Clamping Question
This is a question for guys who clamp regularly and see temporary girth expansion while in the clamp.
Has anyone *not* ended up seeing some of these gains when you’re not in the clamp? Has your expansion in the clamp been temporary only?
Another way to ask that is whether the girth expansion you see in the clamp is indicative of the potential for growth. If your dick is bigger in the clamp does that necessarily mean it can get bigger?
I ask these questions because the only PE gains I’ve gotten have been EQ increases, and clamping is the only PE exercise where I see even temporary gains. I’m wondering if there are other people like this out there. Ideally, I’d like to think that the fact that I can get up to 5.5 MSG in the clamp indicates that I have to potential to gain up to that some day.
I'm a disciple of science.