Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CNN's view of average penis size and making it bigger!

The thing I’ve unfortunately come to realize about journalism is that they’re just reporting the “standard” info. They get from textbooks, “experts,” etc. They don’t speak from experience or necessarily have any idea what they’re talking about. They can’t because they report on something different every week.

Originally Posted by Osu-danuki
The thing I’ve unfortunately come to realize about journalism is that they’re just reporting the “standard” info. They get from textbooks, “experts,” etc. They don’t speak from experience or necessarily have any idea what they’re talking about. They can’t because they report on something different every week.

That may be true for a lot of Journalists, but not for war Journalists who are in the middle of it all.

It’s only a matter of time before the public learns about natural penis enlargement.

But, just like using the gym to become muscular, only a small handful of the population will likely take advantage of it.

It takes time and effort, and people are, by nature, LAZY.


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

Ya I know

I thought I was small at 8inch with a ring and a good boner it is 8.5

I don’t have an issue with CNN, or any other massive broadcaster, spewing out this sort of information. If my fiance thinks 5” is average, she’ll be even more pleased with my disappointingly mediocre 6.5”!

average flaccid 3.5”?? and average erect 5”?? if that is true then I’m a monster! No wonder the other day a girl ran away from me. :(

Um.I thought PE wasn’t permanent? I was under the impression that if you stop your workouts your penis will return to it’s original size.

Also average size is 6”x5”

Originally Posted by muhuwahaha
Um.I thought PE wasn’t permanent? I was under the impression that if you stop your workouts your penis will return to it’s original size.

Also average size is 6"x5"

You will find information on this by doing an advanced search for "cementing". When you search make sure you choose "search title only".
I don’t know where you got that average. You may find this thread interesting:

Penis Size: The True Average

Ture average is five inches. Six being the high end of the curve.

Originally Posted by regularwhiteguy
A study published in the September 1996 Journal of Urology concluded that average flaccid penile length was 8.8 cm (3 1/2 inches), and average erect length was 12.8 cm (5 inches).

I have a strong suspicion that these measurements are a little on the low side, although that girth average certainly makes me feel better about my own girth. :)

Interesting that the average penis is only meant to grow 1.5 inches. I’d say anyone who only grows that much is a real shower.

In no aspect of life should “average” be one’s goal.

I had a friend in college that was nailing copious amounts of strange and he had a below-average sized unit… probably like 5” nbp EL X 4 3/4” mseg (I saw it. Don’t ask.). Anyway, this guy would walk up the hottest chick in the joint and within 15 seconds he would have her laughing and giving him googly eyes. It was crazy. Before long he would be telling her how she should come to his apartment and hang out, etc. If she would even go near the subject of penis size he would flat out tell her that his “dick is on the small side, actually.” He would then continue with his smoothness. That dude was getting laid left and right. One day he told me to leave his apartment cuz a new girl from one of his lab classes was coming over to get fucked senseless. He had several of these ladies on rotation. And the girls were HOT.

Food for thought.

Originally Posted by Yataghan50
Interesting that the average penis is only meant to grow 1.5 inches. I’d say anyone who only grows that much is a real shower.

The vast majority of penises grow between 2” and 3.5”.

Last edited by beenthere : 05-22-2008 at .

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