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CNN's view of average penis size and making it bigger!


Last edited by 24 Hours : 08-15-2005 at .


gotta hit that shift key. :)

You aren’t going to like my answer. The best orgasms for me are tantric heart chakra orgasms. Those have caused me to faint from pleasure. Again, that’s an ability a woman has to develop herself.

As for the other three I can’t really pick a favorite. Cul de sac orgasms are certainly easiest, but the least intense of the three. I can have a huge number of them and get sort of an endorphin high going.

G-spot orgasms, because I ejaculate, are a little trickier. Some men are grossed out by ejaculation. It’s a trust and rubber sheeting situation. Ejaculation orgasms do feel tremendously dirty and I would say are more intense than cul de sac orgasms. But the most ejaculation orgasms I’ve had in a row was eight.

And clitoral orgasms require the most trust of all, at least for me, and are much more difficult to have. They are the most intense orgasm, but also the most localized.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Originally Posted by zaneblue
You aren’t going to like my answer. The best orgasms for me are tantric heart chakra orgasms. Those have caused me to faint from pleasure. Again, that’s an ability a woman has to develop herself.

As for the other three I can’t really pick a favorite. Cul de sac orgasms are certainly easiest, but the least intense of the three. I can have a huge number of them and get sort of an endorphin high going.

G-spot orgasms, because I ejaculate, are a little trickier. Some men are grossed out by ejaculation. It’s a trust and rubber sheeting situation. Ejaculation orgasms do feel tremendously dirty and I would say are more intense than cul de sac orgasms. But the most ejaculation orgasms I’ve had in a row was eight.

And clitoral orgasms require the most trust of all, at least for me, and are much more difficult to have. They are the most intense orgasm, but also the most localized.

I’ve been reading up on tantra. It sounds very interesting and I would like to try some of the techniques in the book. And for tantra, size does not matter because you focus more on the energy you and your lover create throughout your whole body, not just the sensation in the genitals. My ex gf could only have clitoral orgasms, but damn were they intense. Her whole body would shake like crazy and she almost seemed to levitate off the bed. Sometime I could make her cum after being down there for only 20 seconds-and that’s no exaggeration. I tried to give her g-spot orgasms by fingering her and rubbing against the spot. She would always stop me though because she got the feeling that she had to pee, which I guess is supposed to happen. I guess she wasn’t quite comfortable with that sensation to go through with it. I guess it just shows that every woman is different

Originally Posted by zaneblue
The best orgasms for me are tantric heart chakra orgasms. Those have caused me to faint from pleasure.

How long have you been practicing Tantra? Have you read The Yoga of Power: Tantra, Shakti, and the Secret Way or Eros and the Mysteries of Love: The Metaphysics of Sex, both by Julius Evola. Both are very good. They are not manuals of techniques but accounts of the history and philosophy of Tantra and other esoteric sexual practices. Evola is a interesting author.

I’ve been reading your comments here with much interest. You strike me as an enlightened and thoughtful person. Too bad most women (or men) do not think like you.

By the way, you mentioned that 3 x 3 is possibly a lower size limit for you. You also said that you wouldn’t want to give up either G-spot orgasms, which favor a shorter to medium-sized cock, or cul de sac orgasms, which favor a somewhat longer one (depending on the woman’s depth). What then would be your “ideal” size, length and girth?

That’s an easy one—whatever length and girth Billy Zane happens to be. From all accounts he’s hung like a racehorse, so there you go.

Always interested in tantric books. I came at tantra accidentally. I had an automatic kundalini rising from the tremendous number of vaginal orgasms I was having every day. Kind of freaked me out until I read up on it.

True that everyone’s body is different, but I also find fascinating how common women’s experience is. It is very common for women to avoid g-spot stimulation because of the feeling of having to pee. That’s actually a sign of being advanced along the path towards female ejaculation. I have read accounts of guys with their first ejaculation feeling like it was a having to pee feeling. With women the sensation is even stronger, because we have no valve to shut off the bladder (so if the bladder is full, the contents of the bladder are ejaculated along with the ejaculation fluid). A tremendous amount of early conditioning must be overcome for women. This is a good link for women to learn more:

http://www.libc … exed/Gspot.html

I generally recommend women practice by themselves first in the bathtub after a few beers. Initially it’s easier to do it with a full bladder, with the extra pressure. A fast light tapping motion with something thin and very hard (like acrylic or steel) is the best technique for this. My first time took a couple hours. Now if I am aroused it can take a couple minutes.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

24 hours: There are two positions other than with Zane blue on top
( which I love — especially if the girl is athletic) In the missionary positiion fully three inches of the cock is outside the vagina which means that the glans is in the area of fthe G spot. I don’t think that is a coincidence.
To go deeper so that the full length of the cock is in the vagina- which would stretch the vagina and”make it feel like your penis is in my throat” as one girl told me the best and easiest position is : girl on table at cock height, and her legs over your shoulders—- this allows complete penetration and is really great for both if done gently at first.

Another alternatiive which is excellent but not available to most is a medical examination table with strirups——-oh yeah !


I know you’re saying cul de sac (cds) orgasms, but since you haven’t brought up the fornix I’m wondering if perhaps your orgasm is actually occurring in the fornix. Is your bottom vagina wall being stretched backward when you have the cds orgasm? The anterior fornix is reached sooner, but the posterior fornix is close to the bottom wall. In order to contact the cds the bottom wall must be pushed into well to stimulate it, because the cds (Pouch of Douglas) is not actually located inside the vagina, but is behind the bottom wall.

In other words, and perhaps clearer:

1) Are your deep orgasms happening with or without pushing into the bottom vagina wall?

