Big Girtha
Big Girtha gained 15.4 cubic inches between 2003 and 2010. In metric terms, a gain of about 252 cubic centimeters. He started at 6x5 and finished at 7x7, for a length gain of 1” and a girth gain of 2”. He was a big proponent of the “no turtling” method of ADS (golf weights/PEweights) and wraps, and had excellent flaccid gains. He may have been the most obsessed big gainer highlighted so far, PE’ing nearly 24/7 (around the clock) for his first two years of PE. He was an active nudist, and prioritized flaccid gains over erect gains. He also didn’t measure very often, so the stats provided here are a combination of his signature, and some scattered updates in various posts.
BG’s first year of PE is summarized in this thread, what he calls his “insane period”:
Big Girtha’s routine for girth and flaccid hang
He began in May 2003 with manual exercises. In June he added pumping. In July he added hanging. Between July 2003 and April 2004 his routine had evolved into this:
So, My Routine in a nutshell:
1. I sleep in the wrist wrap.
2. I wear two golf weights during the day’
3. I hang 17 pounds
OTS using a pulley for six twenty minute sets a day 5 days a week with a 10 minute rest period between each set. One three set session in the AM and one in the
4. During the 10 minute rest period during each hanging set I clamp off an erection with cable clamp and do erect bends, then one Horse 440 before reattaching the Bib Starter for the next set.
5. Daily I take a mulit vitamin, 1,000 IUs of E a Calsium-Magnisum-Zinc 3000 MG of NOX2 and drink as much water as humanly possible, two to three gallons a day.
6. I jog 4 miles a day seven days a week wearing the golf weights. I end each day’s
PE session with three 15-minute pumps at 8 in hg in a 2” tube and 1,000 wet jelqs with kegals in the hot tub before bed.
7. I take two days of rest each week with no
PE other than wearing the wrist wrap and or the golf weights
During that period he gained about 1” of length, which would also be his finishing length at the end of his
PE career, and about 1.25” of girth. He also had about a 1” flaccid hang prior to beginning to
PE, but by this time he had a consistent 4-5” flaccid hang. He gained a lot of “
PE skin” during this time, from the practice of pulling his skin forward while applying various wraps and
ADS, to the point of calling it a foreskin restoration. He also suffered several injuries during this time due to overtraining. As UpTo7 put it later in the thread, the routine was over 4 hours of active
PE, and 12+ hours of
ADS of passive
“Sorry for old thread resurrection, but I must ask…
This routine is basically 2 hours of hanging 17 lbs, 45 minutes of pumping at 8” Hg, 40 minutes of clamping, some erect bends, 1000 jelqs, kegels and
ADS, 5 times a week?
How did you manage to keep your dick from falling off? I think I would have to take weeks of break after only one day of this routine.”
In truth, BG was trying to
PE 24/7 during his first couple years.
As you can see, BG combined ADS, all day wrap, hanging, clamping, and pumping all into one extreme high intensity routine. He was doing some form of PE almost all day long, even while sleeping, for the first year of his PE gains. The way he describes it, I estimate he was doing some form of PE for 20+ hours per day on his 5 “on” days per week, and about 12 hours per day of ADS/wrap during the “off” days. He credits his flaccid gains to his ADS/wrap, and his erect girth gains mostly to the clamping. While he started with golf weights, after a year or two he switched to Monty’s PEweights and considered them to be far superior. He said any form ADS will serve the same function, anti-turtling.
A couple more threads on his early routine, somewhat of a rehash, but they contain some extra tips and tricks.
Wraps, Clamps And Golf Weights
Advanced PE
By about mid 2005, he had lightened his routine slightly. It seems he did less pumping, and switched to fowfers at night rather than the wrap. In August 2005, with several nagging injuries, he took an extended break from PE, and after 2 weeks of no PE he was measuring about 7.5” x 6.5”.
Perhaps of note:
BG drank 2 gallons of water per day, leading him to wake up to piss several times per night. That made him feel safer about wearing the wrap at night. If I remember correctly, peforeal, another big girth gainer, recommended drinking large amounts of water as well, during pumping sessions.
He often carried around a wrap and cable clamp on his person, and would get in stealth clamp sessions throughout the day, when he was away from home. 20 hours of PE wasn’t enough, gotta get in those extra 4 hours.
BG said he often ejaculated only once or twice per week because it facilitated the frequent erections he needed for the nearly 24/7 routine.
He would sometimes end his workouts by going swimming in cool water with golf weights on, to cool the tissues in the elongated state.
