Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Big Gainer Highlights

Originally Posted by djrobins
You gotta come out every twenty to thirty minutes to expose the glans to oxygen.

Not sure that is correct. After all you can stay in a vacextender for 60 mins and the same principle applies. My glans does not seem too much worse for wear after 60 mins, However I do start to feel soreness in the cylinder around 60 mins but some of this seems to come from stretch pain closer to the base. With the dynamic air pump I started feeling soreness after 30 mins which is when I stopped.

With the Mr Fantastic water pump I use hot water, as hot as my penis can take. With the glans protector on I can tolerate it hotter as my glans is by far my most sensitive (to heat) part.


Originally Posted by austfred
Not sure that is correct. After all you can stay in a vacextender for 60 mins and the same principle applies. My glans does not seem too much worse for wear after 60 mins, However I do start to feel soreness in the cylinder around 60 mins but some of this seems to come from stretch pain closer to the base. With the dynamic air pump I started feeling soreness after 30 mins which is when I stopped.

With the Mr Fantastic water pump I use hot water, as hot as my penis can take. With the glans protector on I can tolerate it hotter as my glans is by far my most sensitive (to heat) part.


What tension are you at with your extender? Or if not using springs, how near to your BPFSL are you? I think tension might play a part in how glans reacts to the vacuum.

07/10/14 - 6.5" BPEL - 5.5" MsEG

29/01/15 - 7" BPEL - 5.5" MsEG

12/10/17 - 7.4" BPEL - 5.6" MsEG

Originally Posted by K_F_H
What tension are you at with your extender? Or if not using springs, how near to your BPFSL are you? I think tension might play a part in how glans reacts to the vacuum.


I am not currently using a vacextender. I do have one and managed to get blisters from it by tensioning up (1.2 kg from memory) and keeping it on for over 60 mins in the first instance. However before that I regularly did 60 mins without a problem.

I now use a slider type extender with a DIY velcro strap but am currently taking a break from it. I am currently focusing on pumping and jelquing.

>I think tension might play a part in how glans reacts to the vacuum.

I am sure you are right but increased tension might be a proxy for increased vacuum in a vacextender. I was just questioning the claim that you should not pump for more than 30 mins at a time.


Originally Posted by hugeambition
Great job, Bearded. Very interesting idea for a thread. Like some others, I wondered about the legitimacy of those measurements. Some seem hard to believe. On the other hand, as with anything in life, there are some individuals who excel in a particular field. Earlier today, I read about a porn star who claims to have gained three inches in length by pumping. The “finished product” was ten inches. In the end, I think it’s entirely possible that someone with the right genetics, determination, consistency and approach can make uncommon gains given enough time. I would certainly love to believe so. If these guys can grow as much as they did, it seems to make my relatively modest goals that much more attainable.

Well I can claim anything I want. I can claim I can lift an elephant over my head, I can claim I can fly. Online I can claim whatever I like and hammer it in hard enough I will have people who believe.

However, proof is very, VERY sparse on anything over a 1” claim. I take these stories not with a grain of salt, but a bag of salt. They are 99.999999999% fanatasy. I treat anything I read like a court case. Is there any evidence? No? Then it’s dismissed.

Gains of over an inch seem to be rare to due several factors, but they do occur with some individuals. There are several vets roaming this site including myself to back that up with photos, etc. It all comes down to finding the right technique and determination.

Howdy.! Work smarter, not harder and learn from others mistakes. Photo verified start at 8" bpfs x 6.25" base. Currently 8.6.25 bpfs" x 6.375" msg. New goal 9" bpel x 7" msg.

Originally Posted by M8ter
Gains of over an inch seem to be rare to due several factors, but they do occur with some individuals. There are several vets roaming this site including myself to back that up with photos, etc. It all comes down to finding the right technique and determination.

Backing it up would require before photos which you don’t appear to have.

As the moderators and I have said before in other threads, all I can do at this point is continue to gain as an example that my techniques worked. Its very frustrating to not have old pre PE photos, my wedding photos, and many other items we lost in the floods here. You do have to ask yourself this question though… many white guys that are only 5 foot 5 posess a almost 9 inch long and fairly thick penis naturally? I’m Irish, so it sure ain’t genetics. Hahaha.

Howdy.! Work smarter, not harder and learn from others mistakes. Photo verified start at 8" bpfs x 6.25" base. Currently 8.6.25 bpfs" x 6.375" msg. New goal 9" bpel x 7" msg.

