ months and 100+ posts just to make exaggerated statements to random people on the internet who they’ll never meet in person.

Originally Posted by TungstenMan
Maybe I’m too trusting of people then I don’t know. I just find it hard to believe some guy would go for 1+ months and 100+ posts just to make exaggerated statements to random people on the internet who they’ll never meet in person.

There a people who were at it for years let alone months, who knows what they get out of it.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
It’s not nearly as rare as you seem to think unfortunately.

They get a thrill out of pulling someones leg, everyone is not built like that, but that thrill may be even better than sex for some.

Originally Posted by dzuchy
And your proof is what? A .1” gain? You got to be kidding.

Lies are lies are lies. The question is not “does PE work”, the questions is “what did you REALLY and VERIFIABLE ” gain.

You wouldn’t allow someone to come here and say “I gained 30 pounds of muscle in one month using XYZ pill” when he really gained 2 pounds so why would you settle for lies and exaggerations in PE? Just plain silly.

Because it can’t be proved otherwise dude, I don’t settle for lies I just know what I cannot know :p Chill down and believe.
Unless you are going to ask for audience with one of the big gainers and measure his junk yourself you will never know.

Start stats NBP: 6.7 inches length, 5.12 inches girth.

Goal: 7.0x5.6 // 18x14,3cm nbp

Current: 6.8x5.314

Originally Posted by Sumbigd
Unless you are going to ask for audience with one of the big gainers and measure his junk yourself you will never know.

That would only help if you could do it twice, once before the gains and another time after the gains. Otherwise you are just measuring a point in time.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by dzuchy
LOL. I have been PE for over a decade and have gained what I wanted and it’s far more than .25”. I don’t think anyone in their right mind should expect more than 1” x 1” in PERMANENT growth (not pumped up growth).

Is 1” possible-yep and pretty easy if you are dedicated.
Is 2” possible- yep, for some men, and it takes an insane amount of dedication and time and good genetics.

Anything above a 1” growth and you don’t have proof I consider it fantasy. I know for fact that there are many people who play games on these forums. In fact one of the most famous “gainers” on another board turned out to be a female. She was having a laugh. It lasted years and she is still quoted on some boards. It’s a joke.

When I hear guys who claim 4”+ gains I laugh at them. BIB is a liar. Monster is a liar. Etc etc. They are charlatans. Plain and simple.

PE is possible. Of course it is but even an 1” growth should be considered a miracle because that’s all 99.9% of men will get. If I am wrong prove it with proof.

I am having great difficulty finding your before and after pics. Could you please post them. Just so I know your gains aren’t fantasy.

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures

Originally Posted by dzuchy
And your proof is what? A .1” gain? You got to be kidding.

Lies are lies are lies. The question is not “does PE work”, the questions is “what did you REALLY and VERIFIABLE ” gain.

You wouldn’t allow someone to come here and say “I gained 30 pounds of muscle in one month using XYZ pill” when he really gained 2 pounds so why would you settle for lies and exaggerations in PE? Just plain silly.

My two cents: First, the tone of this thread is a bit harsh. Why call someone a liar when all you really know is that their gains are unverified?

But are before/after pictures really the only acceptable proof? As others have pointed out, pictures can be faked. What about a fellow that provides current pic and has a detailed log that spans years? I, for one, would find that believable.

Let me use Titleist as an example. He’s posted pictures here that back his claim of 9.75”, and says he started 10 years ago at 7.75” I believe him - don’t you? Has Titleist provided adequate proof? I say he has.

Live long and prosper.

Originally Posted by ErnieBanks
My two cents: First, the tone of this thread is a bit harsh. Why call someone a liar when all you really know is that their gains are unverified?

But are before/after pictures really the only acceptable proof? As others have pointed out, pictures can be faked. What about a fellow that provides current pic and has a detailed log that spans years? I, for one, would find that believable.

Let me use Titleist as an example. He’s posted pictures here that back his claim of 9.75”, and says he started 10 years ago at 7.75” I believe him - don’t you? Has Titleist provided adequate proof? I say he has.

No I don’t believe him. I think he’s lying or measured wrong. I know he’s “beloved” but so was Jim Jones at one point. These PE forms have become the male equivalent to “Cleberity sex” boards the women run. Ever 300 pound hog has slept with Puff Daddy. Maybe 2% of the stories are real, 98% are totally and utterly false.

Originally Posted by bhcentral
I am having great difficulty finding your before and after pics. Could you please post them. Just so I know your gains aren’t fantasy.

Well I didn’t have problem finding your pics. The only problem I did have finding was any actual proof of growth Looks like you didn’t grow anything except your belly. No offense, but you didn’t grow 2”. Maybe in waist size. But not penis.

You are on hold dzuchy.

Dzuchi, your attitude is uncalled for.

You are not entitled to evidence so there’s no need to be upset about people not providing what you deem to be required evidence.

You may be a hardcore skeptic but your accusations are still without a solid foundation, just speculation, so please don’t share them with us.

Start stats NBP: 6.7 inches length, 5.12 inches girth.

Goal: 7.0x5.6 // 18x14,3cm nbp

Current: 6.8x5.314


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