Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Big Gainer Highlights

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Please guys keep this great topic clean. Its about people who gained and their experiences. We have enough cluttered threads.
Borntobe, welcome and why not start a progress thread that is all about you and your goals. Obviously if you state provocatively that you are arrogant then you will get provocative replys.

Thank you kindly for the welcome, dickerschwanz. I did not intend to provoke by stating that I was arrogant. It’s just something that generally comes over in the way I speak/write, so I state it out front as something of a disclaimer. However, arrogance is not to be equated with disrespect; I always extend respect first, without waiting for it to be given in return. As I said earlier, I am a PE neophyte and I am here to learn.

My opening post was entirely on topic, albeit it was a hypothetical question, being how many cubic inches would I need to increase by to achieve my goal and where this would place me amongst the biggest gainers. I am not very good with math and so I have addressed my question to BeardedDragon, who appears to be something of a whiz at it. I do NOT plan to start intensive PE right away nor do I expect instant results. I simply want to get a very real idea of the kind of dedication and discipline those before me have had to exercise in order to achieve similar goals.

I shall take your advice about the progress thread as soon as I reach my first measuring day, which will be at the end of this month. I hope I have not offended anyone, but if I have, I sincerely apologise and it was most certainly not my intention to derail this thread. Perhaps I was a little too sensitive about captjohn’s post.

Welcome to Thunder’s, BTBB. I’ll try to give you an idea of the odds on that 9x7.

At 6” x 5.1” you’re currently at 12.4 cubic inches, and a 9x7 is 35.1 cubic inches, so it would be a 22.7 cubic inch gain. That corresponds with about the top 4 or 5 gains in this thread. Very roughly, about 1 in 500 guys report that kind of gain

The 9x7 is a truly admirable goal. But from what I’ve read, few guys actually want that size when they start to approach its possibility.

If you were to endeavor on a long PE journey (5-10 years or more of consistency) and eventually find yourself satisfied at 8x6, about 22.9 cubic inches, that would be a 10.5 cubic inch gain. Among guys who stay consistent for that time, about 5-10% of them get that kind of gain.

A median gain with the highest consistency and dedication is probably around 5 or 6 cubic inches.

While the importance of consistency can’t be understated, these odds do unfortunately still factor in. There is some kind of predisposition that the big gainers enjoy, otherwise there certainly would be many more of them.

Good luck and good gains.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

I’ll add to BD’s very informative comments: BTBB, my penis started at a similar volume to what yours is now, 12.9 ci; after 10 years of PE, it is now 30.1 ci. I think it’s fair to say that to this point, I’ve exercised above average diligence over an above average duration of time and achieved an above average result. Should I continue in my PE endeavors, which, as of now, I intend to do, based on projection of the graph of my gains over time into the future, reaching 35 ci is indicated to occur sometime between late 2018 to early 2019. Let’s just round it off to 15 years from when I started in 2004; and that’s for a above average gainer…shoot, I made this thread as a BIG Gainer.

Meaning no disrespect, just keeping it real; if you do damn near everything right AND you have a favorable physiology AND a favorable mentality, in about 20 years, you MIGHT get to 35 ci. I encourage you keep your long term goal, but focus on the very next size that you’d like your penis to be and diligently work toward that, realizing that rest will be a key component to anything but the easy newbie gains. Having said that, I wish you luck and absolutely implore you to take photos now. Back in 2004, digital cameras were expensive, so I didn’t have one and I sure as heck wasn’t going to take film containing penis pics to the film developing store. These days, there’s really no excuse to not take digital pics of your pre-PE penis. Perhaps you’ll be the subject of an entry in this thread yourself in 10 or 15 years.

Again, Good Luck and yes, good gains.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Hello BornToBeBigger,
I believe it is a great goal to have but you should also have short term and intermediate goals.

I truly believe that PE is similar to athletics. Where many people will be dismissive and say you need to have the genetics or talent for it they don’t understand the amount of time and perseverance that separates the elite from the average joe.

It is great if you are a fast gainer. It is great if you can absorb the knowledge needed and apply it to your body and then get the feedback from your body that is working. But overall it will take many hours of work and dedication even when you aren’t feeling it. To me that is the biggest limiting factor for the majority of us.

