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Clamping question

Clamping question

Hi All,

I am interested in clamping for girth. I understand that the usual practice is to get as hard as possible and then apply the “hard” clamp, eg a hose clamp.

I have experimented with “clamping” after pumping as follows: While partially erect I apply a velcro cable tie such that it constricts the base of the penis by about 50%. I then edge until I get very engorged (under heat). I add a good .25” girth doing this. The penis is extremely engorded and red after a few minutes - I only stay in for 5 minuntes before releasing and edging some more.

I am getting good explansion so I assume that I am getting the desired effect but since I have never clamped with a hose clamp , I just wondered if I am missing anything? It is a bit alarming to see the base of my penis only half the diameter of the rest of the penis but since it is a velcro cable clamp the edges are not hard so I am thinking that I am unlikely to do a major injury. I don’t bruse at the site of the the clamp.

Any words of advice from exerienced clampers would be appreciated.


Started Oct 15: 6.75" BPEL 4.9" MEG, Currently: 7.2" BPEL 5.1" MEG Goal: 8" BPEL 5.6" MEG

Never use a Hose Clamp or Cable Tie . Only Cable Clamps , as anything else is extremely dangerous !

Hi Guys,

Yes I have only ever used a cable clamp.I put the clamp on in a flaccid state and let my unit grow into it.By doing that the base gets great expansion also.I have made good girth gains by using this method.If clamp is to tight I get less expansion. I do clamped edging for 15-20mins.This is not advisable for beginners though.

Busy Building a big dick with AM 2.

Originally Posted by The Wizard
Hi Guys,
Yes I have only ever used a cable clamp.I put the clamp on in a flaccid state and let my unit grow into it.By doing that the base gets great expansion also.I have made good girth gains by using this method.If clamp is to tight I get less expansion. I do clamped edging for 15-20mins.This is not advisable for beginners though.

When you say you get great base expansion, do you mean the base of the penis in the small area between your body and the clamp? How much constriction would you say you are getting under the clamp? Like 25% or 50%?


Started Oct 15: 6.75" BPEL 4.9" MEG, Currently: 7.2" BPEL 5.1" MEG Goal: 8" BPEL 5.6" MEG

When I clamped the area right above the clamp became very engorged. I found the area directly under the clamp grew as well. Take it slowly and never use a hose clamp like those used for cars. Buy a cable clamp, it’s quick release feature makes it the only choice.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!


You go into the clamp flaccid and as you get harder you keep pushing the clamp down. You need to get the clamp down against the pubic bone as far as you can.I have gained good base girth doing this.Constriction would be at about 70% it needs to be tight to trap blood but not tight enough to starve penis of blood. As a few of the guys have said get a CABLE CLAMP or you will end up hurting yourself.

Busy Building a big dick with AM 2.

Thanks for all the advice… I have ordered a cable clamp!

Started Oct 15: 6.75" BPEL 4.9" MEG, Currently: 7.2" BPEL 5.1" MEG Goal: 8" BPEL 5.6" MEG

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