Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

You could get them through amazon or ebay. That is where I get mine from sent to Europe. A little pricey because of the post and packaging but okay in the broad scheme of things.

Originally Posted by Tidio
As for selling, do you guys know where can I buy these Clamps in Finland? Do they have some sort of Finnish Home Depot?

After a year of this my girlfriend finally asked “are you suntanning your dick?”

I didn’t really have an answer…

2014: 8.4 x 5.5

2022: 9 x 6.2

Apart from cable clamp what else can one use for clamping

Is shoe lace a good idea? ?

Originally Posted by Carzobaba
Apart from cable clamp what else can one use for clamping

Is shoe lace a good idea? ?

Whatever you use make sure and have some padding underneath it and you can remove it fast, a shoelace is a bit thin, some soft rope or webbing can work or a metal hose clamp.

Originally Posted by Carzobaba
Apart from cable clamp what else can one use for clamping

Is shoe lace a good idea? ?

Careful to not apply too much compression at the top of the penis. Most of the clamp must act on the “sides” of the penis, and not at the and the bottom. So you will need something “oval shaped”.

If the cable clamp is nowhere to be found, use your hands. Can’t think of something more “precise” than that.

Im not a huge experienced clamper but I liked the Air clamp by Monty.

8-2015 Started- Rock hard 6.5bpel" /6"nbpel x4.25 MEG". Current- 7.25-7.5bpel" x 4.6 base/ shaft girth!!! GOAL- 7.5bpel x 5" MEG/ 5.25"BEG

Originally Posted by capernicus1

Whatever you use make sure and have some padding underneath it and you can remove it fast, a shoelace is a bit thin, some soft rope or webbing can work or a metal hose clamp.

My hand can’t keep it clamped for 10mins

It seems fascinating the idea of enlarging the penis through allowing more blood in it. At the same time it is extremely odd that someone would have added 2 full inches in girth, over a extra-long period of time (like 7 years) and didn’t take pictures of his unit during the process. I mean.. Since the growth happened through years, if you wanted to help the people like it seems you are doing, then why in the world you didn’t take photos, day after day, month after month, year after year?

Hi savalas.

Removed your penis pictures. It is not allowed to post them on public forums.

Have a good one.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

There are other threads with nude pictures all over the website

Just A Clamping Question

Actually two

Okay go I’ve been clamping for about a month on day on one day off M-F with S-S off. When is a good time to do more days in a row? I do 3 sets of 10 with a mixture of heat in between.

My second question is I tend to edge afterwards well I have a hard time stopping myself or should I say my penis from getting to hyped up, long story short I ejaculate. Will the affect any of my work?

PS. I’ve been jelqing for more than 8 months. And I have used the search bar couldn’t find information.

If anyone could help me I’d be greatfull

The best work/rest day schedule is up to you, experiment and find what you like. Ejaculating won’t prevent gains, although some believe they get better gains by not ejaculating afterward. This has some reason to it, as an ejaculation depletes energy (that could be used for growing/healing) as well as deflates the post workout engorgement. But many including myself have gained despite ejaculating after most clamped edging workouts.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Hello everybody,

I´ve got a question. How strong must the cable clamp clicked at the base. I´ve got the medium cable clamps and get the last click with no serious problem.
Engorgement is assured and all positive effects which are noted. But it is possible for me to kegel the whole time to get my dick bigger and ensure hardness during this time.
So should the Clamp be so tight that there is no kegel possible?
And are you still alive BigGirtha?



If you clamp all the way to complete constriction, you have to be absolutely careful never to exceed 10 minutes and watch for signs of trouble. I go until it’s almost auto-erect (very little stimulation needed to edge) but allowing for kegels, which I do as much as possible. As long as there is a constant supply of fresh blood, the 10 minute rule isn’t absolute. Many people feel that moderate force over a longer time frame is better than force that requires you to quit training in a short time.

2014: 8.4 x 5.5

2022: 9 x 6.2


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