Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Big Gainer Highlights



Bib gained about 26 cubic inches over a period of 3.5 years between 1998 and 2002. He started with about a 6” x 5” and finished with a 10.5” x 6.75” for length gains of 4.5” and girth gains of 1.75”. After 2002 he went into maintenance mode, and has retained all his size. He didn’t record stats in the size database, but gave a full summary of his career in this thread. I couldn’t possibly write it any better.
Bib’s history

In metric terms, Bib gained 426 mL of volume, starting with 15.2 cm x 12.7 cm and finishing with 26.3 cm x 17.1 cm.

Bib was a pioneer and contributor in several areas of PE.
Hanger design – When Bib began hanging, most hangers were noose style hangers that constricted circulation at higher weights, so he designed the Bib Hanger, a clamp style hanger that distributes the load over larger areas of the CC’s, allowing a safer and more comfortable hang at higher weights.
Clamping – Bib did “extreme Uli’s” with his “Uli thing” before clamping was popular.
Hanging Technique – He had to learn a few things the hard way when figuring how to hang up to 45 lbs during his own career, and he contributed his own techniques at length. Including wrapping technique, hanger settings, proper hanger tightening, and many other tips and tricks related to all kinds of problems and discomforts that can come up while hanging. The guy was and is a hanging technique genius, and answered any and all questions about it.
Divide and Conquer Theory – A hanging theory that several body tissues are resisting any stretch in concert. Specifically he grouped the tissues as Skin, Tunica, and Ligaments (and then individual fibers). Bib treated PE gains like a physics problem in this theory. Any marginal force increase during a stretch will be resisted by the next limiting factor tissue. As each limiting factor tissue is lengthened, they will begin to resist in concert and the force needed to stretch them all at once is much greater than the force needed to stretch them individually. So Divide and Conquer is to stretch the tissues and individually as possible by varying hanger attachment points, angles, etc.
LOT Theory and Shaft Exit Point Theory – Bib noticed some interesting anatomical changes that can occur from hanging for long periods. The “Loss Of Tugback” angle may change, and the penis shaft may exit the body at higher or lower points relative to the pubic bone. Attempting to correlate these observations with ideal hanging angle or potential gains from hanging are the ideas behind the theory, but in practice the theories do not seem to hold much predictive capability, at least anecdotally. The hypothesis behind these theories is that anatomically, ligament lengthening from downward hanging angles actually pulls down the exit point of the penis, and exposes more of the inner shaft. He has no doubt in his mind that these are the anatomical mechanisms behind much of his length gains. It’s a controversial hypothesis for many, but at the very least these are interesting observations about anatomical changes that can occur in PE.
Physical PE Theory and Gaining Theory – Bib took a physical approach to PE, treating it like a science problem of how to deform a piece of matter, albeit a living piece of matter. He studied how collagenous tissue behaves under stress, and theorized that any tissue, put under enough stress, will deform (lengthen or expand in our case). It’s just a matter of walking the fine line between deforming the tissue and injuring it. Calling it “riding the fatigue” he recommends keeping the tissues in a constant state of “controlled damage” by taking very little rest days, without crossing into injury. For hanging, he literally advocates zero rest days. His rest schedule on girth work included a little more time off between workouts, but in general his idea was to work out the tissues, and to get his next workout in before they were done healing from the last workout.

He had 2600 posts here at Thunder’s and then went over to his own Bib Hanger support forums after 2004, where he still posts. I’ve really only scratched the surface of everything, and I’m sure I left a few things out. If you’re a hanger it’s worth your time to go check out the individual posts. Imagine if we could ask a thousand questions to any of the big gainers on this list so far – well Bib made himself available and answered all those questions in all his old posts, down to the tiniest detail of how he did his workouts and how and why he thought it was working in his body, how the changes affected his life.

