Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Alsuri.I guess the trick is to edge while in the clamp, not too tight.
When I crank the clamp all the way to keep all the blood in
My unit turns purple real fast, I guess that is not optimal?

Thanks for replying.

Gapseal - I was first under the impression that you had to clamp as tight as possible, but Drilla9 advised me not to do that as you can injure yourself by damaging veins that can result in blood circulation problems, just for starters. I took the tips Drilla9 gave me (just search back a few pages and you’ll see his posts) and I have been having the best results in my clamping experience thus far. I’m by no means a master at this clamping exercise but I recommend giving this method a try..

Get yourself an erection going. When you close the clamp, do NOT close it as tight as possible! You are risking injury of your precious little guy down below and those injuries are NOT cool. Instead, close the clamp to where you feel a slight bit of pressure, but to where you can edge and it feels comfortable and not at all painful. I find this way is a good method to maximize your expansion while not putting too much stress on your member. I’m willing to bet you’ll see a difference in size while clamping this way. If for some chance you feel tingling, remove the clamp and get a hot wrap immediately, as suggested by Big Girtha. The important thing to remember is just take it slow and work your way up. The key is finding a certain spot in the clamp that is comfortable for you to where you can trap blood in and edge, but like I say, do NOT close your blood flow off completely. Good luck my friend! :)

P.S. Once again, I’m by no means a master of this technique so if any other users have any helpful information to add to my post, it would be greatly appreciated. :)

Now - 7" Erect Length - 5" Mid-Shaft Girth - 5.25" Base Girth

Goal - 8" Erect Length - 6" Mid-Shaft Girth - 6.25" Base Girth

Thanks alsuri.

How many “clicks” on the clamp for example do you go?
I know everyone will be different, but just as an example.

Originally Posted by Gapseal
Thanks alsuri.

How many “clicks” on the clamp for example do you go?
I know everyone will be different, but just as an example.

I used to go all the way down. Now from some growth and a better wrap (a cut-up t-shirt) I go to the point where I can still see two or three notches still exposed.

Gapseal - I know I’m risking it, but personally I’ve always hated using the wraps so I just clamp without one, (I don’t recommend that, however) being very careful not to pinch the skin or clamp too tight. When I first started clamping I was clamping down all the way and thinking it should be even tighter.. (Could have had an injury if I decided to edge, good grief!) What “click” you prefer is up to you but just make sure you aren’t clamping too tight. Just experiment with it at full erection and see which “click” works for you. Remember, you want some pressure on your big boy but not to the point where you are risking it. Personally, this is what I do - With the screw down on the clamp, I get an erection and close the clamp with about 3 clicks left on it and it does the trick for me while incorporating edging throughout the whole exercise. When using this “click” I noticed a very good expansion at the base and I was comfortable edging throughout the whole session. If I had tried this in my earlier days where I clamped down all the way, I am almost positive I would have injured myself. Keep safety in mind and pay attention to your member. Good luck my friend! :)

- Al Suri

Now - 7" Erect Length - 5" Mid-Shaft Girth - 5.25" Base Girth

Goal - 8" Erect Length - 6" Mid-Shaft Girth - 6.25" Base Girth

Last edited by alsuri : 08-26-2009 at .

I did a session with 3 clicks left and the clamp would slide a quater inch (aprrox) up while edging.
With only 2 clicks left it stayed in place a lot better, still rode up a bit but not much and not as frequently.
Does this sounds like the magic pressure?

I appreciate all the assistance.

Originally Posted by Gapseal
I did a session with 3 clicks left and the clamp would slide a quater inch (aprrox) up while edging.
With only 2 clicks left it stayed in place a lot better, still rode up a bit but not much and not as frequently.
Does this sounds like the magic pressure?

I appreciate all the assistance.

It’s your unit. You need to learn how much is enough as apposed to too much. I know if I clamp too hard I can develop some soreness/tenderness in the testicles. So I back off a bit. In my last session I started with 3 clicks left and edged, then clicked down for 2 clicks left for the second half of the session. The increased internal pressure and expansion was quite noticeable.

But in all cases you need to avoid over doing it. I’d start with where you are now and make sure you can finish a few sessions with no complications. Then maybe ratchet up a notch for a few minutes just to give it a try.

This is what I like best about the cable clamps - easy on/off!!

Good luck and happy expansion!

Thanks MushroomHook.

I’ll give that a try.

Is a purple unit a sign of too much pressure?


The silicone sleeves from the Xleeve seems to make a great wrap for the cable clamps.

I cut off a small piece from the blue sleeve yesterday and tried a mild set. Seemed to work great!




Would not a releasable cable tie provide a much better constriction than a cable clamp?

The number one reason in my mind is that a cable tied would conform to the shape of the penis as compared to a cable clamp, where the penis will have to conform at least to some extent.

I do not have one of these available at the moment, but I will try to get one during the week.

As far as I know, a cable clamp is as close as you can get to a releasable cable tie. Most cable ties I see are bitches to undo. Bear in mind you want to make quick release a high priority when it comes to constricting your unit.

The other factor you have to take into account is that regular cable ties are very thin and will serve to cut into the skin, making it harder still to release or control pressure. Cable clamps are preferable as they are solid and chunky enough not to embed themselves uncomfortably in your shaft skin. They are also robust enough to handle sizeable pressure.

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

I have tested both cable clamps and cables ties. One cable tie that is easy to release is this one (see top left on the page, sorry but it is in Swedish):
It is a bit stretchy but not too much so you can get a decent clamp effect. The advantage is that you can clamp off at the very root.

However, the cable clamps as I guess most people use (the marine Sea Clamps) is to my experience better.

Historical graph since start including all Measures and Goals -

Start 2008-09-01: 5,9" X 4,5", 2012-03-31: 7,3" X 5.4" - Goal 7,5" X 5,5"

Has anyone had gains from clamping alone? The reason I ask this is because I have problems when it comes to jelqing because I am not circumcised and in the past had some negative effects with that.

I think if you use something that is not as effective at trapping the blood or just don’t tighten your normal clamp as hard and you maintain a full erection throughout by edging and kegeling quite hard and for a few seconds then this can give better gains than simply using something to cut more circulation off and going soft. I feel I can clamp for longer with the first method mentioned in this post without having any negative symptoms and have more expansion. I know this is contrary to what Girtha does.

Preferably I’d like to create a thread with this so it’s the main talking point of the thread so if someone wants to make one here for me that would be good. I’m still a newbie to this site so can only post in the newbie section and I know I wouldn’t get decent answers there from experienced Clamper’s. But anyway comment

Originally Posted by Jelqival
I think if you use something that is not as effective at trapping the blood or just don’t tighten your normal clamp as hard and you maintain a full erection throughout by edging and kegeling quite hard and for a few seconds then this can give better gains than simply using something to cut more circulation off and going soft. I feel I can clamp for longer with the first method mentioned in this post without having any negative symptoms and have more expansion. I know this is contrary to what Girtha does.

Preferably I’d like to create a thread with this so it’s the main talking point of the thread so if someone wants to make one here for me that would be good. I’m still a newbie to this site so can only post in the newbie section and I know I wouldn’t get decent answers there from experienced Clamper’s. But anyway comment

That would be the case if expansion is the cause of growth. There are two possibly causes of the majority of the growth: it’s either expansion (or/and) deoxygenation. If it is the latter, then your method would yield less gains. If you adapt to higher TUC’s, slowly over time, you will be able to last the same amount of time (as long as it’s under 20 minutes).

Check out the thread in my signature for more information.


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