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Cheap & Easy ADS


Cheap & Easy ADS

Hi friends,

I found this in a shipp supplier shop, and rapidly came into my mind to use it as an ADS.

It is a piece called “Anode” (sacrificial anode collar), it is used in the ship branch as cathodic protection of the hull.
I don’t know exactly what metal is made of, but I think is Zinc. It weights 0.5 kgr. (almost a pound), but there are bigger and wider. They come with bolts included…

I tried it yesterday during a four hours continuous session (I wrapped the penis previously with a little piece of elastic thera-band) and had no pain so far…

Hier are some pics I took today:

(71.9 KB, 726 views)
(33.3 KB, 526 views)
(57.8 KB, 472 views)

Interesting…any idea when the general population could pick one up?

Zinc. That particular one is a “shaft” (appropriately named) anode probably for a small yacht. Used to help deter electrolysis from dissimilar metals or from stray current in the boat.

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

Get some copper and you’ll have a great zinger ADS. How much did that cost? The McMasters zinc is pretty expensive per weight. Do you know the purity of the zinc. If it has mercury it is harmful to have it in direct contact with the skin.

The "average size" is usually over-estimated. Small guys don't take part in surveys and big guys jump at the chance.

Girl claims she had a huge ex? Stick a spider in the bathroom or a mouse in the kitchen and when she comes out screaming ask her how big the spider/mouse was...

You could order from here:

Seems like a pretty legit site. Not sure what the thing weighs though. They have a couple that say extra heavy and they are pretty cheap so I might order one just to see.

Hi Toxsus,

Living in Florida you should be able to get one very easy, as it been said it is used in recreational (an industrial) boats, and Florida must be full of naval supplier shops all around…

The cost of mine was 6 euros (aprox. 7 USD). Yesterday I bought a bigger one which weights 0.822 kgrs. for 7 euros

As for the question if Zinc could be harmful, I didn’t noticed any reaction of my skin so far…

My “Egg Collar Shaft Anode” has a shaft diameter from 25 millimeter (0.98 inch)for the little, and 30 millimeter (1.18 inch) for the big one.


Originally Posted by matti
My “Egg Collar Shaft Anode”

Is that the new name for donut effect? :)

Originally Posted by matti
As for the question if Zinc could be harmful, I didn’t noticed any reaction of my skin so far…

I don’t think you will necessarily see a reaction if the zinc is impure. Many people get worried about impure zinc or silicon etc, I don’t know how strong the concern should be, when I walk outside I am breathing in toxic car fumes.

The "average size" is usually over-estimated. Small guys don't take part in surveys and big guys jump at the chance.

Girl claims she had a huge ex? Stick a spider in the bathroom or a mouse in the kitchen and when she comes out screaming ask her how big the spider/mouse was...

Matti, ingenious idea, thanks for sharing the info.

West Marine has a nice selection. See:

Also, click the “view this product in the eCatalog” link to see dimensions & weights. The “30mm Zinc Metric” might be just the thing. It has a good amount of weight, and it’ll keep your member from being subject to galvanic corrosion. :)

They’re a big company, and reputable. I used to buy gear from them back in my sailing days.

Thanks for that West Marine connection Rubberman. There’s one within walking distance of me, and it’s open today.

I wonder: would some aquarium silicone sort of sculpted around the inside and the edges make this comfortable enough to not have to wear with a wrap?

Are the holes that hold it together threaded? Do you think the screws could be replaced with winged screws, or some other easy on and off screws?*

If God made everything, who made God?

*Okay. I can see from that one picture with the anode opened that the little holes do not appear to be threaded.

Originally Posted by Ike
Thanks for that West Marine connection Rubberman. There’s one within walking distance of me, and it’s open today.

I wonder: would some aquarium silicone sort of sculpted around the inside and the edges make this comfortable enough to not have to wear with a wrap?

Are the holes that hold it together threaded? Do you think the screws could be replaced with winged screws, or some other easy on and off screws?*

If God made everything, who made God?

*Okay. I can see from that one picture with the anode opened that the little holes do not appear to be threaded.


It would be very easy to drill the holes out accordingly to a like sized thread tap, then tap the holes and install threaded studs into one of the sides. On the other half, simply drill the holes large enough to clear the threaded studs. Now you would be able to slide the two pieces together and use wing nuts to secure them - almost like a bib hanger with no hinge.

The aquarium silicone sounds like a good idea, being that you aren’t sure if direct skin contact with something made of this material is dangerous. Also, the silicone may allow for better blood flow and holding ability if it is applied in a fashion that causes ridges or grooves.

I may have to construct one of these things, being that I know the immense benefits of using an ads. The circle device looks to be something that would work well, however I’m not willing to spend the kind of money that they are asking for it! Thanks for the great idea matti.


I bought an anode yesterday — one with a 1.5 inch hole that must at least weight 2 pounds. Cost me $17 at West Marine. It’s too noticable under pants, so I’m going to go back and get a smaller one. They also have anode rings that might work too.

Here’s what I did to it to make it work for me. I basically took the Capt’ns Wench concept and made my anode into a hanger. I’ll take pictures soon.

— Remove the screws.

— Stick a strip of loop velcro width-wise on both sides.

— Make a strip of velcro about 18 inches long (I’m not sure about that, but long enough to wrap around the anode 1.5 times) with hook velcro on one side and loop on the other. (I have lots of various types of velcro from experimenting with Cap Wench designs.)

— Cut a length of foam pipe insulation as long as the inside of the anode. Then cut that in half lengthwise, so the two half circles fit inside the anode.

Put all that on you stretched dick, first one half on the bottom and then the other over the top. Wrap the long velcro strip securely around the whole package and let that thing dangle in your pants for an hour or so. I put one of these stimulator sleeves on my dick. (I’m also experimenting with two sleeves as an easy-to-put-on traction wrap. It’s working fine so far.)

I haven’t perfected this yet. But my tests so far have gone very well. It’s quite comfortable. ‘Just, as I said, it’s too visible under work slacks. I just wanted to get the concept out there so others can experiment.

I hadn’t thought of aquarium silicone, but it might work. I was thinking of that PlastiDip (?) stuff that Lowe’s & Home Depot sell.You know, the stuff in a can that you can dip tools into make them insulated & more comfortable in the hand.

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