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Clamping & Blood Flow

Clamping & Blood Flow

Hey guys I need to ask a question, this could possibly go into like 3 other threads but not sure, sorry about that again.

Been back to PE clamping for about 2-3 weeks without any problems/pain/issues, and have been working out as well. About a week ago i stopped working out b/c i need a new pair of gym shoes, now comes the problem. Ever since i stopped working out I can’t get my full clamp session done. Like 7 minutes in and it hurts, but it only hurts in this/these vein(s) on the right side of my penis. It looks like 2 veins (upper part of shaft, near circ. scar)that appear to cross if that helps anyone locate the area. So i was wondering if by not working out my circulation is suffering when i clamp? Like maybe the blood just gets trapped there or something idk.

I don’t know how else to describe it to you guys but if anyone knows what i mean please give some advice.


Start:7.5 BPEL X 5 MSEG

Goal: 7 MSEG

Heere We GOOooh!

thanks for moving it, i had no idea of the proper thread it belonged in.

Start:7.5 BPEL X 5 MSEG

Goal: 7 MSEG

Heere We GOOooh!

I think we need some background. It sounds like you were jelqing and doing PE at some point and are now returning? How long has your break been?

It sounds to me off hand like you injured yourself. Take a few weeks off and then go back on the newbie routine for a month or more to recondition your penis. I’m on a 2-3 month deacon right now and plan to start again with the newbie routine so I’m conditioned properly.

My journey .... My pics

Start BPEL 6.50" x MSEG 5.00"

Now BPEL 7.625" x MSEG 5.25"

Originally Posted by quisxx
Like 7 minutes in and it hurts, but it only hurts in this/these vein(s) on the right side of my penis. It looks like 2 veins (upper part of shaft, near circ. scar)that appear to cross if that helps anyone locate the area. So i was wondering if by not working out my circulation is suffering when i clamp? Like maybe the blood just gets trapped there or something idk.

Pain isn’t a good sign, as you could have thought. Stop until you don’t have any problem or pain. I suggest a month of stop. Don’t masturbate or have sex. Let your penis rest. And if you feel is the case try putting your penis in a cold water for two,three minutes or even more. It can give you some benefit.

Originally Posted by onenekkidguy
I think we need some background. It sounds like you were jelqing and doing PE at some point and are now returning? How long has your break been?

It sounds to me off hand like you injured yourself. Take a few weeks off and then go back on the newbie routine for a month or more to recondition your penis. I’m on a 2-3 month deacon right now and plan to start again with the newbie routine so I’m conditioned properly.

I have been back at PE for one month, break was about 2 months

Thanks for the advice guys, i’ll take some time off then build back up to where i was.

Start:7.5 BPEL X 5 MSEG

Goal: 7 MSEG

Heere We GOOooh!

Sharp pains are bad. Dull aches are normal. I get a dull ache sometimes at the base after a clamping session. I had a sharp pain once and I stopped for a week. I recommend resting if the pain is persistent and see how you recover.

yeah thanks, i took some time off then got back to work last week, my 1 month gains are nice :)

Start:7.5 BPEL X 5 MSEG

Goal: 7 MSEG

Heere We GOOooh!

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