Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Clamping 101 - The clamping guide

Originally Posted by rymdrattan
I’ve always wondered if anyone really got anything off clamping?
Any real progress reports?

Yes, there are quite a few progress reports out there. I believe dangleman has a progress report on clamping around here somewhere.

In my opnion, clamping is the main AME (Aided Manual Exercise) to obtain girth gains.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

In regards to the compliments about my body, XLMAG is right, it is not mine.

The pictures are of another member here. He did a great job at providing the pictures I asked for.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

I have gained from clamping, but taking a few days off results in losing the gains every time.
I just took a week off because I went on vacation, and also because I felt like it was difficult to get and maintain an erection, which is very scary to me.
After a week, I have lost 1/8 inch girth and my erection strength is improving.

Which brings me to an important point/question. All I have read about clamping describes the primary risk being a throbosed vein, which many people feel is a risk worth taking, but that is just the acute risk. What about chronic problems such as inducing atherosclerosis in your penile circulation?
I worry about the health of my arteries from doing this type of exercise. It is well known that high blood pressure is one of the leading causes of atherosclerosis. I read that it has higher risk associated with it than than high LDL. And trhe formation of plaque in arteries starts with some kind of damage or trauma to the inner arterial wall (intima). I can imagine clamping slowly damaging your precious arterial endothelium with the end result being inevitable impotence.
If you search medline for priaprism you will find documentation of fibrosis and impotence in men who suffer from unsubsided erections over a long period of time.
Clamping is not the same as priaprism or high blood pressure, and I don’t mean to start undue fear, but I worry about this and I would like to see more discussion about these risks. If some people have been practicing clamping for years without ill effects on their erection, it would be good to know.

Clamping is not the same as priaprism or high blood pressure, and I don’t mean to start undue fear, but I worry about this and I would like to see more discussion about these risks. If some people have been practicing clamping for years without ill effects on their erection, it would be good to know.


Originally Posted by mravg
I just took a week off because I went on vacation, and also because I felt like it was difficult to get and maintain an erection, which is very scary to me.
After a week, I have lost 1/8 inch girth and my erection strength is improving.

I believe the reasons for having a difficult time getting an erection are simple. For starters, if your dick has grown 1/8th of an inch, this potentially is an extra 1-10 percent (I have no done the math in my head, and I do not know your length, so I can not state a 100 percent accurate figure) increase in volume dick size.

Pumping blood for an extra 10 percent of could easily make it harder for your penis to get a 100 percent erection.

Think about it. You are asking your heart to pump more blood into the penis than it did just weeks ago.
My guess is that it takes time for to adapt, leading to a weaker erection.
Meanwhile your body is only pumping enough blood for your old penis. This could lead to an apparent weaker erection.

Taking my theory even further:
Some people have bodies that adapt quicker than others.
For example, everytime I gained in girth, I would have difficulty maintaining an erection. This is similar to your experience, and would last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.
On the other end of the spectrum, some people do not experience the erection difficulties on the same level as I do. This could be due to my body being different than others. My body does not “adapt” as quickly.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by mravg
I have gained from clamping, but taking a few days off results in losing the gains every time.
I just took a week off because I went on vacation, and also because I felt like it was difficult to get and maintain an erection, which is very scary to me.
After a week, I have lost 1/8 inch girth and my erection strength is improving.

Which brings me to an important point/question. All I have read about clamping describes the primary risk being a throbosed vein, which many people feel is a risk worth taking, but that is just the acute risk. What about chronic problems such as inducing atherosclerosis in your penile circulation?
I worry about the health of my arteries from doing this type of exercise. It is well known that high blood pressure is one of the leading causes of atherosclerosis. I read that it has higher risk associated with it than than high LDL. And trhe formation of plaque in arteries starts with some kind of damage or trauma to the inner arterial wall (intima). I can imagine clamping slowly damaging your precious arterial endothelium with the end result being inevitable impotence.
If you search medline for priaprism you will find documentation of fibrosis and impotence in men who suffer from unsubsided erections over a long period of time.
Clamping is not the same as priaprism or high blood pressure, and I don’t mean to start undue fear, but I worry about this and I would like to see more discussion about these risks. If some people have been practicing clamping for years without ill effects on their erection, it would be good to know.

Big Girtha has been clamping for like 2 years I believe, and he’s a swinger always banging new girls, so I don’t think he’s had any problems.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Big Girtha has been clamping for like 2 years I believe, and he’s a swinger always banging new girls, so I don’t think he’s had any problems.