Obviously some of the big gainers are lying. But you will recognize a pattern in the majority of big gainers. They put in tons of time and their risk reward ratio is probably more extreme than some of us are comfortable with.

I truly believe that anyone can achieve their goals if they focus and are dedicated. It helps to have the available free time. Plus people need to understand some goals like getting to 14 inches are most likely not going to happen.

If all else fails then just start measuring from your anus and you will definitely meet your goals.

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures

BeardedDragon, my sincerest gratitude for a detailed and helpful reply that was much prompter than expected. Your dedication to this thread is admirable.

xenolith, I thank you for the encouragement and your realistic spin on my goal. I suspected that my goal was out there. I have no problem with that though; I have tried and failed before and it has never depressed me yet; if anything, it generally spurs me on to achieve other things. :) Regarding the taking of pictures, please note that I am mortally, perhaps excessively, terrified of being identified by my penis. This is very much a stealth operation. Though I am the definition of average and have never had comments in excessive praise about my size, I have had more than one partner comment on how “veiny” my member was. Additionally, I come from and live in a country and community much smaller that many of you may, one of those places where everybody almost quite literally knows everybody; this adds to the paranoia. Perhaps I will take “before” pics at my first measuring date, save them and, when I have either reached my goal or exhausted all efforts to attain it, I will then post them alongside my “after” pics, but I doubt I’d have the gumption to post them now.

bhcentral, I also thank you for your take on things and your points about absorbing knowledge, listening to your body and making time to put in the work is duly noted. As I stated in my first post, I have been browsing this and other PE forums for months now. Before I decided to take on any form of PE, I felt I had to familiarise myself as much as possible with all of the various techniques, the associated risks and the many theories, both those which have proven universally applicable and those which have lost their credibility for usefulness over time.

I am blessed to be at a point in my life where I can make PE a priority. If ever there was a time for me to gain, it will be in the years to come. I’m single, I live alone and my job allows me quite a bit of freedom. All of these factors put together may still not guarantee success but I do not plan to give up before I have already taken advantage of them. The hope is that I am a big gainer. No one knows at this point, but I’ve never succeeded in any venture without first being overly optimistic about its possibilities!

All the best to all of you in your endeavours, both PE-related and otherwise. I will try to regularly record my progress on the forum for posterity, but I suspect that as time passes, I will find less time to post and focus more of that time on experimenting - within reason - with my member and figuring out what works best.


Do you think that some big gainers are lying ?

What do you think about a guy in the english forum that claims he won 3 inches in length and 3 inches in girth in ONLY 3 months ! ? !

I think he should be TOP number one in this thread !

He’s definitely lying, Spock. Come on guys, use a little common sense.

8-1-14 BPEL 7.48 inches EGMS 4.88 inches EGBase 5.35 Inches

Initial goal--7.75 X 5.25 Mid Shaft

11-3-14 BPEL 7.48 inches, EGMS 5.04 inches, EGBase 5.43 Inches...

If you really want to compare volumes and what not I remember this site had that type of feature.

http://www.thev …

Short-Term Goal: 10.25" BPEL

"Take it Slow and Watch it Grow"

Long-Term Goal: To Be Decided

I think there are medical conditions when overcome that could show quick gains. However, some of these gains are really what they used to have or should have been if all was functioning normally.

However, insane girth gains like 3 inches in 3 months is fantasy

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures

Why are you guys talking about reaching goals in 10 or 20 years?

I thought all big gainers achieved their goal by endeavouring 2 or 3 years or even less. You guys mean you have to try out what works for you in different years period? If you try manuals one year, extender another year and hanging another year reaching high weights and you gain less than half an inch in all these 3 years, I would definitely give up. It is pointless to go still for length.

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

I am positive most people could gain more than a half inch in that timeframe. But it requires dedication and for some people it might go beyond their risk/reward ratio.

I do believe multiple inch gains are possible just not probable for everyone

Some of the big gainers are almost obsessive with dedication and some are almost reckless in my opinion

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures

Originally Posted by quim92
Why are you guys talking about reaching goals in 10 or 20 years?

Depends on what “goals” means quim; I’ve probably had 25 goals over the last 10 years.

Originally Posted by quim92
I thought all big gainers achieved their goal by endeavouring 2 or 3 years or even less.