It is also very frustrating to have bogus photos and inconsistent claims, like in your case M8ter.

I believe M8ter for sure.

I know I’ve gained a quite a bit. I’m up to 5.75 inch girth now. Not 100% sure where I started at but I’m thinking it was 4.75 in? For length I’m at 8.25 inch and once again I’m not sure where I started. Maybe it was like 6 inch? (all day cock rings are amazing, more girth and harder erections after a week of using it (harder when not wearing just to test, I’m just above 6 in girth when wearing the cock ring))

Sorry but most people don’t make logs and keep track of such things. Let alone take pictures.

As long as the measurement is bigger this month than last month I don’t care.

My goal is still 9x6.5.

Originally Posted by M8ter
As the moderators and I have said before in other threads, all I can do at this point is continue to gain as an example that my techniques worked. Its very frustrating to not have old pre PE photos, my wedding photos, and many other items we lost in the floods here. You do have to ask yourself this question though… many white guys that are only 5 foot 5 posess a almost 9 inch long and fairly thick penis naturally? I’m Irish, so it sure ain’t genetics. Hahaha.

That’s all very well but what you said was you had photos to back up gains of over an inch which was untrue.
You’re saying we should believe you because you’re short and Irish ???

Originally Posted by TungstenMan

I believe M8ter for sure.

It is for protecting people like you that we try to keep this place honest.

I wish I had taken measured photos way back when and really chronicled my growth. It may turn people off because it takes a very long time to get two inches of growth.

It’s why I think everyone should take pics with clear measurements even if they will never post or share them.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist
I wish I had taken measured photos way back when and really chronicled my growth. It may turn people off because it takes a very long time to get two inches of growth.

It’s why I think everyone should take pics with clear measurements even if they will never post or share them.

Thank you…!

There are a lot of guys here that never took photos when they first started and are kicking themselves every day. First off, where do you keep those kinds of photos so no one else finds them? Huh? Its a lot easier to hide digital images than a Polaroid. I had maybe 2 pics with no measurements (who did that back in the 90s?) that I had stashed and in the intervening years I’m almost positive they were thrown out with the rest of a ton of ruined stuff. Also, I apologize for being stupid enough to be honest when I joined this place, and should have instead just said I was this size naturally, and lie, and continue to lie like so many people online do. Really getting tired of the doubters, the troll flaming behavoir, and being scolded for actually being successful and trying to be honest. This is my hobby, and I’m trying to share my experiences and help people avoid my mistakes. I wanted to help people so they could achieve their dreams and not give up in frustration. I came for support myself and just got disbelief instead. Believe me, don’t believe me, I really don’t care any more. I’ve had enough. I’ve been doing this on and off for a long time and my methods and observations simply work and more and more people are confirming what I’ve been saying. I have to laugh though..they did the same things to people who first said the earth was round. In this case you are crucifying someone who actually may have proved that PE isn’t just real, but can be continued as long as you have the desire to do so. I will continue to post my gains, and you can decide for yourselves. Anyone who wants the truth can PM me. Going to spend some quality time with what’s really family.

Howdy.! Work smarter, not harder and learn from others mistakes. Photo verified start at 8" bpfs x 6.25" base. Currently 8.6.25 bpfs" x 6.375" msg. New goal 9" bpel x 7" msg.

Originally Posted by TungstenMan
I believe M8ter for sure.

I know I’ve gained a quite a bit. I’m up to 5.75 inch girth now. Not 100% sure where I started at but I’m thinking it was 4.75 in? For length I’m at 8.25 inch and once again I’m not sure where I started. Maybe it was like 6 inch? (All day cock rings are amazing, more girth and harder erections after a week of using it (harder when not wearing just to test, I’m just above 6 in girth when wearing the cock ring))

Sorry but most people don’t make logs and keep track of such things. Let alone take pictures.

As long as the measurement is bigger this month than last month I don’t care.

My goal is still 9x6.5.

Really? Why? Go to reddit /progresspics- people keep meticulous track of weight loss, weight gain(muscles) etc. And also post NSFW pictures. People are proud of what they accomplish and you’re telling me, out all these “growers”, not one has meticulously detailed it? Come on..

My take is very, very few people achieve anything over 1” growth (either way) and less than .000001% get anything near 2”. Anything more is just not believable with out proof.


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