Bib was certainly a more is more guy. He presents some of his theories as though they are scientific facts. I.e. if you do enough work with enough force in the right way, you WILL gain as much as you want. I have to admit that after reading some Bib to do this write-up, it’s inspirational and makes me want to go hang 20+ hours a week for a year and see what happens. The truth is, not everyone gains that way. Some people need more rest days, some people need to use much less force, some people gain significantly from hanging only 1 set per workout instead of 10. While Bib made monumental contributions to PE theory by looking at it through physical scientific lens and using that foundation to design an excellent workout and technique, he tends to go overboard on prescribing to do exactly what worked for him and assuming it will work for everyone. If you can sort out the difference between the two and use common sense when applying his recommendations to your own body, then there’s pure gold in going and reading up on Bib.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"



MadCock gained 16.2 cubic inches between 2000 and 2013 and is presumably still working on it. He started at 6.75” x 5.25” and is now at 8.56” x 6.75” for gains of 1.81” of length and 1.5” of girth.

In metric terms he gained 265 mL of volume and went from 17.1 cm x 13.3 cm to current size of 21.7 cm x 17.1 cm.

MadCock has input regular measurements in the database, every couple months on average, ever since 2005. There’s not a whole lot of info available on his routine, but he does give us the basics in the size database, and two updates throughout the years. He has used a less intense routine than many of the others so far, and he also has his gains spread out evenly over 13 years whereas most of the other guys had the majority of their gains happening in a shorter 2-5 year period. Madcock has consistently gained 1.0 to 1.5 cubic inches pretty much every year for 13 years straight.

In the size database he lists his routine as stretching, jelqing, and Uli’s. His routine would take about 30 minutes, and he would repeat a cycle of 4 sets of stretching in 4 directions for 30-45 sec each rep. Then 10-20 jelqs at 2-5 sec each. Then some Uli’s at about 80% erection for 10-15 sec each. Then repeat the cycle. In a couple of his posts we see he also did occasional clamping and hanging. Rest days varied. Routine length varied 30 min to 3 hrs. His routine was “broken and mixed” and “on and off” throughout the years, but it seems like mostly on. It also seems like the cycling of stretching, jelqing, and uli was the constant, with hanging and clamping being less regular.

Feb 2005
“The best temp gains seen where last week after 4 days of 2-3 hour routines. Jelqing, hot and cold Stretches, (Down, Up, and to each side) 10-15 min Cycles 5 min rest period’s ended with a 45 -60 min hanging routine starting at 1 pound and adding 1 pound after each 15-20 mins.”

March 2012
“Still doing PE, the same broken and mixed routine of basic PE exorcises, clamping and sometimes hanging. I’m still seeing occasional small gains. I have lost 15 pound over the last 2 years and there must be something to the saying that for every 10 pounds you loss you gain ¼ inch of usable penis length, as my average hard on is easily ¼ inch longer then before the weight loss.”

His wife kept telling him to stop PE’ing because he was big enough and causing soreness after sex, starting around 20 cubic inches. But it seemed like a love/hate relationship with the new bigger dick. She loved the bigger size during sex, and seemed to keep loving it through the years as he has grown all the way to 31 cubic inches, even if it was sore afterwards.

Levitra / Viagra 2006 – He started taking ED drugs in 2006 and they caused erections up to 0.75” longer and up to 0.5” girthier. This additional size was not factored into his stats in the database, just an extra bonus sometimes. He has good notes on the differences between Levitra and Viagra.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

What are the odds for small guys to get on this list?

Some interesting stats from the database. Note that I “cleaned” the data by removing anybody who had PE’d less than 60 days, removing people with what I considered impossible starting sizes, and people who had lost or gained impossible amounts.

I started with a small girth and starting volume of about 7.3 cubic inches, so I was wondering - if your starting size is under 8 cubic inches, what are the odds you’ll end up with a big cock? What’s a realistic hope?

In the cleaned data, 129 out of 2122 guys started with 8 cubic inches or less (that’s about 6% of guys), with starting volume as low as 3.38 cubic inches. Only 5 of these guys were below 5 cubic inches, and one of them (YGuy) went on to be one of the top finishers with over 20 cubic inches finishing size, he’s also the only guy in the entire database to quadruple his penis volume with PE.

