Thunder's Place

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Clamping 101 - The clamping guide

What’s the concept with the clamping on the glands? What do I gain from that type of session.

I personally don’t think there is anything to gain from clamping close to the glands. In fact I honestly think the only way to see any real girth gains for the entire shaft is by clamping as close to the body as possible. I still have a fairly thick fat pad. Ironically the only fat on my entire body is in the worst place it can be from a PE standpoint. When I clamp I push the clamp so deep into that fat-pad that once an engorgement sets in you cannot even see the clamp. The more of the shaft that is engorged the more effective clamping is.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
I personally don’t think there is anything to gain from clamping close to the glands. In fact I honestly think the only way to see any real girth gains for the entire shaft is by clamping as close to the body as possible. I still have a fairly thick fat pad. Ironically the only fat on my entire body is in the worst place it can be from a PE standpoint. When I clamp I push the clamp so deep into that fat-pad that once an engorgement sets in you cannot even see the clamp. The more of the shaft that is engorged the more effective clamping is.

I have to agree with BG on this one. I am assuming you are talking about the multi clamp section. Some people clamp as shown in the pciture (one near the base and one near the glans).

When I multi clamp, I place both clamps as close to the base as possible. I find this works much better.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

{remek: I was just looking over one of the related links attached above. I’ve read it before, but had forgotten it: Here Bib was discussing this very issue with Thunder. This was before people were using cable clamps, back when traction wrap or Bib’s Uli Thing was the best method. However if you read you will see even back then Bib was basically saying clamp off as much engorgement as you can.}

Bib Wrote:


I am so glad you mentioned that. I forgot to say something about this.

In wrapping, it does not work with the wrap very close to the glands. This is because the wrap works off of internal pressure, and the wrap must be far enough down the shaft to allow the head and upper shaft to swell.

There probably is a formulae for determining the distance the wrap must be from the glands. It has to do with the swollen circumference of the shaft in that area I am sure.



{So in other words push that clamp or clamps as deep into the fat pad as you can.}

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
{remek: I was just looking over one of the related links attached above. I’ve read it before, but had forgotten it: Here Bib was discussing this very issue with Thunder. This was before people were using cable clamps, back when traction wrap or Bib’s Uli Thing was the best method. However if you read you will see even back then Bib was basically saying clamp off as much engorgement as you can.}

Bib Wrote:


I am so glad you mentioned that. I forgot to say something about this.

In wrapping, it does not work with the wrap very close to the glands. This is because the wrap works off of internal pressure, and the wrap must be far enough down the shaft to allow the head and upper shaft to swell.

There probably is a formulae for determining the distance the wrap must be from the glands. It has to do with the swollen circumference of the shaft in that area I am sure.



{So in other words push that clamp or clamps as deep into the fat pad as you can.}

I Completely agree, and I will add to bib’s statement.

Clamping closer to the glans with the mutli clamp stops blood from flowing to the head of the penis. The head of the penis is already a hard gainer, so clamping there would minimize head gains.

Clamping closer to the glans without multi clamps focuses ONLY on the head of the penis, and not the whole shaft. The head of the penis is very very flexible (sort of like a balloon). In my opinion, It would be very difficult to get head gains only.

My third, and final point: The glans is the most sensitive part of the penis. I extremely advise staying away from putting to much pressure on the glans. This is asking for a thrombosed vein or blood coming out of the urethra.

My Advice:

So for you guys out there clamping close to the glans, you are doing unnecessary work, and pushing closer to an injury at the same time.

Stay away from clamping near the glans; as BG said, clamp as close to the base as possible

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Big Girtha: You say you clamp as close to the body as possible. I have not read any of your threads on clamping. So please answer for us guys just starting into clamping. Do you clamp behind the balls? Also, have you tried 30 mg of cialis in tablet form? What is the benefit of the liquid cialis? Thanks man and congratulations on your weight loss and the rehabbing of your dick. From my vantage point as a newbie, its all about being consistent and aggressive within bounds of reason to see gains, is it not?


The biggest dose of Calis in pill form is 20mg. The liquid is much stronger, however you should take as small of a dose as you can get by with. It works better if you take less. As far as clamping behind the balls, I haven’t had much luck with it, but some have. I have too much skin in my scrotum to do this without pinching. All the pictures I’ve seen of guys clamping behind the balls are thin guys with little or no fat pad and smaller or less fleshy scrotums. What I do when my dick gets too sore to clamp just the shaft is pull some of the scrotal skin up wrap and clamp around it, thus giving more thickness to the shaft. However, everything you need to know about clamping is well covered in this thread or the other clamping thread here:

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Just read back over these two threads and I’m sure any questions you may have will have been covered.

Good luck

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Thanks man for responding so quickly….Happy Clamps to you….

>Pumping blood for an extra 10 percent of could easily make it harder for your penis to get a 100 percent erection.

As a former medical doctor I can assure you this statement is a complete nonsense.

Otherwise the reading was interesting.

Thanks remek for the very valuable information. Also the photos were extremely helpful in understanding exactly what you are talking about.thank so much for sharing.I’m off to wal-mart

Originally Posted by 8 is enough
Thanks remek for the very valuable information. Also the photos were extremely helpful in understanding exactly what you are talking about.thank so much for sharing.I’m off to wal-mart

Your welcome 8isenough. Good Luck with clamping.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by jeldingmaster
>Pumping blood for an extra 10 percent of could easily make it harder for your penis to get a 100 percent erection.

As a former medical doctor I can assure you this statement is a complete nonsense.

Otherwise the reading was interesting.

OKay doc: You are the one we need an opinion from….Guys on this thread have talked about difficulty with erections when into serious clamping. At 58, I dont need that kind of difficulty nor does even a young guy. Doc, do you think clamping brings on venous leakage or can you tell us on this line what is happening that would cause erectile difficulty when a guy clamps? Many who want to clamp will appreciate your opinion.


I am not the right doc to answer these questions. You should better ask urologist. They know all the male genitals best I hope. I was specializing in some other area and had stopped practicing quite a few years back.

I was raising my concerns about possibility to gain venous leakage in some previous threads though.

I haven’t read all the stuff about clamping because I read Thunders only occasionally. But I have seen member Big Girtha mentioning he is in a touch with a smart urologist so I think the best would be if he asks her opinion.

Even if I think it is possible to get venous leakage still if difficulty with erections is only temporary (lasts few hours or days) then it is very unlikely that venous leakage is the cause. Venous leakage should cause permanent erection problems.

I am not sure what is causing temporary erection difficulty after clamping so I wont speculate on this.

Originally Posted by jeldingmaster
>Pumping blood for an extra 10 percent of could easily make it harder for your penis to get a 100 percent erection.

As a former medical doctor I can assure you this statement is a complete nonsense.

Otherwise the reading was interesting.

I sometimes believe I am different than most. I feel my blood doesn’t reproduce as fast as others. For example, when I give blood it takes me WEEKS to get a GOOD SOLID erection again. I am not talking days, I am talking weeks… This is very uncommon for most people. Another example is the one I stated above. When I feel I am getting good girth gains, it is hard for me to gain an erection.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson


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