2)You mention having one type of deep orgasm. Aren’t there actually three different types that can be had-anterior fornix, posterior fornix, cds. Are you only experiencing one of these, or have you noticed variation of feeling, orgasm, depending on depth of penetration, and perhaps hadn’t fully realised they are from different sectors, with only one actually being behind the bottom wall (cds), and the anterior just behind the cervix, and the posterior close to the bottom. Or are you aware of all of these, but just orgasm from one? Thanks.

Last edited by beenthere : 08-15-2005 at .

Ewwww! Okay, you win the prize for vaginal anatomy—I have no idea what you are talking about. I thought I’d image google to get a diagram, and instead came up with lots of pix of dissected brains. What is a fornix and where is it? Always interested in learning more science.

As far as I know, going by the Bermans’ definition, the cul de sac is that, well, cul de sac in my vagina up above my cervix. It’s the top of my vagina when I am standing up. It is definitely a part of my vagina.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

umm my dick got bigger :)

NOW: 4.3 Flaccid Length 7.0 Erect Legth

Originally Posted by zaneblue
http://www.libc … exed/Gspot.html

Thanks for that. I’ll be sure to pass it on to anyone interested.

Do you agree that women under 30 have a harder time stimulating their G-spot, on account of having a thicker vaginal lining from higher levels of estrogen? This would be relevant to the above discussion about women’s preferred penis size. Younger women might not be able to appreciate the benefits of a smaller sized penis, as you clearly do.

There is another issue that didn’t come up in the above discussion: A longer and in particular thicker penis will make a woman feel fuller. I’ve heard many women say that this is what they like about a bigger cock. They are not as tuned-in to their bodies as you are, so they are much less capable of appreciating the subtleties of what different sized and shaped dicks can do. But a big cock makes them feel full. This provides obvious enough physical benefits. But it is also something that many women find psychologically satisfying, which is no small matter when it comes to acquiring preferences.

But I agree with you, a lot of women don’t like dicks that are too big. Some do. But the 6" to 8" range seems to be the preference for length, with 7" the statistical winner. Of course, "nice girth" is the most important penis size attribute, according to many women. Hence the common goal here of 8" BP by 6" appears to be pretty right on the money.

Okay, from that diagram I get it. I don’t orgasm at all from my anterior fornix spot. Or for that matter, my posterior fornix either. It’s way up at the tippy top that I have a cul de sac orgasm. I can bottom out with five and a half inches. Cervix stimulation or base of cervix stimulation doesn’t do it for me.

I don’t think it’s the estrogen, but I’m not sure. To be honest, I think pregnancy helps wake up the G-spot. You have the baby’s head putting tremendous pressure on the spot for months. There’s also the psychological issue of body self confidence, which I know sounds silly, but women get more comfortable with their genitals over time. It takes us a lot longer than men because we don’t get as much practice.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Last edited by zaneblue : 08-15-2005 at .


Originally Posted by ThePenguin
Yeah, right. Go to ANY online adult personals site and do a search for women/couples seeking men. Every-single-ad says the exact same thing: “Must be well endowed” , “Must be very well endowed” , “Must be at least 8 inches” etc.etc.

Sure, maybe penis size isn’t a deciding factor when looking for a husband, but as far as sex goes, I think we all know the real truth..

This study consisted of measuring the flacid and erect lengths of just 80 men. Does anyone else think that is far too small a sample to be conclusive?

I agree with you mate. What do women say? We all know the song of ” a long and fat penis able to hit cervix and the right spot”; so, from what planet are those scientist or are the women lieing to the interviewers?

Medical-Legal Backing

Originally Posted by Sxphone
I agree with you mate. What do women say? We all know the song of ” a long and fat penis able to hit cervix and the right spot”; so, from what planet are those scientist or are the women lieing to the interviewers?

I would have to say it’s a Group of Doctor’s promoting Male Enhancement Surgery. If we ‘prove them wrong’, we save $15,000.00 and 6 weeks worth of pain and agony. They lose a whole lot more in potential future revenue?

Congress may have nothing to do with it, and it may not have any legal backing. However, the medical/legal field in the US is ‘The Single Most Powerful Funding Force’, for political, social ‘reform’ if you will..

There are more lobbyist in Washington pushing for Medical Issues and political sidelines than you would ever even believe. If you don’t believe it, just check the new “Medical Mal-Practice” clauses/Caps in effect this year alone.

They can and will literally kill you, and you don’t have a leg to stand on, or a pot to pee in if you’re the surviving spouse/ or S/O. They can mame you for life, and not have to pay much over $250,000.00 for anything, that’s “IF” you can get a trial, and “IF” you can get another Doctor to testify against another Doctor.

Unlike natural penis enlargement, Dr’s testifying against other Dr’s, just doesn’t happen.. ;) If it does, the Dr. Will usually end up losing their license somehow.

Male Enhancement Surgery Anyone? “Dollar ‘ll Buy Ya A Bigger Dick”. If it falls off, or gets infected and scar tissue develops over time, you are not only without a leg Dude.

WOG 6/1/04 Starting stats: 7.2 BPEL/ 6.2 Erect girth @ base 9/10/04 7.6 BPEL/ 7.2/7.3 Erect girth @ base 7/10/05 8.3 BPEL 7.2 Erect girth @ base 10/10/05 8.4 BPEL x 6.20 Midshaft/7.3 EG@base Current 8.65 BPELx 6.50 Midshaft/7.5 EG @ base Routines: Power Jelq or Manual/ Stretch w/Power Assist Stretcher: 20 min daily ea/ Clamp or Pump 3x's daily 15 min.


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