I have carefully read big Girtha’s words and I get mixed signals about how his clamping affects him. I know he is using the liquid Cialis right now and that might be masking any negative affects he has had. Also, I wonder if he would have been interested in using the liquid Cialis 2 years ago, or if he recently started needing it or at least finding a benefit to using it. BG?

Think about it. You are asking your heart to pump more blood into the penis than it did just weeks ago.
My guess is that it takes time for to adapt, leading to a weaker erection.

I’m not sure I buy this theory since there are something like 9 to 12 liters of blood in your body and the difference in volume caused by girth increase would be a very few ml’s. There is definitely some adaptation that must take place, but I think it is more related to repairing damage of the vascular or nervous network in the penis, not simply the extra size. The penis can heal and obviously the limp dick syndrom that occurs with strenuous PE usually goes away with time. But the question is how much long term damage are you doing that will eventually cause a permanent decrease in sexual performance?

Originally Posted by mravg
I’m not sure I buy this theory since there are something like 9 to 12 liters of blood in your body and the difference in volume caused by girth increase would be a very few ml’s. There is definitely some adaptation that must take place, but I think it is more related to repairing damage of the vascular or nervous network in the penis, not simply the extra size. The penis can heal and obviously the limp dick syndrom that occurs with strenuous PE usually goes away with time. But the question is how much long term damage are you doing that will eventually cause a permanent decrease in sexual performance?

These are very good rebuttals, and thoughts. I like the way you think.

At the moment I am a little busy, but I will definetly think about what you said, and “revamp” my theory. When I get some free time, I will start a new thread; I do not think the clamping guide is the best place to be discussing (approving/disproving) theories.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Yes Remek I think a new thread would be good. I will wait for your lead. I have thought about starting one myself, about the long term affects of PE, or vascular health and PE, etc.

Just to make it clear, I hope that all my fears are unfounded, and even if I have concerns I will probably continue to take the risk of doing some forms of PE. However, I think there are a lot of questions that are not answered, and unfortunately these types of issues do not get covered very much in this forum. I know there are some doctors on this forum, and it would be interesting to hear their theories on what you are doing to your circulatory and nervous system health when you squeeze, pull, stretch, clamp etc.

Great posting - I’m just starting clamping and this explains everything concisely. How soon does one expect to see gains from clamping?

The time for procrastination is NOW! Start date: 2005/3/15 BPEL 5" EG 5.25" 2005/05/17 BPEL 6.5" EG 5.5"

Originally Posted by mravg
I’m not sure I buy this theory since there are something like 9 to 12 liters of blood in your body and the difference in volume caused by girth increase would be a very few ml’s. …

Obviously you are not a vampire :D There are 6 quarts (5.6 liters) of blood in an average (human) male.

Great post Remek, by the way.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

Sorry, guys. I’ve been away from this thread a while, but I see it is developing nicely. Mravg has made some interesting points about how clamping may or may not affect erections. I’ll try to explain what I know about this without getting off topic. But it is kind of a long story, so bear with me.

Five or six years ago before I began any type of PE I was in terrible shape. I weighed 333 pounds had clogged arteries and was basically impotent. I’d been fat for years, but it was the impotence that woke me up. I went to a urologist, a female doctor that I have mentioned in several threads, who diagnosed the reasons for my ED as vascular, but would not give me a prescription for Viagra because my blood pressure was through the roof. I had weighed in access of 300 pounds for nearly 30 years, so you could imagine how bad my cholesterol was. Anyway I borrowed a Viagra from my brother just to see if it would help, and it worked like a charm. I got a pretty decent hard on even though I could only see it in the mirror; I guess I had about a four inch fat-pad in those days and wore a size 56 pants. But because the pill worked so well, I become determined to lose weight and get my blood pressure down so my doctor would prescribe the drug, and I did. I lost 133 pounds in a little less than a year and my blood pressure was perfect and although my ED was less of a problem I still had trouble. So I convinced my doctor to prescribe Viagra. This was a hard sale because she is a very attractive lady and I got a boner when she examined me, but I convinced her I couldn’t maintain an erection long enough to have intercourse, so she gave me the prescription anyway. After that I kind of got obsessed with fitness, because the more weight I lost the more dick I could see. Then, because I could actually see my dick for the first time in years, I kind of became obsessed with trying to make it bigger.

