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Circulation to the glans

Damn pelearner, really?

Jeez more guys suffer from this glans circulation problem than I had previously thought. There MUST be some kind of conclusion that we can come to. I dont want to let this drop until we come up with something. Because there IS a solution—-there has to be. There is a solution to a soft shaft, viagra, etc. So why wouldnt there be a solution to a soft head?

Did no amount of pc work, head exercises work?

Im going to try a lot of pc work.

7.7 bp

5.4 mid girth

6 base girth

Originally posted by Alex Parisi
So why wouldnt there be a solution to a soft head?

If there is one we will find it.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

How long did you take those herbal supplements for? I’m not 100% but a friend who is very interested in this kind of thing said that in order to really see the effects of taking things like that they need to be take for a year. Otherwise their effects are not realised.

Not necessarily my opinion, but I haven’t reasearched it.

pelearner, squeezes help some. But I think they enlarge the glans tissues, not help with circulation to the glans.

I have no idea what to do at this point. I cant stand my small head.

Some more thoughts on this.

Has anyone ever seen an up close and in depth diagram of the vessels supplying blood to the glans? That may be helpful in determining if maybe you got a kink in your hose.

The CS is the only direct connection for blood to get to the glans. Even the bulbourethral arteries, which run through the CS, send most of their blood to the corpora cavernosa, not the CS or glans.

Some diagrams of this would be really helpful here, specifically where the blood enters, and where it leaves. This appears to be a flux in, flux out problem. Some people are getting more blood flow exiting than entering, hence soft CS and head.

A cock ring helps but Viagra does not. I dont know exactly how Viagra blocks the return flow, but if you mechanically stop the return flow via cock ring, you can get hard CS and head temporarily. That means that blood is getting into the CS and head, its just leaving more rapidly.

Secjay said:
So I wouldn't worry too much about it. Just keep at the PE, and in a few months/years you'll look at it and won't believe it used to be small and shrivvelled
However SS4 has a similar problem to this and has been doing PE quite a while. But he mostly hangs- Secjay do you jelq or do erect exercises?

Its possible that after doing erect exercises such as jelqing, horses, and ulis, you can increase the blood flow into the CS and head, by expanding the passages feeding blood to the area, while not significantly changing the blood flow out, so that the static pressure in this region is larger. This could be the effect that secjay is talking about. It would take a while to see this change, but this may be a solution.

I am seriously considering seeing a doctor at this point. However, I do NOT want him to prescribe me with a viagra type thing because 1) I am 23 years old and do NOT have an erection problem. I have a glans bloodflow problem. I still get erections throughout the day.
After gathering a lot of information about what is happening (by searching on google, altavista, the peforums), you should definitely see a urologist about this, and report back to us.

"If you build it, she will cum." --Growth of Dreams

DLD: A short question :-) . I do really want to join your site. Just wondering if I can mail you money instead of doing it online? If so, can send me a message with an address? tnx

Restarting everything.

mr.Cow, we are straightening all that out and will be fully prepared by midnight tonight.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Nice DLD, you´ll recieve my letter soon then :)

Restarting everything.

For guys with “normal” circulation to the glans, is the underside of the shaft just as hard as the sides?

jay, no, as the CS isn’t covered in tunica as the CCs are…

Erect, yes, hard, no…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

I’ve only just noticed this thread - and needless to say I’m f*cking excited. For ages I’ve had “erection” problems. But after going to a Dr’s a couple of years ago, and his doing various tests, he discovered that my bloodflow was perfect. Didn’t seem right. I’ve got a flimsy head - and absolutely soft CS, but CC’s that are as hard as steel. BTW - I always wear cock rings now - annoying - but it makes such a difference. Anybody come to any conclusions ye?

Interestingly enough - I did a search on google - found absolutely nothing apart from this "teenage problem" site, where a guy seems to have a similar problem - i.e., soft CS and glans. The answer isn’t informative at all - it’s actually quite funny. Here’s the link if you want to check it out:

http://www.male …

(Do a search for corpus spongiousium - or however you spell the bloody thing!)

I hope we find an answer soon, its really starting to bother me.

DOn't want this thread to get lost...

I am wondering if anyone has been doing any CS work and if you have how is it working for you?


Going for 7.5X6, then 8.5X6.5, then who knows. Girth Brooks - "Didn't get any real gains until I started shutting my cock in a car door and then falling back."


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