Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Big Gainer Highlights

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon


He lists his total routine at about 40 minutes per day, with a 5 on 2 off schedule. Hopefully he stops by, because I am wondering how he manages to pull his finger off that release valve hole at that pressure. I have to admit, I am tempted to try this some day when I have enough privacy to hook up an industrial air pump to my penis. But I also have to remind, it’s generally considered safe to keep pumping pressure below 10” Hg.

You have provided a good summary. You also stressed the key safety points (a) use a cylinder that is not much larger in diameter than your penis (b) drill a small hole in the end of the cylinder so it is easy to release pressure instantly (c) add cushioning to the bottom of the cylinder and leave a mat of pubic hair so the skin is less irritated.

I drilled a 1/8”mm hole in the cylinder. At full vacuum the force on my thump to release the pressure is negligible about 0.2 pound force. Tiny hole equals tiny force. Depending on how much space there is in the cylinder there is plenty of time to control the pressure build up using the thumb as the release.

My current cylinder is 2.5” diameter so the force involved there is about 68 pound force at the limit of my single stage pump - big hole gives big force.

I have a workshop and have the pump under the bench. Pump is noisy when close up and exposed but the bench muffles the noise and noise does not travel beyond the workshop.

If you try you should rightly be apprehensive the first time as I was and even using a smaller tube the force is significant. Seat the cylinder against the pubic bone before closing the sealing port.

I use a water based lubricant to start with but it will dry out after a few minutes. I then use vaseline on the cushion and inside the cylinder. I lube twice with vaseline during a session.

Even after 30 minutes I get fluid build up. There is no point going beyond 30 to 40 minutes because the fluid build up reduces the girth stretch anyhow. The various cylinders I have used have not been large enough to allow a doughnut to form.

If you keep going till the glans starts to sting then you are getting close to pulling a blister. It is something to avoid because a blister will likely take a week or more to heal.

Lately I have been contracting one of the pelvic floor muscles when I release the pressure and keep contracted until the pressure increases. This seems a faster way to get at the limit of my stretch.

Once your cylinder no longer fits on your erect penis it is time to go up in size if you want more girth. Note though that I do not start a session with an erection. The bigger the cylinder the bigger the force of course.

I still do manual stretching however overall I think that this short duration, on-off high pressure method is less traumatic than aggressive stretching and squeezing.

If I stick with the routine I can gain about 1/4” in length every 2 months. In reality it is about 1” a year because it is not possible to stay with the routine week in week out. My current cylinder is 10” long. When I fill that I will stop. Actual unpumped length then will be about 9.5” bone pressed.

Excellent thread, my man!

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Hey PEforFun,

Thanks for boldly going where no man has gone before, and living to tell about it. I’ve got a few more questions about your pumping style since as far as I know you’re the only person who has tried it and you’ve had good results.

Originally Posted by PEforFun
(c) add cushioning to the bottom of the cylinder and leave a mat of pubic hair so the skin is less irritated.

What kind of cushioning do you use to still maintain the seal? Do you attach it permanently to your cylinders or is it taken on/off each time more like a silicone pump sleeve?

Originally Posted by PEforFun
If you try you should rightly be apprehensive the first time as I was and even using a smaller tube the force is significant. Seat the cylinder against the pubic bone before closing the sealing port.

Obviously you want the perfect size for diameter, but does the length of the tube make any difference for this kind of pumping, for example using a 12 inch tube versus a 9 inch tube. It seems like the pump would evacuate the air faster so less time to get to pressure. Any other advantages to having a perfectly fitted tube for length?

Originally Posted by PEforFun
If you keep going till the glans starts to sting then you are getting close to pulling a blister. It is something to avoid because a blister will likely take a week or more to heal.