Again, depends what “goals” means: I achieved something like 8 of the 25 or so of the goals that I’ve had in my PE career so far, in my first year of PE,: I most definitely could have stopped there and been happy…but heck, as a bodhisattva, I’m always happy…point is I still had further goals and indeed, have further goals still (‘bout 6 or 7); and if others are similarly disposed, so will they. For perspective, here’s a plot of my early gains as a function of time, something depictive of which for some others could very reasonably be considered to represent having obtained their “goal”:

Think small goals sooner adding to bigger goals later.

Peace friend.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Last edited by xenolith : 09-22-2014 at .

Originally Posted by bhcentral
I think there are medical conditions when overcome that could show quick gains. However, some of these gains are really what they used to have or should have been if all was functioning normally.

However, insane girth gains like 3 inches in 3 months is fantasy

That’s a good point bhcental. In researching a lot of members’ histories, I’ve found a fair amount who go something like - I’m 50+ years old now and started at 6” x 5”, but back when I was 25 I used to be 7” x 5.5”, now I started PE and in the first year I’ve gone from 6” x 5” to 7.75” x 5.75”.

Who knows the reasons, but some lucky (or unlucky?) guys, especially older guys who had some health conditions that lowered their size over the years, seem to have a regaining of lost size effect from doing PE, in addition to newbie-like PE gains on top of that. I made note of that wherever it occurred in this thread.

Originally Posted by quim92l
I thought all big gainers achieved their goal by endeavouring 2 or 3 years or even less.

Most in this thread fall into the 1-5 year range, but there are some that have been slower and steady over a longer period. I’ve theorized in past posts that part of this effect may be because the guys reach a satisfactory size. For example, an average guy starts with say 11 or 12 cubic inches of volume. If they gained 3 cubic inches per year for 4 years for a total of +12 cubic inches, they are now at a 23-24 cubic inch size which is larger than an 8x6, and they retire from PE, happily fucking after.

A gain of 3 inches length and 3 inches girth in 3 months is the type of report that I’ve been omitting from this thread. If a guy has provided progress reports and routines I’ve generally given them the benefit of the doubt. If you think a particular account was fake, just take it with a grain of salt. If you find another account to be more useful, reliable, and genuine, look into that guy’s posts a bit more.

xeno, glad to have your excellent advice in this thread, and congrats on your recent gains. Of all the big gainer accounts I’ve gone through, you’ve left behind one of the greatest road maps of how you did it. And I find myself re-reading it occasionally and learning something new each time.

I haven’t checked the database since March 2014, but at that time some of the guys highlighted in this thread had updated with additional gains. xenolith (10 year vet), PEforFun (8 year vet), Robert Frost (14 year vet), and ironaddict69 (7 year vet, who’s the next one I’ve been working on) have all posted recent gains on top of their already huge gains. All 4 of them are long-time vets and still gaining. So congrats to all of them.

If anybody has tried, or does in the future try PEforFun’s extreme pumping method (at your own well-informed risk) I’d be very curious to know about it either here, or in any of PEforFun’s threads. I’ve attempted it with a hand-pump, but the key seems to be that the high vacuum pressures can only be maintained comfortably for very short periods of time (a few seconds, 10-20 seconds tops), and that with a hand pump it simply takes too long to get to those pressures, so the glans is already uncomfortable. I may be in a living situation soon where I can test it, and I’ll certainly update if I’m feeling crazy enough to do so.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"


The one who claims 3 inches gains in length and girth has a thread explaining all his routine . And there are many members supporting him .

Ofcourse I told him I totally dont believe about what he states .He is only getting the new members to confuse .



Well, some of these write themselves and others take much longer. So, out of order, we have the history of tntjockey’s gains. I love any unique methods, and TNT’s clamping routine certainly qualifies. Most of this is included in the classic thread that summarizes his quick gains:

I have reached my goals

TNTjockey started PE in about 2003 and did an unknown routine for the first two years, at which point he got injured while hanging, and took a 6 month break. I couldn’t find his starting size from 2003 anywhere, but presumably he had some gains in the 2.5 years of PE he did before resuming PE in December 2005 and joining Thunder’s in January 2006. At that time, after the break, he re-started at 6.8” x 5.0”. He had lost some of his gains during the break, so maybe that matches his pre-PE size. By 2011 he had gained to about 8.4” x 6.25”. That’s total gains of (at least) 1.6” length and 1.25” girth, and volume gains of about 12.6 cubic inches or about 206 cubic centimeters.

