Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Circulation to the glans


Look what we keep doing to people’s threads! Should we split this one too? What ya think?

So, I am correct in assuming that this narrow area is the problem then?

I have been doing BTB jelqing for a long time, It does indeed expand the head but when I let go the pressure reduces again. Why would the blood ‘drain out’ if the paths are narrower? Surely that should help the blood to stay in? Also, I dont feel that BTB jelqing will do anything to solve the problem. It should work for people who need better head size temporarily, for sex (or whatever). You could even do this during intercourse I suppose.

I dont work on this area anymore but I have noticed it for a while. DLD, are the people you have worked with been hangers and stretchers? I was worried at one point that the hanger was placing too much stress or compression in that area. Though I doubt that is the case, it could be.

I had been doing jelqing, squeezing very hard on the last 1/4. You see, normal jelqing wont do jack unless you increase your grip tightness because as the shaft narrows, you need more pressure (obviously). Or rather, you need to squeeze harder to keep the same pressure. I can certainly feel the pressure right in the narrow area by doing this.

Another thing I tried is horse squeezes, but putting the tourniquet right before where the shaft starts to narrow. I intended to try using the bibhanger as the tourniquet for this purpose, but never got round to it.


Originally posted by SS4Jelq
I have been doing BTB jelqing for a long time, It does indeed expand the head but when I let go the pressure reduces again. Why would the blood 'drain out' if the paths are narrower? Surely that should help the blood to stay in?

If you’ve seen a circus clown make a dog from one of those long skinny balloons this will make sense. Those balloons can be blown up in such a way that they expand into a bulb at both ends, but the middle remains a small tube. Squeezing one of the bulbs will make the other larger, but it returns to its original size when the pressure is released. It’s a matter of pressure equalization.

In order to trap blood in the glans to attempt to expand the tissue, you have to keep the pressure constant on the other end. This can be accomplished by manual pressure or a continuous Kegel (not nearly as effective or easy to do). Or you have to trap the blood in the glans by clamping off the CS mid shaft. Or you have to expand the glans by means of a vacuum, which causes a pressure difference and the blood from the penile bulb will move into the glans. All of these techniques have to be done while erect (except maybe the vacuum).

First, let me apologize for my delirious state last night. I could not sleep so I came to Thunders and tried to get involved. I feel much better now that I have slept.

Secondly, WestLA you are the anatomy God. I would love for you to write the anatomy section for my site. I wish I understood function as much as you. Thundersplace is so privileged to have you here.

Originally posted by SS4Jelq
It should work for people who need better head size temporarily, for sex (or whatever). You could even do this during intercourse I suppose.

“Hold on honey I need to do a set of jelqs real quick” :D

Originally posted by SS4Jelq
DLD, are the people you have worked with been hangers and stretchers? I was worried at one point that the hanger was placing too much stress or compression in that area. Though I doubt that is the case, it could be.

No, strictly manual.

Originally posted by SS4Jelq
I had been doing jelqing, squeezing very hard on the last 1/4. You see, normal jelqing wont do jack unless you increase your grip tightness because as the shaft narrows, you need more pressure (obviously). Or rather, you need to squeeze harder to keep the same pressure. I can certainly feel the pressure right in the narrow area by doing this.

Then wouldn’t erect work be the best possible solution because the penis is at it’s greatest pressure during erection? Anything beyond this 100% erect state will give that much more pressure.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

My bad SS4. We should do another split. Me and my inquisitiveness…sorry Thunder

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Originally posted by westla90069
In order to trap blood in the glans to attempt to expand the tissue, you have to keep the pressure constant on the other end. This can be accomplished by manual pressure or a continuous Kegel (not nearly as effective or easy to do). Or you have to trap the blood in the glans by clamping off the CS mid shaft. Or you have to expand the glans by means of a vacuum, which causes a pressure difference and the blood from the penile bulb will move into the glans. All of these techniques have to be done while erect(except maybe the vacuum).

WestLA, we posted at the same time. For now on I want to screen my comments through you first:D that way I make sense.

One question: You mentioned earlier
The glans expands during a normal jelq because the OK grip encircles the penis and squeezes the CS as well as the CC. Squeezing the CC alone (from the sides) won't expand the glans because the blood has no direct path to it.

Is the CS independent from the CC in how it brings blood to the glans? You state that squeezing the CC alone will have no effect on the glans filling. Does the CC have this potential when squeezed in conjunction with the CS and is it carrying any blood to the glans independently during this squeeze? (with no help from the CS)

>>All of these techniques have to be done while erect

I agree with this and wanted to ad another thought about erect work. I think of my penis as it’s greatest normal size potential in the erect state. I try to view this erection state as a percentage…Erect=100%. When I do exercise in this 100% state I am now pushing into a +100% state, yes? The added pressure is bringing me above and beyond my normal 100% size. Lets say I go 10% above my “normal” thresh-hold that extra pressure and size needs to go somewhere. Since my penis does not explode during this type of session I’m inclined to believe that the penis is reaching a larger state to accommodate this extra pressure.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple


I dont know about erect jelqing, I never had any success with it, in terms of expansion. I mean, at 80% I can expand above my erect girth easily (that 110%, say), but with erect jelqing I dont get anywhere. Anyway I dont heavy jelq at the moment so it does not matter.