Finishing Volume
4 out of those 129 (about 3%) finished with over 20 cubic inches (and just barely, the top finisher was about 21.5 cubic inches).
10 out of those 129 (about 8%) finished with over 15 cubic inches (includes those who finished over 20 cubic inches).
34 out of 129 (about 26%) finished with 11.9 cubic inches or better (which is the average 6x5 penis volume).
66 out of 129 (about 51%) finished with 10 cubic inches or better.

Total Volume Gained
1 out of 129 gained 15 cubic inches or more. 0.7% compared to 1.2% in the whole population
7 out of 129 gained 9 cubic inches or more. 5.4% compared to 5.8% in the whole population.
15 out of 129 gained 7 cubic inches or more. 11.6% compared to 11.5% in the whole population.
It’s interesting gaining over 15 cubic inches is more difficult for small guys, but gaining over 7 cubic inches, the odds are exactly the same, with over 9% somewhere in between.

Finishing Length
3 out of 129 finished with over 8” of length.
23 out of 129 finished with over 7” of length.
84 out of 129 (65%) finished with 6” of length or better.

Finishing Girth
1 out of 129 made it to 6” girth exactly.
7 out of 129 made it to 5.5” of girth or better.
25 out of 129 made it 5.0” of girth or better than average girth.

So the odds are stacked against small guys. The 8x6, while probably not impossible, is definitely less than a 1% chance and nobody has done it yet at least in the database. The 7x5 though, is attainable, with about a 10% chance.

Starting volume was correlated to finishing volume with a 0.45 slope - i.e. the bigger you start, the bigger you tend to finish (an 8 cubic inch start would on average finish about 1.35 cubic inches more than a 5 cubic inch starter).
Starting volume was correlated to total volume gained with about a -0.59 slope, i.e. the smaller you start, the more you tend to gain (a 5 cubic inch starter would would on average gain 1.8 cubic inches more volume than an 8 inch starter).

The good news is in %volume increase. Smaller guys are way more likely to double their dick size.

1 out of 129 finished with 4x or more starting volume.
3 out of 129 finished with 3x or more starting volume.
18 out of 129 finished with 2x or more starting volume. That’s about 14% who achieve a double-dick. For guys with over 8 inches starting volume, only about 2.6% of guys double their starting volume. So although small guys don’t tend to end up with the biggest dicks, they do end up with the most transformative changes.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Last edited by BeardedDragon : 06-01-2013 at .

The effect of time on big gains

Alright, one more data study before I go back to case studies.

There are a lot of guys who give up on PE pretty quickly. I’m wondering, what are the odds of being a big gainer for the dedicated PE’er who stays at it for years?

Gaining 15 or more cubic inches:
1.1% of guys with 2 months of PE or more
1.8% of guys with 1 year or more PE
2.7% of guys with 2 years or more PE
3.3% of guys with 3 years or more PE.
3.8% of guys with 4 years or more PE.
5.1% of guys with 5 years or more PE.
5.4% of guys with 6 years or more PE.
7.1% of guys with 7 years or more PE.
8.1% of guys with 8 years or more PE.
8.7% of guys with 9 years or more PE.
10.5% of guys with 10 years or more PE.

Gaining 10 or more cubic inches:
4.5% of guys with 2 months of PE or more
7.5% of guys with 1 year or more PE
9.5% of guys with 2 years or more PE
9.1% of guys with 3 years or more PE
9.6% of guys with 4 years or more PE
10.6% of guys with 5 years or more PE
10.5% of guys with 6 years or more PE
11.0% of guys with 7 years or more PE
10.5% of guys with 8 years or more PE
11.5% of guys with 9 years or more PE
14.5% of guys with 10 years or more PE

