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Clamping set question

Clamping set question

I’ve got a quick question for any of you experienced clampers out there, here’s my situation:

So I’ve been clamping fairly regularly for a couple months now, and what I’ve noticed lately is that I reach maximum expansion during my first 7-8 minute set, and any subsequent sets produce a negligible amount of additional expansion. My question is this; should I be doing any more than my initial set? Is there any benefit to doing the extra sets if I’m not getting any more expansion?

Starting stats 11/2009: NBPEL=6.25" BPEL=6.75" MSEG=5.0" Current: NBPEL=7.125" BPEL=7.75 MSEG 5.5" BEG 6.0"

I do 2-3 10min sets. First set I edge. Second set I edge and bend. If I don’t feel overworked, and I don’t see spots, I edge and bend a third set. I stretch, jelque, roll and massage before and between sets. I always warm up in the hot tub with a combo of jelque, roll, massage, stretch and bend stretches. This is what I do, NOT what I’m recommending you do. Know you own unit, and don’t go too far. I can’t always pull this off. Sometimes I’ve gone through periods where I spot easier and I have to back off or cut short. Other times I’ve had extreme shaft or glans fatigue where I’ve had to cut short. I seem to go through cycles of sensitivity, but they pass as long as I’m careful and attentive.

In answer to your question, If your getting expansion on your 1st 10 minute set AND you don’t see any further expansion subsequently then it probably is sufficient to just do one set a couple of times a day, not necessarily back to back sets. What you do want to do is a set often enough to keep the broken lattice junctions open as much as possible to keep growing as consistently as possible. I’d suggest 12 hour intervals. Too long of a time lapse and the bodies healing process will strengthen the tissues and you’ll plateau.

Now I found that I couldn’t get any significant expansion until the 3rd set. What this probably means that you have a single layer of corpus cavernosa lattice structure and so it gives quicker. I know that some guys are built with 3 layers of that same structure and they have to work harder to get it to expand. So consider yourself lucky. If I were you and I had the time I’d do the extra sets anyway or you could incorporate bends after the 1st set to see if further expansion is possible.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a means of accomplishing an ADS for girth work so all we can do is think of the exercise as blowing up a balloon, weakening the membrane and expanding it as often as practical. The only thing that can hamper the gaining process is the bodies tendency to heal, strengthen and return things to normal. So time becomes a big issue with continued gains. Stay ahead of the healing processes.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

I like the replies above and would like to add perhaps you should add a few more minutes to your set to take advantage of the expansion you get. What’s your wrap and clamp set up look like? Getting lots of pressure?

Note: Clamplover is a pseudonym of Stillwantmore, a previously banned member. He has a commercial interest in "The Penis Clamp" and previously had an interest in the “malehanger”. Please treat any of his posts with suspicion.

Thank you for the quick and detailed replies guys, really great suggestions! My clamp set up is pretty standard, I don’t use a wrap but I have cut 2 small strips of neoprene mouse pad to fit into both sides of the clamp , that seems to work best for me. I get a good bit of pressure and expand 3/8” by the end of my first set, this would seem promising but gains are slow to come by!

Starting stats 11/2009: NBPEL=6.25" BPEL=6.75" MSEG=5.0" Current: NBPEL=7.125" BPEL=7.75 MSEG 5.5" BEG 6.0"

Sorry for the double post, but Monty what type of schedule do you recommend with the clamping? Are you saying to not take any rest days? Or to do 12 hour intervals for a day or two and then take a day off?

Starting stats 11/2009: NBPEL=6.25" BPEL=6.75" MSEG=5.0" Current: NBPEL=7.125" BPEL=7.75 MSEG 5.5" BEG 6.0"

I’m not a believer of taking days off. To me they are just an invitation for the body to heal stressed tissues which would directly cause a plateau. Now in the case of hanging and utilizing an ADS between hanging sessions, taking days off doesn’t trigger consequences because an ADS will keep things stretched to the last gains accomplishment. Unfortunately an ADS isn’t available when it comes to girth work, so our only recourse is to expand our units within the bodies healing time frame and try to keep things going that way.

Now there are things we can do if we should happen to have life cause us to miss a session or two. Wantsmore’s fulcrums are a means to breakup stalled tissues when necessary.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

I feel like a guy should learn to maximize his levels of pressure when clamping. Push it as high as you can tolerate each time you clamp. I know when I have gone easy on myself in the past, I did not get any expansion. Expansion is my goal every time I clamp.There’s a fine line though between expansion and fluid build up. I’m still trying to figure out the “perfect” clamp technique to minimize, if not avoid fluid build up. Not that I typically get much fluid build up when I clamp.

Note: Clamplover is a pseudonym of Stillwantmore, a previously banned member. He has a commercial interest in "The Penis Clamp" and previously had an interest in the “malehanger”. Please treat any of his posts with suspicion.

Really? I’ve never had fluid buildup in any way while clamping. I will say though that I usually didn’t get expansion until the second or third set. Then I would get around 1/4”.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Originally Posted by Monty:
I’m not a believer of taking days off. To me they are just an invitation for the body to heal stressed tissues which would directly cause a plateau. Now in the case of hanging and utilizing an ADS between hanging sessions, taking days off doesn’t trigger consequences because an ADS will keep things stretched to the last gains accomplishment. Unfortunately an ADS isn’t available when it comes to girth work, so our only recourse is to expand our units within the bodies healing time frame and try to keep things going that way.

Now there are things we can do if we should happen to have life cause us to miss a session or two. Wantsmore’s fulcrums are a means to breakup stalled tissues when necessary.

I don’t take ‘scheduled’ days off either for the same reason, and because I’m often forced into days off due to schedule, family etc. But even on those days I’m doing, rolls, massage, stretches, balloons, etc. every chance I get to keep the tissue stressed. Clamping, however, takes some dedicated alone time which can be hard to get on some days.

I’ve never experienced any fluid buildup from clamping either, and get a solid 3/8” expansion every time. I think you guys are correct in not taking rest days, it makes a lot of sense to me. The fact that I have been following a roughly 2 on 1 off schedule could be the reason my gains seem to have plateaued recently. Do any of you guys currently use or have you experimented with using multiple clamps at the same time? I see some of the older clampers in pictures using up to 3 clamps simultaneously sometimes

Starting stats 11/2009: NBPEL=6.25" BPEL=6.75" MSEG=5.0" Current: NBPEL=7.125" BPEL=7.75 MSEG 5.5" BEG 6.0"

I only use the Penis Clamp device. Don’t feel a need to use more than that as of yet. I feel like if I ever needed more pressure, I would just add a little more wrap, or begin incorporating exercises, or squeezes. So far, I mainly just kegel and edge while I clamp. I still have plenty of room to tighten down my device though.

Note: Clamplover is a pseudonym of Stillwantmore, a previously banned member. He has a commercial interest in "The Penis Clamp" and previously had an interest in the “malehanger”. Please treat any of his posts with suspicion.

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