As mentioned above, TNT’s first couple years of PE included some hanging, possibly some other routines, and a hanging injury with subsequent loss of gains.

The interesting part happened when he resumed PE in late 2005 and 2006. He decided that this time around, he would tell his wife he would be doing PE. Being the saint of PE that she was, she made a ‘hands-on’ project out of it. Mrs. TNT began participating by edging, pulling on, and bending TNT’s clamped dick, in a husband and wife team PE / foreplay routine. Not for newbies, but very successful for TNT. He gained 0.7” length and 0.6” girth in just under a year, up to the often cited perfect size of 7.5” x 5.6”.

In an unfortunate coincidence, TNT’s quick gains occurred simultaneously with the onset of menopause for his wife. The girth gains were interfering with their sex life, and they put the brakes on the PE routine, somewhat reluctantly, and perhaps a bit late. They both wanted to keep going, and make sure the gains were cemented, and couldn’t predict the effect menopause would have on her adjustment to the quick size gains. Time heals all though, and couple years later Mrs. TNT’s VE had caught up.

As I interpret it, they continued to somewhere around 7.75” or 8.0” of length and 5.75” or 6.0” of girth by somewhere around mid 2007, and then stopped the clamping routine. But that didn’t stop TNT from gaining.

Fast forward to 2011, after about 4 years with no intention of gaining additional size. Apparently back during the active PE days, Mrs. TNT had developed the greatest ADS in PE history, in the form of a habit of manually stretching TNT’s unit while sleeping. This, combined with piss pulls over a 4 year period, yielded additional gains up to his final size of 8.4” x 6.25”. Definitely an easy gainer, and he definitely could have kept going if he had wanted to.

I recommend reading it all in tntjockey’s own words in the above linked thread, but here are the details of the routine.
* Warm-up with heat and newbie routine, then reheat, and move on to clamping.
* 3 clamping sets of 15 minutes each.
* TNT began the clamping sets flaccid, and gradually tighten the clamp as he gradually became more erect
* First set is not quite fully tightened, and Mrs. TNT would do a squeeze/pull. I interpreted it as sometimes pulling on the glans, similar to a Horse440 with a pull added in. And sometimes pulling from the shaft, which made it more like a clamped Uli/dry jelq pull. And sometimes a combination of the two.
* Second set also not quite fully tightened, Mrs. TNT would simply edge TNT for 15 minutes in the clamp.
* Third set was fully tightened, and Mrs. TNT would pull and bend the clamped erection in all angles.
* Then they wrapped the unit up and went for a walk as a cool-down to maintain good circulation.
* They did this in a 6-week on and 2-week off cycle. TNT learned the value of rest from the early experience with PE injury. It’s not clear how many rest days he took during the 6-week on period, but at one point TNT said it may have been about one rest day per week.
* TNT did piss pulls every time he urinated, even during rest periods.
* Mrs. TNT did nocturnal PE by pulling on TNT’s unit at night, possibly having a similar effect of wearing and ADS for hours per night.
* TNT drank lots of water before and during the clamping routine. This is a pro tip that at least 1 other (Peforeal I believe), and possibly 2 other big gainers also mentioned. It makes sense that good hydration assists in maximum expansion during exercise.
* He used cable clamps with mouse pad glued directly on as padding, and had a method of getting the clamp all the way against the pubic bone so that his fat pad would act as a natural stretcher during the sets.

This is a great history, and of course many have already read the classic thread. The routine itself incorporates a lot of key concepts – warm-up, intense routine that doesn’t take too long, regular rest periods, ADS (all night stretch in this case). Combining clamping with pulling on the erection is not common, and is considered very advanced and somewhat dangerous. I recently tried out the pulling / clamping portion of routine, and was pleased with the workout. I’m going to continue with it for a full cycle. I think an important note from TNT’s routine is starting the clamping set flaccid, begin by doing the pulls / bends / whatever, and gradually tightening as the erection gradually grows. Finding the perfect level of tightness that gives the best expansion, which is not necessarily the maximum tightness. Those tips make the routine much safer.

TNT’s still around, helping out newbies and cracking jokes. It’s been a few years since the last TNT, maybe you grew to 9x7 without realizing. I hope I did your story justice.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"


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