Gaining 7 or more cubic inches:
11.5% of guys with 2 months of PE or more
18.0% of guys with 1 year or more PE
21.0% of guys with 2 years or more PE
19.8% of guys with 3 years or more PE
21.0% of guys with 4 years or more PE
22.9% of guys with 5 years or more PE
24.5% of guys with 6 years or more PE
25.2% of guys with 7 years or more PE
25.8% of guys with 8 years or more PE
25.0% of guys with 9 years or more PE
26.3% of guys with 10 years or more PE

Of course there is a heavy selection bias in PE. People who hit a long plateau are likely to quit PE instead of pursuing further gains. And people who aren’t gaining for long periods of time tend to not enter any more data even if they have been actively PE’ing. Here’s some idea of the decay rate:

Out of 2212 guys who PE’d more than 2 months:
51.3% went on to PE for 1 year or more.
31.4% went on to PE for 2 years or more.
21.9% went on to PE for 3 years or more.
16.1% went on to PE for 4 years or more.
11.9% went on to PE for 5 years or more.

Looking at everything together, it seems like for the first couple years at least, the selection bias is probably trumped by people who just quit because either PE is no longer a priority to them, or because they lack long term dedication. After the 2 or 3 year mark though, it seems like the selection bias is probably dominating. Throwing out the analysis past the 3 year mark for this reason, it looks like the odds of being a big gainer for a dedicated PE’er are about:

3% chance to gain 15 cubic inches or more.
10% chance to gain 10 cubic inches or more
20% chance to gain 7 cubic inches or more.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

I just love your work BeardedDragon, this is turning into an epic thread.

A well tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men.

A well PE'd Penis gives girls the "Wow Eyes"

I :surf: therefore I am



Navarrho gained about 15.8 cubic inches, or about 260 mL of volume. He started in January 2009 with 17,5 cm x MSEG 14,5 cm and in December 2012 was at BPEL 20,7 cm x MSEG 17,8 cm. In inches that’s starting size of about 7.1” x 5.4” and currently at 8.25” x 7.0”. Length gains of about 1.15” and girth gains of 1.6”.

He is still active and keeps a diary in the Italian forums. He made good gains from January 2009 through sometime in early 2011. Then he had an injury and took 1.5 - 2 years from mid 2011 through all of 2012. He began PE again in either December 2012 or January 2013 with the objective of improving EQ and gaining some length. Since then he has gained a little length, and lost a little girth, and improved his EQ with current size of BPEL 21,5 cm x 17,5 cm MSEG.

His routine since January 2013 is:
5 minute warmup. 200 wet jelqs, 5 minutes stretching in all directions, 15 minutes pumping at 4” Hg, 50 wet jelqs, and 2 minute cooldown.

I wasn’t able to find details of his routine before the injury, or about what the injury was.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Originally Posted by Behemoth
I just love your work BeardedDragon, this is turning into an epic thread.

Thanks, glad to do it. If you think of any other interesting size database stats you’re wondering about big gainers, I might be able to figure them out.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Hi Bearded Dragon thanks a lot for putting my story and my name in the thread.
It’s a pleasure to give you more information about my old routine.
When I started I used a routine really simple like the newbie routine and later I tested several routins, but the best one for me was a mix between pumping and clamping. This was my best routine in the period you asked me:
5’ warm up
300 wet jelq
30’ pumping
50 wet jelq + massage
15’ clamping
50 wet jelq + massage

30’ pumping
50 wet jelq + massage
15’ clamping
50 wet jelq + massage

Warm down.
This was in the morning and I repeated again in the evening. 2 times for day.
14 days on 7 days off.
Very heavy.

During this period I gained a lot in girth, but I had some problem too, with my veins.
I used it for more then 6 months and the results come every single month.
When I got the problem with the veins, I stopped PE for 3 months and I tried to restart, bu the problem came again, and so I decide to stop for a longer period.
I restart at the end of 2012 after 1 year and half, and I’m getting good feeling from the training.
My routine now is little bit different from the routine you wrote in your post.
I’m using a simple device created by one our member (mr. Fantastic) able to create a controlled dynamic pumping.
So I’m doing this now:
5’ warm up
200 wet jelq
15’ dynamic pumping
50 wet jelq+massage
Warm down
2 day on, 1 day off
And 7 days on I’m using the Penimaster Pro, 3/4 hours for day.