You mentioned the stinging sensation which I’m familiar with whenever I try out pressures from 5” Hg to 10” Hg. Just an occasional light stinging, and kind of a low level general pain from being at higher pressure. When I tried out 10-11” Hg I could tell I was on the verge of a blister when I was done. Going much higher just seems like it would be outright painful. Do you feel any pain from doing going to high pressures? Is this feeling something that you’ve adapted to by working your way up over many months? Or perhaps it is a tolerable pain for the few seconds that you are at high pressure, or the pain is more a function of time at pressure rather than pressure alone? Although I remember from one of your other posts that you once spent several minutes at full vacuum, so it would seem that you just have a uniquely high tolerance for this.

From my limited experience of hand-pumping my way up to 10-11” Hg, it would seem like full vacuum would be extremely painful and pull a blister 100% of the time - I do have a mushroom head which “packs” the cylinder before the shaft, although it seems like I’m still getting pressure below the glans, could that be a factor?


Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Originally Posted by Davor Jelq
5,5 inches of gain just after 9 month?!?
Sorry men, but who can believe this tail? Only who have never done PE, I think :) .

Yeah 2.5” of length and 2.125” of girth for YGuy in 9 months using manual exercises. The rate of gain is off the charts even among the list of big gainers here. He was 19 years old when he started so perhaps there was some natural growth mixed in there.

Originally Posted by Krowax
Excellent thread, my man!

Thanks Krowax.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"



Skimmer2002 gained 15.3 cubic inches from November 2002 through November 2003. He started with 7.25” x 6.0” and finished with a 9.25” x 7.0” for total gains of 2” length x 1” girth. In metric terms he gained about 250 cubic centimeters. He didn’t make any posts, but he did give a routine in the size database.

Main Routine Constituents
Hanging, Jelqing, Ulis, Stretching

Rest Days

Daily Session Length (minutes)

Detailed Routine Description
Hung 15 pounds for first 6 months each evening, three 20 min sets with 10 min break between sets. Jelq and squeezes between sets. 20-30 minutes manual stretching each morning. Currently doing manual stretches for 20-30 minutes each morning along with two 10 minute pumping sessions. Evening routine is three 10 minutes sets of hanging with 10 pounds followed by jelqing and squeezing between sets. Follow that up with three 10 minutes sets of pumping at med pressure.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
Yeah 2.5” of length and 2.125” of girth for YGuy in 9 months using manual exercises. The rate of gain is off the charts even among the list of big gainers here. He was 19 years old when he started so perhaps there was some natural growth mixed in there.

Thanks Krowax.

There are comparative pictures about him?

Starting sept 2012: BPEL 15.5 cm - NBPEL 13.5 - EG 13,0 cm

Today: BPEL 18.8 cm - NBPEL 15.3 cm - EG 14.0 cm

Goal: BPEL 19 cm - NBPEL 17.0 cm - EG 16 cm

After 3 cm of growth everyone should post pictures.

Of course they aren’t obliged to do so but it would be very good.

With pictures you can see that someone isn’t telling lies just for fun

Started october 2011 :

BPEL 13.5 MSEG 14 BEG 14.5

Today : BPEL 14.3 ,MSEG 14 BEG 14.5

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon

….this is the kind of gain most people think is impossible, but the stats would say maybe it does happen - just that it’s rare on the same order as a natural 13” x 9” cock is exceedingly rare, but apparently exists (Jonah Falcon). Perhaps 1 in 100 million or 1 in a billion rare. A lot can happen in ten years time.

Sorry just read this. Apparently Jonah Falcon is not but a bullshitter.

Originally Posted by marinera
Sorry just read this. Apparently Jonah Falcon is not but a bullshitter.

Are you saying Falcon is a bullshitter?

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

One of the best threads I have read in awhile. Great job beardeddragon.

I am pretty sure braindrain didn’t log measurements in the database but he definitely stands out as a huge gainer. His thread was titled, PE for life.

Keep up the great work!

Originally Posted by Davor Jelq
There are comparative pictures about him?

YGuy did post pics, but he did not take starting pics. The pictures compared his size at 9 months, 7” x 5” to his 8” x 5.625” final size.

Originally Posted by marinera
Sorry just read this. Apparently Jonah Falcon is not but a bullshitter.

“Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
….this is the kind of gain most people think is impossible, but the stats would say maybe it does happen - just that it’s rare on the same order as a natural 13” x 9” cock is exceedingly rare, but apparently exists (Jonah Falcon). Perhaps 1 in 100 million or 1 in a billion rare. A lot can happen in ten years time.”

Apparent here meaning “Seeming real or true, but not necessarily so.”

I don’t know if he’s bullshitting or not about the measurements, but he definitely has a giant penis and commonly gets touted as having the world’s largest. I used him only as an example that both starting size, and volume gained are positively skewed distributions, and that the positive tails on these distributions can go to extreme sizes when you start thinking about the 4th and 5th standard deviations.

Originally Posted by Majick888
One of the best threads I have read in awhile. Great job beardeddragon.

I am pretty sure braindrain didn’t log measurements in the database but he definitely stands out as a huge gainer. His thread was titled, PE for life.

Keep up the great work!

Thanks, braindrain is one of my favorites. The original bd, and a great progress thread with slow and steady growth and lots of details. He gained 14.6 cubic inches and is coming up in a few.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
Hey PEforFun,

What kind of cushioning do you use to still maintain the seal? Do you attach it permanently to your cylinders or is it taken on/off each time more like a silicone pump sleeve?

Obviously you want the perfect size for diameter, but does the length of the tube make any difference for this kind of pumping, for example using a 12 inch tube versus a 9 inch tube. It seems like the pump would evacuate the air faster so less time to get to pressure. Any other advantages to having a perfectly fitted tube for length?

You mentioned the stinging sensation which I’m familiar with whenever I try out pressures from 5” Hg to 10” Hg. Just an occasional light stinging, and kind of a low level general pain from being at higher pressure. When I tried out 10-11” Hg I could tell I was on the verge of a blister when I was done. Going much higher just seems like it would be outright painful. Do you feel any pain from doing going to high pressures? Is this feeling something that you’ve adapted to by working your way up over many months? Or perhaps it is a tolerable pain for the few seconds that you are at high pressure, or the pain is more a function of time at pressure rather than pressure alone? Although I remember from one of your other posts that you once spent several minutes at full vacuum, so it would seem that you just have a uniquely high tolerance for this.

From my limited experience of hand-pumping my way up to 10-11” Hg, it would seem like full vacuum would be extremely painful and pull a blister 100% of the time - I do have a mushroom head which “packs” the cylinder before the shaft, although it seems like I’m still getting pressure below the glans, could that be a factor?


Cushion - I use layers of 1/8” thick neoprene with single side adhesive to build out the rim of the tube then wrap duct tape over that to make it secure. It ends up about 1/4” larger than the tube. The tube I am using now already has a 1/4” wide rim. On my 2.25 tube I moulded an epoxy rim that was 1/2” wide and nicely rounded.

Cylinder length - Length of the tube does not really matter unless you are packing it fully. The less space the faster the pressure rises. But even the hose takes a few seconds to evacuate so there is always reaction time if you want to release before full pressure is achieved. The thumb over bleed hole gives very good control over the pressure.

Pain - With manual suction it takes minutes to achieve the pressure I can achieve in seconds. My penis actually gets warmer because I am promoting blood circulation. When I started with the industrial pump I did not cycle pressure and after a few minutes I found my glans in particular was getting cold and going whiter so it was losing circulation. With cycling pressure I do not get stinging until I am pushing for the final stretch - that is typically 1/2” longer than my initial pump up to full pressure. As soon as there is stinging I release and the time at suction gets shorter. I know that I am near the end of a session when I am only at full pressure for a second or two. If I keep going I know I will get a blister. There is absolutely no point trying to “work through the pain” - Rome wasn’t built in a day!

Glans - My glans has been slower to expand than my shaft. It does not pack the 2.5” cylinder. It could be my glans is tougher. However I have found that the stinging is more to do with duration at pressure as much as the level of pressure. As much to do with poor circulation as pressure. When I release pressure I can pull back down the tube maybe 1” when I contract pelvic floor muscles. So I encourage blood flow out of the penis then let the vacuum force it back in. With the smaller cylinder I had some pain when the glans is pinched in the tube when it was not well lubricated. Vaseline is the best lubricant I have found because it does not evaporate but I always pre-lube with water base. Before bed I apply a moisturising cream with Vitamin E.

