I just discovered this thread and want to report that I also fall into this category. I’m a young guy, no erectile dysfunction, I can quickly get very hard erections of my CCs, but my CS and glans always remain soft. And, yes, I think this has really been hindering my PE, especially because I primarily jelq. It’s been like this for as long as I can remember, and I’ve always toyed with the idea of seeing a doctor, but I never really was sure this condition was unusual. Now I’m more motivated than ever to see one, but for insurance reasons I won’t be able to do so before September, so if any of you guys have already gone and received some kind of diagnosis, please share it.
DLD, I wanted to thank you for your interest in this subject, and ask a question: There is _one_ way that I can get some blood into my glans, and its very similar to a reverse kegel. I noticed years ago that if, when erect, I try to exert the muscles that force out urine, I instead get a harder erection, a tightening in my anal sphincter, and, often as not, a case of blue balls. After reading this thread I tried again, and noticed that the extra hardness comes from the CS, and my glans also gets a bit erect. I’ve read that other guys have had similar issues with reverse kegels, so I think I’m just doing it wrong, stimulating the wrong muscle group, but whatever muscle group it is that I _am_ stimulating seems to be related to CS erections. I going to try and isolate the PC muscle so I can reverse kegel for PE purposes, but I’m wondering if you have any idea what other muscle group I might be hitting now, since maybe by building that group up I can have an on-command CS erection? It seems like it might be something located right near the prostate, which would explain the effects it has.
Thanks very much, sorry for the long post!