That’s all.
I’ll check my measurements at the end of June to understand if this routine is working well, giving me new results.
Thanks again for your interest and for your really good thread.


Starting January 2009 BPEL 17,5 cm x MSEG 14,5 cm. Today - BPEL 21,5 cm x MSEG 17,5 cm.

Goal ---- Wonderful EQ -----BPEL 24 cm x MSEG 18,5cm

È preferibile non fare un’azione che non va fatta, perché dopo ci si pente. Ciò che va fatto e meglio farlo bene, perché non ci si pente !

Last edited by navarrho : 06-04-2013 at .


Iread wrong or you are saying that you did a routine of more than 2 hours in the morning and anotherone of more than 2 hours in the evening ?

Originally Posted by sr. spock


Iread wrong or you are saying that you did a routine of more than 2 hours in the morning and anotherone of more than 2 hours in the evening ?

No, you read well! Too much!

But was about 2 hours morning and 2 hours evening.

I had the wake up really early to do this. No problem with privacy.

It was like an obsession. :(

Starting January 2009 BPEL 17,5 cm x MSEG 14,5 cm. Today - BPEL 21,5 cm x MSEG 17,5 cm.

Goal ---- Wonderful EQ -----BPEL 24 cm x MSEG 18,5cm

È preferibile non fare un’azione che non va fatta, perché dopo ci si pente. Ciò che va fatto e meglio farlo bene, perché non ci si pente !

Originally Posted by navarrho
Hi Bearded Dragon thanks a lot for putting my story and my name in the thread.
It’s a pleasure to give you more information about my old routine.

Ciao navarrho,
That was a seriously hardcore routine. Among the most intense girth routines I’ve ever read about. Thanks for sharing the details, and congratulations on the gains!

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"



YGuy Progress Report(Copied from PE Forums)
Edited version of my history.

YGuy gained about 15.8 cubic inches in the two years from October 2000 through October 2002. He began at a size of 4.5” x 3.5” which is a volume of about 4.4 cubic inches. He finished at a size of 8” x 5.625” with a final volume of 20.1 cubic inches. Total length gains of 3.5” and total girth gains of 2.125”. In metric terms he gained about 255 mL. He is the only person in the whole database to more than quadruple his starting size in volume. He was aged 19 – 21 during this gaining period.

*Month1: 10min manual stretch/10jelq/kegels
*Month2-3: 20min manual stretch/20min jelq/kegels

Around this time he was measuring 6” BPEL already, so 1.5” of length gain in 3 months. During these first few months he found it difficult to take off days since he was gaining so well. I’m estimating he took 1 out of 10 days off.

*Month4-8: 30min manual stretch/15min jelq/30min power jelq/kegels
*Month9: no manual stretch/15min jelq/30min power jelq/kegels

At this time he measured at 7” BPEL x 5.5” EG, so gains of 2.5” of length and 2.0” of girth in 9 months with manual stretching / jelqing / power jelq / and kegels. He was probably using a 6 on / 1 off rest schedule during these months.

*Month10-11: 30-40min hanging/5min jelq/20min power jelq/20min power squeeze/kegels
*Month12-13: 60mins hanging straight down(15-17.5lbs)/5min jelq/10min power jelq/30min power squeeze/kegels
*Month14: 2hrs hanging straight down(15-17.5lbs)/5min jelq/5min power jelq/15mins power squeeze/kegels

Hanging during this period got him up to 7.5” x 5.5”. From here on out he was using a 5 on / 2 off rest schedule.

*Month 15: Off
*Month16-25: V-stretches or manual stretches, jelqing with the Power Jelqer, and various squeezes, such as horse’s, and two handed squeezes.

