Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CNN's view of average penis size and making it bigger!

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Nothing, just fucking with you dk.

Cool. Had me wondering.

Originally Posted by devilknight666
You also can’t end a sentence in a preposition.

Everyone knows a preposition is a terrible thing to end a sentence with.

Originally Posted by devilknight666
What, or should I be afraid to ask?

What would you be afraid of?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 06-15-2008 at . Reason: prepositions

Originally Posted by trigger
The survey involving 3300 Italian soldiers came up with 4.9” NBPFSL. Young 17-19 years (no age shrinkage), no congenital disorders etc, presumable fit guys (i.e. small fat pad)


By what I know there aren’t 17eens Italians soldiers. : you have to be at least 18een to become a soldier in Italy (I’ve done the military service).

And: is the natural penile growth ended at 19 y? I’m not sure, but I think not.

And: how much force they used when stretching? I see a too little difference between FL and B(P?)FSL, so maybe the force exerted was too light.

Just to note how well many of such self-pretended “scientific measurements” are done.

It’s actually scary to me that scientific still say that it’s impossible to make a penis bigger without surgery, that is obviously not the case but people who say the contrary in public will be often seen as stupid or scammer.

OK it’s not a life treating issue ( well in some case it might be for people depressed by there penis length) but it mean they are also probably completely mistaken in other scientific area a lot more important.

I think many people don’t think it’s possible because there isn’t enough people doing it the right way. Me included. Like there are times when you can learn things and sometimes you need a teacher. This is one of those things where people would choose to learn on their own more than try to ask someone for help.

Now THAT is what I like to see in the media

Wait, so my dick DIDN’T get bigger? Aww, man. The stupid ruler must have shrunk… :(

"Sometimes a scream is better than a thesis." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Seems like my penis is bigger than before I started. Approaching 6” flaccid penis length. Started July 2008 with BPFSL 41/2, BPEL 43/4, & EG 41/2 today Nov 4, 2010 BPFSL 57/8, BPEL 51/2, & EG 51/2. I know these are accurate & I was not a believer in the beginning. I stopped after a year & half then restarted again. So far this is working for me. Yea. Bigger is better, lmbjless

Let the media portrait the “impossibility of natural penis enlargement”.

Let the “insiders” secretly make all the gains!

After all, we want to be BIGGER than the average. So let the average folks remain average. :-P

Notorious "Hardgainer". No Gain in 4 Years! Check out my "Blog" under Profile.

(starting: Jun 2007) 5.75" BPEL x 5" EG / (Sept 11, 2011) 6.375" BPEL x 5.125" EG / (July 1st, 2014) 6.25" BPEL x 5.125" EG (lost a bit of size)

Originally Posted by Russell4
Hey, come-on,

This is great stuff! CNN is such a trusty news worthy source..

Priceless. That part alone was enough of a punch line for me, LOL.

Penis Size

Originally Posted by lmbjless
Seems like my penis is bigger than before I started. Approaching 6” flaccid penis length. Started July 2008 with BPFSL 41/2, BPEL 43/4, & EG 41/2 today Nov 4, 2010 BPFSL 57/8, BPEL 51/2, & EG 51/2. I know these are accurate & I was not a believer in the beginning. I stopped after a year & half then restarted again. So far this is working for me. Yea. Bigger is better, lmbjless

Ended the year with a gain BPFSL 5 15/16; BPEL 5 9/16 & EG 5 1/2. I now will increase my goal 6 1/2; 6; & 6. So far so good plus stronger erection.


Originally Posted by chinchillables

Priceless. That part alone was enough of a punch line for me, LOL.


You would think hearing that the average is around 5” would make people happy. Instead you denounce them as liars, although plenty of studies have been done that, when actually measuring the survey participants the results are all in the 5” range.

Just because you have a “small penis/must have bigger penis” obsession, doesnt make the scientists liars. Its no secret as to why older, more experienced women dont care about penis size, yet younger ones do. Its simply experience and considering most women cannot reach orgasm through penetration, its no wonder the size of the cock does not matter to them. They much rather you smell nice, be in shape, and take care of them in ways that they like.

Having a large cock does not equal great lover.


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