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Circulation to the glans

Alex Just finished peepin’ your latest pic and I do see a slight difference and I understand your feelings a bit more now. If this means anything, I think it makes your shaft appear much thicker. Like I told you at peforum if there is a solution to this dilemma we will find it. There are allot of really inventive guys in these forums and I am sure if we can keep it in the spotlight long enough a solution will come. Your cock looks great in the pics by the way.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Thanks for the new pics. I, too, can now better understand your concern. Vacuum pumping with a special head cylinder might help, but before going to that expense try this:

While erect, find the part of the “inner penis” just below your scrotum. This is the bulb of the corpus spongiosum (CS). Using the tips of your first two fingers and thumb press on the bulb using a motion that is into your body and slightly toward your glans. Keep this pressure while doing the next part. Using your other hand, place the thumb on the dorsal (top) part of your penis and the tips of your first two fingers on the CS ridge along the bottom of the shaft. Start close to the scrotum and gently do a ‘two finger jelq” toward the glans. There’s no need to squeeze the entire shaft. Just press your thumb and two fingers (on the shaft) together. Now stroke toward the glans until it expands as much as possible and hold it for 10 seconds. Release for a few seconds and repeat. This will concentrate the pressure on the glans tissue and may help in causing it to expand and grow like regular jelqing does for the corpora cavernosa.

Stop if anything hurts or if you see blood at the tip. The urethra, enclosed in the CS, is easily damaged by too much pressure. You don’t need to be rough. Squeeze just enough to move the blood toward the head.

Does a bigger CS result in a bigger glans?

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

The CS is the only direct connection for blood to get to the glans. Even the bulbourethral arteries, which run through the CS, send most of their blood to the corpora cavernosa, not the CS or glans. Having an expanded capacity in the CS may not in itself mean that the glans would also enlarge. It might mean there would be a better or larger path for blood to the glans. I do believe that intermittent pressure, via the CS, can expand the cells of the glans and enable it to hold more blood. I don’t know how long it might take to achieve this using the exercise I noted above.

I’m sure genetics plays a roll here. Some guys just don’t have a big glans. It is still sensitive and it still functions, it just doesn’t look like a lot of other guys.


Are you doing 440s, if you are maybe cut back on them, this may solve your issue.All that squeezing on the head pushing blood in the shaft is whats making your shaft bigger and head smaller with less of a pump in the head.

westla—-Thanks a lot for the excellent reply man. I appreciate it a ton. I am going to give those kind of glans squeezes a shot. And like you know its all about bloodflow to the glans. NOTHING seems to expand my head for me to get any kind of glans growth.

I mean every single porn that I see 9 out of 10 guys have a nice round mushroom head that is shiny and filled to the brim with blood. Meanwhile, my head is completely soft and flimsy for some reason. I am very curious what a doctor would recommend, etc.

Ill get back to you guys on how these glans squeezes go.

I'm sure genetics plays a roll here. Some guys just don't have a big glans. It is still sensitive and it still functions, it just doesn't look like a lot of other guys.

And I realize this, but I am going to work my glans until theyre very big.

Originally posted by Alex Parisi
I mean every single porn that I see 9 out of 10 guys have a nice round mushroom head that is shiny and filled to the brim with blood. Meanwhile, my head is completely soft and flimsy for some reason. I am very curious what a doctor would recommend, etc.

I think a doctors opinion may be valuable to some extent. Maybe give us more information to create exercise.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Yeah DLD I agree.

And I am also wondering why the hell so many guys have perfect circulation to the guys and I dont? Is a tube in my penis not flowing properly or what? I mean it boggles my mind because I rarely EVER see guys who have soft flimsy heads.

westla—-Just tried what you said and head stayed completely soft and limp.

Pressed with 2 fingers on my bulb as you called it underneath my scrotum while using the other hand to stroke the shaft towards the head and my head just stayed pathetically soft.

I also wanted to add that the ONLY thing that seems to do anything for my head size is squeezes with a metal cock ring on. I mean nothing else will even expand my head at all. I have found over time that there is no manual squeeze that will pump up my head for some reason. ONLY wearing the cock ring.

Last edited by WannaBeHung : 05-12-2003 at .

Alex, what happens when you push down on your erect penis? When I do, my glans swells with blood, plumping up nice and shiny. I assume it’s because the pushing down motion is opening up blood flow to the artery supplying the glans.

Does yours?

If it doesn’t, do any of you experts know why pushing down would promote blood flow to the glans and where specifically Alex’s flow might be constricted?

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Now interestingly RB, pushing my erection down to the floor helps a lot.

When I press it hard hard and flex my PC about 10 times blood flows into the head. ONLY when I press it down to the floor. Normally when a regular erection when I flex my PC my penis just jumps and the head stays flimsy and soft.

Alex, do you do many reverse kegels? Try pushing your erection towards the floor, and doing long reverse kegels.

As I see it, a kegel cuts of blood outflow, so normal inflow can build up to expand tissues. However, with a normal kegel, blood supply vessels aren’t stressed or affected.

A reverse kege has the exact opposite effect, forcing more than normal blood flow through the supply vessels, making them expand to accomodate the added volume.

Perhaps over time reverse kegeling while pushing your erection downwards will increase the size of your supply vessels and alleviate the blood flow problem?

I don’t know how well versed you are with reverse kegels, but try to concentrate on getting the pushing out feeling to center between trying hard to crap or pee. When you get it right, you can really feel the blood flowing in the shaft and head… If this works for you, once your head swells up, trap the blood in the shaft and do uli’s, to expand your glans size, although those cock ring pics show you have good glans potential if you can get blood in there…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

RB, thanks for another informative post man, appreciate it.

And how do you do a reverse kegel again? While pissing I can control that muscle to push my urine out hard but when I am not pissing I cant for some reason… dont ask me why.

Also, I agree that a lot of squeezes and packing my head to the brim with blood with my cock ring on will help me to maximize head size.

Alex; would just like to say that before I started doing PE, I also had somewhat of a “soft flimsy head”…

even when it was hard as rock, the head would simply not inflate, and looked small and malnourished.

Now a few years later, it is comparable to most other guy’s both here and in porn ;)

So I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Just keep at the PE, and in a few months/years you’ll look at it and won’t believe it used to be small and shrivvelled :)

Originally posted by Alex Parisi

And how do you do a reverse kegel again? While pissing I can control that muscle to push my urine out hard but when I am not pissing I cant for some reason… dont ask me why.

Alex, see this thread for an explanation of the reverse Kegel.


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