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Clamping to simulate priapism


Clamping to simulate priapism


condition in which the penis is continually erect; usually painful and seldom with sexual arousal

Priapism is a painful and potentially harmful medical condition however some cases have shown that it can inadvertently result in penis enlargement.
Does high flow priapism increase penile size?

We can use clamping to simulate priapism but in a far safer environment as we can refresh the blood in there by releasing the clamp(s) and we choose how much to restrict blood flow.

Some definitions of priapism state that you have priapism once your penis has been erect for four hours.

Now what i have been thinking is what if you clamped for 4 hours? If you did 20 x 8 min sets with 4 mins of dry jelqs between sets you would make 4 hours.

-Possibility of getting phenomenal gains after each session meaning more gains in less time.
-Bases on priapism cases is likely to also get length gains.
-Is safer than priapism as your erection is in your control, any signs of problems and you "pull the plug"

-Priapism is generally bad and can result in ED, pain and if you fall asleep gangrene/amputation :(
-There is a chance that there would be no greater gains than a regular clamping session.
-Loss of oxygen to the penis for that long may cause damage to the penis and cause you to loose gained progress.
-It is highly likely that you will need a few days for your penis to recover before getting another erection.

I’m thinking of trying this session the next chance i get. I’m going to be very careful and have dropped the session time from 10 mins to 8 for a bit of extra safety. Does anyone have any thoughts on the matter EG. "your mad and your dick will fall of"

I don’t recomend clamping for moren than 3 ten minute sets and I am starting to debate if even 10 min is too long to stay in the clamp. I am recovering from a stressed nerve right now in the penis head from clamping which never happened before until i tried adding on extra sets. So my advice is just be careful anyone clamping can be good if done wisely and carefully.

Current:7.75 bpel 4.8eg. midshaft Goal: 8.5 bpel 6 eg

just tryin to fullfil the destiny of the black sterotype lol

Stressed nerve aye, is that at the base? Maybe you were just clamping to hard. Do you use one clamp or two. Two is the way to go. You get the same pressure with less clicks.

Originally Posted by Earthsruler

Stressed nerve aye, is that at the base? Maybe you were just clamping to hard. Do you use one clamp or two. Two is the way to go. You get the same pressure with less clicks.

No I got the stressed nerve at the left side of the head. I got a less severe one before at the base using one clamp.

Current:7.75 bpel 4.8eg. midshaft Goal: 8.5 bpel 6 eg

just tryin to fullfil the destiny of the black sterotype lol

So far the most I’ve done is 4 x 10 mins, and the only negative experience I’ve had was pinched skin while i wasn’t using a wrap. I would have tried more but there were time constraints and i was way to horny to do another set at that time.

Yea I also jelq for a pretty long time between sets so it might have been a combination of both. It feels ok now i was scared at first but its starting to get back to normal.

Current:7.75 bpel 4.8eg. midshaft Goal: 8.5 bpel 6 eg

just tryin to fullfil the destiny of the black sterotype lol

Anyway to get back on track, what are the largest number of sets that anyone has managed to squeeze into a clamping session. I’ve done 4 with no ill effects.

I don’t know like I said I think sets of 10 may even be too long to cut off the blood supply but I think 4 is pushing it anything after that your pressing your luck and probably on the danger side. I’ve read about a few people on here over clamping and doing damage and major discoloration.

Current:7.75 bpel 4.8eg. midshaft Goal: 8.5 bpel 6 eg

just tryin to fullfil the destiny of the black sterotype lol

I know what your saying but you shouldn’t be cutting of the blood, you’re just slowing it down by letting less get out resulting in reduced blood outflow. Cutting of the flow completely would result in tingling and a cold penis and in my opinion is what causes discolouration plus keep in mind that the blood in the penis is flushed with fresh blood when the clamp is removed every 8 minutes and dry jelqed.

Even though I’m fairly confident it would be ok, i might make the first attempt only about 8 session, just to put my “toe in the water” so to speak.

I got the impression Biggirtha used to clamp practically all day. I mean way more than 3x10

That is a fantastic point!

To quote the master himself from his thread CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know post number 58

Originally Posted by Big Girtha

The more sets you do the better. The best place for me to clamp is at work. However, because of the nature of my occupation (free lance writer) I work in a private office and people know not to come in if my door is closed. Also the length of my workday varies from day to day. If I work 5 hours I clamp 5 hours. Today I put in twelve hours at my desk. I clamped for twelve hours. Ten minute sets with ten minute breaks. During the ten minute break I alt-tab over to porn long enough to pump up a good engorgement. I set my egg timer and alt-tab back over to my work. When the timer goes off, I pop the clamp enough to release the pressure but don’t take it off. I also leave the mag wrap on all day. I do a hard squeeze to squeeze out all the stale blood, set the timer and go back to work. I repeat this all the time I’m at my desk. If I’m on a roll with a story when the timer goes off and don’t want to be distracted long enough to Uli back up, I’ll just keep working but usually I keep pretty close to the 10 min clamp 10 min off routine all the time I’m working. If I have to get up to go to the bathroom I slip on one of the lead weights to wear while I’m up walking around, but take it off and clamp off a Uli when I get back to my desk.

This routine is far too intense for you newbies, but just do what you can. Your dick will tell when you’ve had enough

12 HOURS!?! LOL! that’s awesome.

It seems that having many sets is beneficial, and Big Girtha may have simulated priapism already.

The difference is that Girtha lets the erection subside after its clamped of. He does mention that it would be hard to maintain an erection for multiple sets especially with the horses and dry jelqs in between, and i was thinking the same thing. But hell, if i cant keep it rock hard in the clamp after the first 5 sets ill just clamp the shit out of it and follow girthas’ lead and hit up 12 hours!!!

…Well maybe I’ll build up to 12 hours LOL!

More is not necessary or better. Nearly all of my girth gains came from 1-3 X 10 minute sets with some dry jelqing in between. Lots of heat. 1 on, 1-2 off. Decon breaks.

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

I agree with the (directly) above. My clamping experience is in no way extensive, but I’ve found that for me, even 5 minute sessions is enough to get a good expansion. I do 3-4 five minute sets with five minutes of moderate dry jelqing in between. Usually I’ll use a heat pad as well to keep warm.

I only clamp once a week since my focus is still on length. Last time, there was some pain in the CC, which I would imagine to some extent supports the idea of clamping simulating priapism. On the other hand, mostly there’s no pain, only an “expanding” feeling.

Stats at 11/25/05: BPEL: 6.77 in, EG: 4.25 in

Right now: BPEL: 7.12 in, EG: 4.48 in

Slow gainer :/

I Clamp for 1-2 hours. I do not get any negative Pi’s(aside from donuts) as long as a kegel and stimulate my self continuously. When I edge while watching porn time flys and before I know it I have been in the clamps for two hours. May try four hours some day, I like your theory.

I think it matters on how much of a risk you are willing to take. Being 40-50 years old and fucking up your dick is one thing but fucking it up in your 20’s in your prime would be just devestating. I believe big girtha is a bit older and didnt have much to start with so someone like him might take a go for broke mentallity , while on the otherhand someone like me has above average size and years of sex left in him.

Current:7.75 bpel 4.8eg. midshaft Goal: 8.5 bpel 6 eg

just tryin to fullfil the destiny of the black sterotype lol

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