After wasting about a year with MOS and Betterman, I stumbled across this site, bought a Bib and really got into aggressive PE. After my first year as a member here I had made good newbie gains and had completely cured my ED. I just started hoarding the Viagra, I got quite a stash of it. Then after a while I noticed that even though I could have sex without the little blue pill, my girth sessions were a lot more effective if I took one, so I started taking one 100 mg of V once mid-week when I pumped, because I was mostly hanging back then, and you don’t need an erection for hanging. I continued to get the prescription filled, but only took it once a week for girth work or on visits to the nudist camps or on those special sexual encounters with other couples where I needed a little advantage. (Sorry to disillusion you RedWood, but I usually take a pill when having sex with more than one person.)

But then I discovered the wonderful world of (C&C) Clamping and Calis. The two go together like peas and carots, and my girth and flaccid gains have been phenomenal. I guess I have been clamping about two years now, and although the girth gains and flaccid gains have been great, I’m afraid the length has pretty much stalled out right after the newbie gain. I think it has TOPPED out at about 7-1/4 to 7-1/2 with the drug induced erection. But I’ve gained a pretty solid 2” in girth, which I truly believe is mostly due to clamping. I can’t be sure because I do everything, but it is just a gut feeling about the clamps. However, it is also my GUT feeling that clamping, or at least the Extreme clamping, like the kind of girth work I do IS hard on erections. I haven’t really experienced failure, but I think the Calis may be masking some problems.

It is a fact that I use the very strong liquid Calis now for girth work, so that may very well be masking any erection problems if they were to occur. I take the 30mg dose once mid week( Tue) and it last all week. I do experience weaker erections after the Clampathons I do on Saturday and Sunday, but those are very intense sessions and are at the end of the week when the drug would be at its weakest.

As far as Girth gains from clamping being permanent, I still can’t say for sure because I’m so addicted I can’t seem to MAKE myself take an extended break. I did go five days during and after the Memorial Day weekend and lost no real girth only the faux/girth, but I had really done a lot of Extreme Girth-work during the week leading up to that Nuddie Farm weekend. But I may HAVE to take a break pretty soon, my dick is getting pretty beat up. If I do give it a rest, you guys will be the first to know

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Last edited by Big Girtha : 07-07-2005 at .

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
I continued to get the prescription filled, but only took it once a week for girth work or on visits to the nudist camps or on those special sexual encounters with other couples where I needed a little advantage. (Sorry to disillusion you RedWood, but I usually take a pill when having sex with more than one person.)

It’s ok your still my hero. ;)

I have to say that after I stopped clamping, took a deconditioning break, and started up hanging and focussing on length that my girth is not what it once was.
However I know that I can get back up there fairly quickly, as when I do some jelqing and manual clamping(with hands) after a hang session, my girth can plump back up pretty quickly. I think that once stretched the tissues retain there ability to get back there rather easily, but I suspect one needs to keep up girth work for many months on end to actually make them permanent.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
As far as Girth gains from clamping being permanent, I still can’t say for sure because I’m so addicted I can’t seem to MAKE myself take an extended break. I did go five days during and after the Memorial Day weekend and lost no real girth only the faux/girth, but I had really done a lot of Extreme Girth-work during the week leading up to that Nuddie Farm weekend. But I may HAVE to take a break pretty soon, my dick is getting pretty beat up. If I do give it a rest, you guys will be the first to know

Very nice story.

It is unfortunate that you have not gained any length in the last year or so. I would assume that wearing PE WEIGHTS every other day would help you out, but it seems this is not the case. Why do you still wear them? Do you think they help your girth?

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

remek: I wear them because they help my flaccid, a lot. Although I haven’t made any real erect length gains in over a year, my flaccid length has at least tripled. Of course a lot of this is from the weight I’ve lost, but I honestly feel, in fact I know the lead weights and fowfers have given me most of my flaccid length gains. And here is another shock, I’m not sure, but I think the clamping is giving me flaccid length, also, maybe just because it makes my dick heavier. I had this conversation with sparkyx once. Sparky is very analytical, but I mean that in a good way. The problem with doing EVERYTHING, it is hard to tell what is actually working. I see his point, but I’m fifty-one years old. I’ve lived most of my life fat with a tiny turtled up dick that I had to pull out of the fat pad with my fingers just to piss. I don’t have time to analyze every method one against the other. Younger member can and SHOULD do this. Me, I’m just going to do everything, and out of all this shit, something is bound to work permanently.

Oh, and quite honestly, I don’t care if I gain any more erect length. I’m perfectly happy with my dick in the bedroom. I only care now about flaccid.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


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