Sensation - When I first tried full pressure I used a 2.25” cylinder and there was a feeling of full stretch - wasn’t painful but I could really feel the stretch and pain would come after a few minutes at full pressure. There was also risk of scrotum being pushed in and that was painful if it happened. That is when I got the idea of means of instant pressure release. I also went down to a 1.8” cylinder but it was only a month or so before I was tight in it. After that I use a 2” cylinder for about 3 months then 2.25”; now 2.5”, which I will use until I pack the length. The skin has stretched quite a lot now and the base of penis is much larger so there is less likelihood of the scrotum being forced in even with the 2.5”. My testis do end up hard against the cushion though once I am packing the diameter. When flaccid my testis now hang much lower.

My cylinder has graduations and I assess the gains by where the ridge of the glans ends up after each session as it is easy to sight accurately being tight on the cylinder wall. The change is almost imperceptible day to day but over a week I can usually see some progress. Some weeks are better than others, probably depending on how much manual stretching and the number of days pumping.

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon


I don’t know if he’s bullshitting or not about the measurements, but he definitely has a giant penis and commonly gets touted as having the world’s largest. I used him only as an example that both starting size, and volume gained are positively skewed distributions, and that the positive tails on these distributions can go to extreme sizes when you start thinking about the 4th and 5th standard deviations.


I don’t want to star an arguing, but if your example is bogus than your assumption is incorrect. If Jonah Falcon isn’ta proof that 13” (working) penis really exists, than maybe so extreme sizes don’t exists, than the distribution isn’t as skewed as you think. So if you are supposing that gains can have a so wide range basing on the fact that there is analogus wide range in natural penis size, if the latter has a more narrower range what would you conclude? There isn’t a convincing proof of a working 13” penis anywhere, there isn’t any convincing proof of more than 2.25” length gains (as far as I can remember) either.

Originally Posted by a-unit

Are you saying Falcon is a bullshitter?

He notoriously is.

Thanks PEforFun. I feel kinda crazy for wanting to try it, but if all the normal methods fail, I could see myself attempting this a few years down the line :)

Originally Posted by marinera
I don’t want to star an arguing, but if your example is bogus than your assumption is incorrect. If Jonah Falcon isn’ta proof that 13” (working) penis really exists, than maybe so extreme sizes don’t exists, than the distribution isn’t as skewed as you think. So if you are supposing that gains can have a so wide range basing on the fact that there is analogus wide range in natural penis size, if the latter has a more narrower range what would you conclude? There isn’t a convincing proof of a working 13” penis anywhere, there isn’t any convincing proof of more than 2.25” length gains (as far as I can remember) either.

I’m not in any position to say whether somebody’s self-reported stats are true or false, I can’t prove or disprove them, it’s just their word - unless we set up a Thunder’s Place penis certification team (not it!). Obviously anybody can say whatever they want to, or input whatever they want to into the size database, so there are fakes in the data. But I think the good data drowns out the bad data at some point. The smoothness of the graph at some point is supporting the frequency of the bigger gains and sizes. You can draw the cut-off line wherever you like for what you think is real and what is fake. I think our sample sizes are small enough that we can’t discount seemingly impossible claims, but also big enough to support many of the big gainer claims on the site.

A picture is worth 1000 words, and I’ve been meaning to attach some graphs of what the positive tails of these distributions look like, so you can see why I think the majority of the big gainers are telling the truth.

For the starting size graphs, I included data points from users who made only one entry in the database with N=6437. It seems like it tails off around 40 cubic inches, but the wide bins graph suggests it could go as high as 50.
For the volume gained graphs, I used my “cleaned” data set that I’ve been using for all the case studies, with N=2122. It seems like up to 22 cubic inches gained is supported by the tail of the graph, which is all but the first 5 gainers listed.

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Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"


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