I always jelqed at 80% and found this to be effective in placing the stresses on the narrow area. I can really feel it in a big way, its quite intense. I always did my squeezes behind the narrow area too, rather than right behind the head. In the days when I cared.

I am surprised I have not mentioned this before, I didnt know it was a common problem. But as I say I dont care anymore, its not a problem for me.


I get it now, it seems so obvious now I know the answer.


2 splits in one week. Nice cut job SS4! I am going to invite the couple of people I was working with at peforum to get involved with this thread too.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

what are sum good rings to buy

and where can i purchase them ?


Avocet advises to check the hardware store for rings (details in the related active thread about cock rings). I experimented with key rings first, there are two standard sizes, at least in Germany you’ll find them in a shoe-repair shop. These sizes will only fit over your shaft. Anyway, this is only about finding your ideal size. You can also try with plastic rings you can pull off plastic bottles - that sealing ring which breaks off when opening the bottle. They come in different sizes too, depending on the type of bottle. These plastic rings will hardly be an optical turn on for women, but once you know what fits you well, you can get a customized ring from a goldsmith. It was very funny when I went there to order my silver cock ring - but the gold smith was very cool and said he is furnishing that many genital jewelery… I asked him to shape the inner surface a bit convex so the edged will not cut into the skin and can be pulled of more easily. I found it to be ideal to wear a size which just won’t slip off when flaccid. I can wear it 24 hours without cut off circulation at all.

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003


Sorry for the long delay. I’ve had a busy night at work.

Is the CS independent from the CC in how it brings blood to the glans? You state that squeezing the CC alone will have no effect on the glans filling. Does the CC have this potential when squeezed in conjunction with the CS and is it carrying any blood to the glans independently during this squeeze? (with no help from the CS)

Yes, the CS and CC are independent. They have separate blood supplies and separate venous drainage. Putting pressure on one will not move blood into the other. Squeezing both together does transmit some force to the CS and moves blood into the glans, but there is no direct connection.

I think of my penis as it's greatest normal size potential in the erect state. I try to view this erection state as a percentage…Erect=100%. When I do exercise in this 100% state I am now pushing into a +100% state, yes? The added pressure is bringing me above and beyond my normal 100% size. Lets say I go 10% above my “normal” thresh-hold that extra pressure and size needs to go somewhere. Since my penis does not explode during this type of session I'm inclined to believe that the penis is reaching a larger state to accommodate this extra pressure.

I agree that once you’ve reached 100% erection, any added pressure must be doing something to the tissues to accomodate the increase. YOU know what you’re doing. I’d caution others reading this that doing anything 100% erect can be dangerous. I would hate to hear of an exploded dick (torn tunica or ruptured CC) which sounds funny, but it is possible to do great damage.

Okay I am going to post my exact opinion on this topic, as I have the problem of lack of bloodflow to the glans. My head doesnt fill with blood no matter WHAT, unless I stroke it as hard I can right behind the head and PC flex again and again and again, and even at that points its still small.

First of all cock rings are a QUICK FIX. They are not permanent. I have used one for over a year and a half now and my head is still FLIMSY and small without the ring. So like DLD said, its a quick fix.

Jelqing did NOTHING for my head size at all.

Pumping, not really, just a donut effect, although I am interested in the head pumping, sounds promising.

Squeezes, with a cock ring on, are about all that I feel have impacted my head size. And even at this point I feel that my glans have expanded a bit with the cock ring on. Of course its impossible to tell if they have grown without because I get no bloodflow to the head.

I am seriously considering seeing a doctor at this point. However, I do NOT want him to prescribe me with a viagra type thing because 1) I am 23 years old and do NOT have an erection problem. I have a glans bloodflow problem. I still get erections throughout the day.

Any opinions on head pumping?

Thanks Alex for posting. I am hoping to bring as much attention to this problem to exhaust any and all options to finding a good exercise to deal with this. After seeing your pictures I don’t think you have too much to worry about, your head capacity looked filled to the limit. Maybe I was seeing it wrong, let me know. Hopefully with the help of this forum we may be able to find some type of natural alternative.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

I agree. I was expecting Alex’s glans to be tiny. Can you post a pic of it without the cock ring, but erect? As posted, it looks normal to me.

Yes, I will post a pic of my member without the ring. Probably in the next 15 minutes or so.

I really honestly HOPE that we come to some sort of solution to this problem. Again, I am really curious if it would be worth it for me to purchase a vacuum pump that focused on the glans?

Any opinions on that?

And also, the cock ring only works for so long. After a few minutes of sex with the cock ring my glans goes completely small (no blood at all) I guess the pressure from the girl’s vagina on my glans makes it lose all the blood. I dont know.


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