This brings him up to his last entry in the database of 8” x 5.625.

Month 26: manual stretches, and manual jelqing

He continued this routine for the next 8 months and added in some hanging again for the final 2 months leading up to the 36 month time frame, about October or November 2003. He wanted to gain a little more length. He was on a plateau during this period, and although he didn’t register any gains, he was cementing plenty of gains. Around his 3 year anniversary, he decided to take 7 weeks off from PE as a decon break.

In Dec 2003 and January 2004 he started back up, doing a light routine of stretching and jelqing. He gained up to 8.125” or 8.25” during this time. Late January 2004 he began hanging again. He hung through at least April 2004. In April he began experimenting with pumping at 4-5” Hg.

His hanging was between 5lbs and 17.5lbs and used the "Bib style" of hanging. His stretching in 2003 and 2004 was done in all 5 directions plus a clockwise and counterclockwise rotational stretch, all done for 30 seconds at a time, up to 30 sets per workout. That would be about 30 sec x 7 stretches x 15 sets = 45 minutes of stretching usually, or even up to 1.5 hrs of stretching on a longer workout. He would also jelq for up to 45 minutes afterward.

Summer 2004 – he went into maintenance mode and drastically reduced his overall PE time. He was feeling content with his size, and so was his girlfriend. He had invested a lot of time over the first few years into PE, several hours per day. At some points he talks about PE as an obsession and an addiction, difficult to quit. In 2004 and 2005 he started to accept his new size, and cease the PE obsession, and mature into his new size and moving on to different parts of life. By 2005 he had reduced PE almost to zero, doing just an occasional stretching. He estimated that he kept his EL at 8” but lost some flaccid size.

There are many more details in the threads linked at the top of this post. He also has two picture threads which you can find links for on page 2 of his Progress Report thread if you want, which contain even more routine and history details. YGuy’s story is inspirational, and it transformed his personal life. In terms of his routine, he does go over some tips on his technique, but the real story is his tremendous length and girth gains from his early routine which was very similar to the newbie routine, and his dedication with putting in 2+ hours per day on workout days.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"


So I think you belong to the group that consider that the theory of ” more is more ” is better than ” less is more ” theory ?

Originally Posted by sr. spock


So I think you belong to the group that consider that the theory of ” more is more ” is better than ” less is more ” theory ?

It worked on me, but to be honest now I’m getting good result with a really light routine! So? What I can say?

I think that some of us are more ready to gain in front of the other one.

I used to train myself hard like in my past making bodybuilding. The result came and ingiuries,too. Now I’m little bit older then before and little bit wiser then before :)

Let me say now I consider that less ( but no nothing !) is better!

Starting January 2009 BPEL 17,5 cm x MSEG 14,5 cm. Today - BPEL 21,5 cm x MSEG 17,5 cm.

Goal ---- Wonderful EQ -----BPEL 24 cm x MSEG 18,5cm

È preferibile non fare un’azione che non va fatta, perché dopo ci si pente. Ciò che va fatto e meglio farlo bene, perché non ci si pente !

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon

YGuy gained about 15.8 cubic inches in the two years from October 2000 through October 2002. He began at a size of 4.5” x 3.5” which is a volume of about 4.4 cubic inches. He finished at a size of 8” x 5.625” with a final volume of 20.1 cubic inches. Total length gains of 3.5” and total girth gains of 2.125”. In metric terms he gained about 255 mL. He is the only person in the whole database to more than quadruple his starting size in volume. He was aged 19 – 21 during this gaining period.

5,5 inches of gain just after 9 month?!?
Sorry men, but who can believe this tail? Only who have never done PE, I think :) .

Starting sept 2012: BPEL 15.5 cm - NBPEL 13.5 - EG 13,0 cm

Today: BPEL 18.8 cm - NBPEL 15.3 cm - EG 14.0 cm

Goal: BPEL 19 cm - NBPEL 17.0 cm - EG 16 cm


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