Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Caught while pumping?

Originally Posted by dickenstein
I told my wife about a month into it, I was a bit nervous about telling her and how she would react. I showed her the site and told her all about the exercises. I have to say it is a lot better with her knowing about it. Now I just tell her I’m going to do my exercises and she says okay.

Only way to fly…if you can pull it off (pun intended).


How the hell did you go about doing that?

Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics

- Leighann Lord

We’ve been married for almost 6 years and together for almost 9 years. I guess I was feeling a little guilty about hiding it plus I was only able to do my exercises 1 day a week when she went bowling. I told myself it was ridiculous for me to hide it from her and got up the nerve to tell her. I decided it would be better if I showed her the site and explain exactly what I would be doing. I think you have to know your partner pretty well and be honest in every thing you do and say. You just have to come up with a strategy that suits your situation.

Decisions Decisions

Originally Posted by drew1978

So your saying to go to a therapist and say “She just doesn’t understand why I hang dumbbells off my dick and stick it in a bicycle pump a few times a day”. I don’t think that’s a sign of relationship problems. I can guarantee you that most people would be embarrassed to get caught using a penis pump.

I would like to know how many people actually tell there wives they hang weights off there cocks and shove them in pumps. I know some folks do and that’s great, but I don’t think that’s a majority. Nor do I think they have relationship problems.

Useful advice is appreciated.

Yeah, I did tell my wife about PE. She knows I pump, jelq, all of it. She actually likes to watch if she has time, etc.. She’s been quite amazed at the gains.

In my opinion, anytime we attempt to hide things from our spouse, there is some type of problem somewhere in the relationship, or within our own selves. Whether it’s from our own embarrassment, fear of rejection, pride, ego, trust.. Etc..

I knew if I had ‘tried to hide’ any ‘sexual thing’, my wife would soon discover it at some point. If I had to explain it ‘then’ it would be much more embarrassing, than if I had opened up to her before, we discussed, and she knew.

What I did, was I had used the pump a couple times while she was showering, just for a very brief time, prior to us making love. When she commented on the girth, I told her about the pump, after we had made love. Sure, it’s difficult to open up our ‘deepest heart, or fears’ to our loved one. The ‘Fear of Abandonment’ is the most prominent issue we all truly have within ourselves. It’s just fact.

That decision is yours to make. If you’ve already be ‘snagged’ at the big J/O scenario, I would think you’re half way there as far as opening up about your sexuality, human behaviour and in my opinion, a very sexually free committed marriage? It’s the only way to go.

WOG 6/1/04 Starting stats: 7.2 BPEL/ 6.2 Erect girth @ base 9/10/04 7.6 BPEL/ 7.2/7.3 Erect girth @ base 7/10/05 8.3 BPEL 7.2 Erect girth @ base 10/10/05 8.4 BPEL x 6.20 Midshaft/7.3 EG@base Current 8.65 BPELx 6.50 Midshaft/7.5 EG @ base Routines: Power Jelq or Manual/ Stretch w/Power Assist Stretcher: 20 min daily ea/ Clamp or Pump 3x's daily 15 min.

The wife said to tell you.. “If you can make your wife feel like you are doing it for her benefit as well as your benefit, then she would be far more responsive, or at least open to listening to you. Rather than her finding ‘devices’, then wondering ‘what in the world. Or why in the world’, if you had been ‘hiding it’.. ?

She would then be suspicious if you were hiding it, if you were doing it for other purposes rather than to fulfill or improve your marital relationship “..

That’s a Woman’s perspective Bro.. Take it or leave it..

I hope I’ve helped.

WOG 6/1/04 Starting stats: 7.2 BPEL/ 6.2 Erect girth @ base 9/10/04 7.6 BPEL/ 7.2/7.3 Erect girth @ base 7/10/05 8.3 BPEL 7.2 Erect girth @ base 10/10/05 8.4 BPEL x 6.20 Midshaft/7.3 EG@base Current 8.65 BPELx 6.50 Midshaft/7.5 EG @ base Routines: Power Jelq or Manual/ Stretch w/Power Assist Stretcher: 20 min daily ea/ Clamp or Pump 3x's daily 15 min.

I tiold my wife as well, but I waited until she noticed a change. I just wanted some actual first hand proof that it worked first.

I am lucky (yeah, right) in that I live away from home half the time for work, so I keep all my PE equipment there, so it doesn’t intrude on my life at home.

HalfRusski 07-26-05 - BPEL 5.90", EG 5.0" 11-16-05 - BPEL 7.45", EG 5.625" Weather report - snow (what did you expect?!) What is a nice guy from Louisiana doing in a place like this?

Originally Posted by theskyisthelimit
You shouldn’t have to hide things from your partner. What’s the point if you can’t be 100% honest with them? As of right now the only use I can see for your partner is sex (which can’t be too great seeing how conservative she is) if you have to do things secretly being worried what she’ll think of you when she discovers you want a bigger penis to please HER like 99.9% of the male population. Wow drew, you’re such a freak, you want to PLEASE your girl friend and feel better about yourself? You belong in the loony bin!

You are of no help to me. To tell you the truth, I have never been in a relationship where I truly wanted to know 100% of the things they have done and still do. I have things that I do that I would care to keep to myself. Such as pumping up my dick. Calling her a prude, and saying I should drop that bitch isnt exactly a rational thought since I have not given her the chance to react.

