Thunder's Place

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Black/purple spots from clamping?

Black/purple spots from clamping?

I did 1 set of 10 minute clamping today and noticed that right at the end of the clamping session, the head of my penis just had a ton of black/purple spots show up, but as soon as I removed the clamp, they immediately disappeared and my penis went back to a normal light red/pink color.

I usually read of people getting red spots from clamping, but never black/purple spots. What happened?

"There is no way to happiness - happiness is the way."

- Dr. Wayne Dyer

Be very careful. Clamping is a very extreme PE exercise. My presumption is that this is the same phenomena as red spots to a varying degree. I hope an experienced clamper will come along to offer some good advice.

I would ask if you have followed the newbie routine for several months? Have you been clamping long? Are you building up clamping time/ sets/ intensity gradually? What other PE have you done and are you doing now?

Yeah I’ve been doing the linear newbie routine since January. Yesterday was my first time doing one full set of clamping. I’m trying to ease myself into it instead of jumping straight to doing 3 sets. I only got this issue towards the very end of my set so I think I’ll cut back to 1 set of 5 minutes.

I also do some light pumping and have been for 3 weeks.

"There is no way to happiness - happiness is the way."

- Dr. Wayne Dyer

:) What shall I tell you, I see this from time to time, Normal, I clamp extremely long, Maybe all day, and sometimes I have this from clamping or pumping its normal, apply some heat and forget about it, it will go away by it self, No even 1% to worry, But you make sure not to close the clamper 100% and be careful of the signs of negativity, Check clamping 101 , and take it very serious, go up slowly with sets, Take your time, every week add up + time and sets, other wise you don’t need to worry at all, Sometimes the black spots will last for days, Its still normal, Your penis is not condition yet, And you close the clamper very tight, Just be careful and read clamping 101, good luck

Start July 07 2011 = Length 6.5 Girth 5.3 ---> 07 / May / 2012 = NBPEL 7 In / BEG 6.2.5 In / MEG 5.8

Goal : All the way --- And no this is not my photo :D

I never clamped but i think when you do things to the extream sometimes things like that will happen when i have experienced a few red prickle spots when I pump to long so instead i do less pressure for a shorter time span i don’t think its good to have black and purple spots i would go less of the time with the clamp maybe 5 min then build up to 10 min over time.

05/01/2012 BPEL 6.000 EG 5.500

10/19/2012 BPEL 6.625 EG 5.500 BPSL 7.2

First Goal BPEL 7 - End of 2012 second goal BPEL 8

I have seen a few black spots around the skin surrounding the base of my dick from doing uli and squeeses based routine. I think its normal, to me it doesnt hurt but gets slighty itchy at times. I find it manly though

Start: 17 Feb 2012, 8.25bpel x 4.92mseg; bpfsl=??; fl=6.5x4.5

Current: 29 April 2013, 8.875bpel x 5.8mseg; bpfsl=9.25; fl=7x5

Goal: 9NBP x 6.25mseg and the best EQ ever!

Originally Posted by TheGr8Leviathan
I have seen a few black spots around the skin surrounding the base of my dick from doing uli and squeeses based routine. I think its normal, to me it doesnt hurt but gets slighty itchy at times. I find it manly though

Hi man’ I see your status you gained more then half inch in 1 month’ Your lack of measurement is huge :)

Start July 07 2011 = Length 6.5 Girth 5.3 ---> 07 / May / 2012 = NBPEL 7 In / BEG 6.2.5 In / MEG 5.8

Goal : All the way --- And no this is not my photo :D

Be very careful of dark or purple- black spots- with clamping it’s not so bad, but I lost track of time pumping a few months back and had to take a month off for them to go away and now they still popup from time to time; it’s annoying-even when I clamp now. It is overdoing it and reasons like these are why I should be near 8 inches and not just over seven. Heat always helps!

Originally Posted by whynotbig
Hi man’ I see your status you gained more then half inch in 1 month’ Your lack of measurement is huge :)

Lack of measurement? Dude my gains are legit! I have pics to prove it. I have a thread under the Member Pics forum. I made my gains in 2.5 months

Start: 17 Feb 2012, 8.25bpel x 4.92mseg; bpfsl=??; fl=6.5x4.5

Current: 29 April 2013, 8.875bpel x 5.8mseg; bpfsl=9.25; fl=7x5

Goal: 9NBP x 6.25mseg and the best EQ ever!

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