Can't Regain Previous Length
A couple years back I got into a good routine and made great gains over the span of about 4 or 5 months. I got up to about 7.3” BPEL. A small injury and the craziness of life made t difficult to PE and so I took a year or so off. I lost some length in that time but heard that regaining previous length would come more easily than before. I slowly built up more routine over time and went with my previous routine since I knew I gained before. I was looking just to at least gain back what I lost. I was on that routine for about 6 months or more. No gains. I thought I would switch it up and did Mem’s routine for a few months and although my flaccid was hanging a bit better, no erect gains. I don’t get it. It was easy for me to gain before, so I don’t know why I can’t gain back what I had. A half inch in length gains would have me at my goal. And if I can gain back what I had, it would be less than a quarter inch. Any ideas of why I can’t gain back my previous length?
Pre-PE: BPEL 6.25" NBPEL 5.8" EG 5.75 " Now: BPEL 7" NBPEL 6.5" EG 5.95"
Final goal: BPEL 7.5" NBPEL 7" EG 6"