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
Well I guess there was a little lag in my posting; I got called away for a PM. Now that I’m back I see Theskyisthelimit was being serious with his therapy suggestion. I thought he was kidding.

No, you don’t need a sex therapist because you hide PE from your S/O. This is a perfectly normal response, and the choice of most members here, even though I think it is better to tell her, I can certainly understand you reluctance to do so. But I assure you she would take this better than you think. Tell her if you can or PE in stealth. But even if you choose to pump in the closet, like the majority of members here, I don’t think you need therapy just because you choose to keep this a secret. But then again, who knows. We may all need therapy before this is all said and done.

BG, lord knows that I could use some therapy, just not for pumping.

Originally Posted by gameofinches
I think everyone should do some sort of therapy, but just because you hide your insecurities from your loved one, doesn’t make you in desperate need of help. It is totally normal like BG said.

I asked my GF if I could find a way to make my cock bigger if she would be ok with it, and she said ya, but don’t break it lol. And gave me an idea, “not much bigger please” hehe, sure babe, sure. ;)

Thanks for the response, honestly I have never really been insecure about my dick. I just want a dick that I can knock someone out with.

“Honestly I have never really been insecure about my dick. I just want a dick that I can knock someone out with.”


Now That is a quote.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


I did not tell my wife about PE for about a year (I had been pumping about 3 months of that period). Like you, I thought about it a lot and wondered about the embarassment of getting caught. We’ve been happily married for 12 years, together for 15. Sex life is good, though not the fireworks of the early years (two kids, with the most frequent opportunity morning quickies before the bus comes is not the best for lighting the fuse for dynamite sex). She is a little shy and somewhat conservative in the sex department, less so when she gets going. But we’re not one for swinging, sex toys, watching porn together, etc. She did buy a vibrator once when she was at this party with a bunch of girlfriends, but it has never been broken out of the box.

But I sucked it up one night and told. I think she had been noticing the increased girth, but she had not said anything. I can’t remember what we were talking about but I steered it around to a sort of sex health type discussion and then told her about doing some exercises to improve erection quality. Then I went downstairs and got the pump to show here, then told her there were some size benefits as well. She was a little blown away, but certainly not upset. She asked a couple questions and that was it.

I now do my PE sessions and don’t have to worry about getting caught. It was a relief to tell her. She remarks on it from time, likes to hold my tally after a good pump (interestingly enough, the sex isn’t necessarily better in the expanded girth state), and has noticed on occasion when I’ve suffered from bruising and urged me to be careful. I still keep my PE private and she doesn’t show a lot of interest in seeing me in action(perhaps she senses I’d like to keep it private). I’ve been tempted to show here a fully pumped Tally in a packed tube but I think she might be a little weirded out by the sight.

I do know you or your significant other and wouldn’t presume to offer suggestions on therapy and the like. But even though it was difficult, I’m pleased that I told my wife for lots of reasons. Pick a time when she is relaxed and in a good mood, bring it up in a casual but serious way and I think it will work out for you.

When I started jelqing, I told my wife I was going into a penis health program, intended to improve erections and prevent ED, which had the “side effect” of enlarging my dick. She mildly objected to the enlargement aspect of it for, in her opinion, my dick was very large.

About 2 months later, I decided to go for the pump, so I let her know what I intended. I explained to her how ED suffering men had benefited from pumping through the years, how it improved vascularity and how it could prevent ED. However, “it might enlarge my dick even more”, I said. Again, she said she wasn’t sure about the enlargement thing (although she was beginning to like my newly acquired hang and larger penis).

As time went by, she became very enthusiastic, so much so that she started to help me with the exercises and eventually became a member of Thunder’s. She was happy about the health aspect of PE, but the “enlargement thing” that she objected about was very much responsible for her enthusiasm. Although I was “very large” she became quite fond of the increased amount of penile tissue I was able to “offer” her.:)

At the present, she helps me with clamping and edging, stimulating me through every set. I rarely clamp alone. Even though she doesn’t quite dig the pump, sometimes she helps me get hard for my session. Also, lately we have “invented” a new game/pumping technique: I pump for a set. At the end of it, we fuck for a while. Then, I go for the next set. Afterwards, we fuck again. And so on. At the end of several sets, I reach 6.5” girth and we enjoy the last fuck. I always knew she loved girth. Now, I’ve found out she’s a size queen. BTW, I recommend this technique to avoid/diminish fluid build up.:)

The word PREVENTION is the key here. You can prevent at any age. Also, I have incorporated PE into our sex life, so my wife enjoys it with me. I always PE in her presence.

Originally Posted by Hog7.5
Also, lately we have “invented” a new game/pumping technique: I pump for a set. At the end of it, we fuck for a while. Then, I go for the next set. Afterwards, we fuck again. And so on. At the end of several sets, I reach 6.5” girth and we enjoy the last fuck. I always knew she loved girth. Now, I’ve found out she’s a size queen. BTW, I recommend this technique to avoid/diminish fluid build up.:)

Brilliant!!!! Great idea on so many levels!

I think it will be a while before I tell her that I PE. I guess I was mostly interested in what people did to keep from getting caught. Like hiding equipment and also if anybody has been caught. I know a few of you have because I read your stories and actually laughed my ass off. sorry. I have no clue what I would say if I got caught. I think pumping or hanging would be the most embarrassing. Wouldnt be overly emberrassed about getting caught jacking off.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Hey XL,

Calm the fuck down. OK?

Ahhhh….Memories. *daydream smilie*


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