He would only lube up for pumping days, and on those days he would wet jelq. Other than that he would always dry jelq. For pumping, he would stay as hard as possible in the tube for the entire sets, watching porn throughout. For clamping, he usually only got an erection at the beginning of the set to clamp it off, and then would multi-task during the actual set, letting the erection subside.
He often uses the term “go into the bathroom and clamp off an ULI.” That didn’t quite make sense to me at first until I saw it many times in context, but may have made more sense in the 2005 vernacular. Basically it means, stimulate to erection and do some ULI’s to build up some engorgement, put on a wrap, and clamp off to trap a high engorgement level, perhaps even doing an ULI type kegel/jelq motion with the clamp on to get as much blood in as possible – then go multitask and remove it in 10 minutes. This was the kind of passive multi-tasking clamping he would do for many hours throughout the day as an anti-turtling measure, responsible for his huge flaccid girth gains. This style was the vast majority of his clamping, and he says many times that you don’t need to stay hard throughout the clamping set, only at the beginning to clamp it off, then let it subside while multi-tasking. At other times he would do more “active” clamping with porn, and perhaps tighter clamp, that pushed the limits of his erect girth more.
He would gain about ¾” of girth from a “clampathon” and his post clamping flaccid girth would be greater than his pre-clamping erect girth.
He sometimes did engorged bends, squeezes, etc. while clamped, but mostly just did normal clamping. He emphasized using a looser clamp setting if it was going to be combined with any manual work.
He worked from home as a writer, and had a “PE Dungeon” in the basement which is how he was able to devote so much time to it. He also kept his wife and various other people in his life in the loop about his PE. Personally I’m a stealth PE’er and get in about a half hour up to 1 full hour max per day right now. I know if I lived alone, or if I were to tell everyone about it, I could do a lot more. More details in the “PE as a way of life” thread, which also includes his early 2006 routine modifications.
PE as a Way of Life.
Here’s a BG quote from that thread which sums up the effort level seen in many of the big gainers:
“I’m just saying for most of us, if you really want to see any serious gains, you are going to have work
PE into your life. Just like with body building, or losing weight or writing a novel; if the effort is little, the rewards are little. This hit and miss, I can only do it in the shower, or when the wife is out ideology will never change your size enough to change your life. And isn’t that what we all really want, a new dick that will change our lives? That’s The Dream. That’s the reason we are here, or at least it is for me.”
Somewhere around 2006, BG went into maintenance mode for the next 3 years, decreasing his routine to only 2-3 days per week, lowering intensity, and keeping only Clamping, Pumping, Fowfers and the lead rings (PEweights ADS) as exercises. In one post he states he had gained 2 inches of length at this point, suggesting he was measuring in the realm of 8” x 6.75”. In several places he says that his quick girth gains seriously inhibited any further girth gains, so I’m not sure if he really went up to 8” length or not. After 2006 he no longer did any hanging, and apparently by 2009 after 3 years on this maintenance routine, he lost length but gained a little girth, to the 7” x 7” quoted in his signature. In 2011 he states his final size as 7”x7” erect, but with a traffic cone shape with 8” base girth. A good flaccid hang for him at that time was the same size, 7”x7”.
This thread contains details on his bed fowfers which he would do every night, replacing the all night wrap.
Don’t Measure it, Weigh it.
Then there is the (currently) 86-page classic: CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know, which contains BG’s tips and tricks on clamping, his most used form of PE. The devil is in the details, and if you’re going to be clamping, you gotta read this thread.
CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know
In summary, BG used PEweights (ADS), clamping for engorgement, manual work, night wraps, and night fowfers to pursue an all day anti-turtling effort for basically a decade now. He credits this for his flaccid gains, and his flaccid now hangs at nearly his full erect size. For those of you who don’t actually read any of his threads, I want to emphasize that he literally was PE’ing nearly his entire waking day, and attempting to PE as much as possible at night with a wrap/fowfers. We’re talking 20 hours a day of some form of PE. This was supplemented with heavy hanging for the first few years, about 1 hour per day in the hanger, 5 days a week. Also high pressure pumping, and lots of clamping for expansion to increase his erect gains. His routine was extreme, and he had many injuries over the years. In 2011 and 2012 he said that his early years were too intense in retrospect, and he could have achieved many of the same gains with less injury. He continued to do the same exercises, but just toned down the intensity, and warns that some of the advice he gave in 2003-2006 was advocating too much intensity. Many people, experienced vets, in many threads, told him many times, that his routine was crazy. So proceed gradually and with caution if you follow in his footsteps.