Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CNN's view of average penis size and making it bigger!

You know, if I was an outsider looking in, we look like a crazy cult that thinks our dicks get bigger by tugging on them all day. Seriously, haven’t you seen cults before? That is what we look like to the normal citizen. People in cults know some big secret that we don’t, and we think they’re stupid. I bet they think the same of us, but I do not care what they think, just like a cult member.

And CNN saying that average is 5” is good, get out that information to the masses.

Originally Posted by Springer240
You know, if I was an outsider looking in, we look like a crazy cult that thinks our dicks get bigger by tugging on them all day.

Look like?

Originally Posted by Springer240
And CNN saying that average is 5” is good, get out that information to the masses.

I actually found an old poster that I had got a long time ago (way back in college).

It was titled “Penises of the World”. The biggest was the blue whale, if I remember correctly, and it was several feet long. Man’s was on the smaller end and the measurement they gave was 5”.

Let’s assume NBP. That makes it any where from 5.25” to 6” BP. Sort of squares with the findings of this thread pretty well, don’t you think?

Very interesting.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I can’t keep quiet any longer! ;-) I am 5’7” tall, 6.7” erect, 5.5 EG (7.7 BPEL) and can honestly say PE works! (Began at 5.5” x < 5” EG 4+ yrs ago). My question is how many of you have women that WANT you to push your bigger-than-mine cock all the way in on a regular basis? I’ve been with short women and tall women (5’9”, 5’10”) and the general reaction at first is “cool, larger cock” but it doesn’t take long before they ALL say not to hurt them - which for me, at 6.7”, was very surprising when I realized that this is almost always the reaction. Am I the only one witth this story? I mean I want a freakishly big cock for my own distorted selfish reasons, but I already know that for anything other than a proud one night stand, using all 8” will only make my woman angry at me because it’ll hurt her.

Honestly, I’m interested to know - don’t you longer guys with steady gals know what I’m talking about?? You must!

Thanks for the read - I got agitated somewhere around post #90.

Originally Posted by trigger
A lot of the surveys are NOT BPEL, in another survey they took both and the average was 5” with a fat pad average of 1” so the average BPEL was about 6”.

What I am unsure about is how doctors are so sure that penis tissue will not stretch, have they tested it on anybody? Have they tested it on other body parts which are supposed to be made up of the same tissue? It seems far more unbelievable that if I hung 40lb from my penis for 18hrs a day for 30 years that it would not grow. I saw a program about dwarfism and a guy stretched his legs 12” in a few years, is a 1” gain really so unbeleivable to these doctors?

People say the doctors have no financial interest which maybe true but what about all the studies into ligament stretching, there are plenty of links on hear about studies of the effect of heat etc, are these doctors getting financial rewards?

Do doctors at least admit that scrotum enlarging is possible?

Hey Trigger, how did he stretch his legs? I could use anothe inch or two.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Hey Guardian,

Your, not ur.

You also can’t end a sentence in a preposition.

Originally Posted by stretchedout

Let’s keep it our little secret!

Yes, if everyone could walk up walls and spin webs, Spiderman wouldn’t be special anymore.

Originally Posted by zaneblue
Well I don’t know. I can close a Gyneflex #4 and that closes to 2.5” in circumference with a pretty firm resistance. The penetrative shaft of the Gyneflex is 4” and I get off numerous times every time I use it, including half an hour ago. The device does have a wider head, at 5” in circumference which hits right at my g-spot. I’ve had vaginal orgasms with a man about four inches long and slender, I’d say about 3” in girth.

I seriously dispute those girth figures. I was a regular at measurection for a couple years and there were plenty of men around four inches long, a handful about three inches long and a couple under three inches. Usually the shorter guys were pretty girthy, but not always. But I don’t remember anybody coming to the site who was under three inches in girth. I think that’s extremely rare. So I’d say my cutoff would be 3x3.

Have there been any other studies showing the frequency of men under 3” in girth erect? I would think the overwhelming cause of thin girth like that would be hormonal abnormalities, which in this day and age are usually caught and successfully treated at puberty.

I should say some women don’t like g-spot stimulation, because unlike cul de sac stimulation it can lead to ejaculation in vaginally orgasmic women. A lot of women feel very uncomfortable about the topic, and some even have surgery or take drugs to keep from ejaculating!

That is truly a shame. My GF squirts and it’s so damn awesome it’s made me overlook her hideous temper.

Originally Posted by johnny72
I can’t keep quiet any longer! ;-) I am 5’7” tall, 6.7” erect, 5.5 EG (7.7 BPEL) and can honestly say PE works! (Began at 5.5” x < 5” EG 4+ yrs ago). My question is how many of you have women that WANT you to push your bigger-than-mine cock all the way in on a regular basis? I’ve been with short women and tall women (5’9”, 5’10”) and the general reaction at first is “cool, larger cock” but it doesn’t take long before they ALL say not to hurt them - which for me, at 6.7”, was very surprising when I realized that this is almost always the reaction. Am I the only one witth this story? I mean I want a freakishly big cock for my own distorted selfish reasons, but I already know that for anything other than a proud one night stand, using all 8” will only make my woman angry at me because it’ll hurt her.

Honestly, I’m interested to know - don’t you longer guys with steady gals know what I’m talking about?? You must!

Yes, I’m beginning to think that PE isn’t the “final solution”. My new GF liked the novelty of my ever so slightly than average cock (6.7 NBP x 5.3 EG) the first few times, but now she kind of winces sometimes and tells me to be more gentle and cautious?? WTF. I thought I would never hear these words?? I’m so done with this crap, most women couldn’t give a rats ass about dick size anyways.. Why the f$ck and I going to blow 15 min out of every day trying to inflate my ego anymore.

You just answered your own question. Most of us, if not all of us do it for ourselves, primarily.

Only we don’t consider it “blowing 15 mins a day”

Originally Posted by jampers

Yes, I’m beginning to think that PE isn’t the “final solution”. My new GF liked the novelty of my ever so slightly than average cock (6.7 NBP x 5.3 EG) the first few times, but now she kind of winces sometimes and tells me to be more gentle and cautious?? WTF. I thought I would never hear these words?? I’m so done with this crap, most women couldn’t give a rats ass about dick size anyways.. Why the f$ck and I going to blow 15 min out of every day trying to inflate my ego anymore.

You are dead right jampers. PE is not the final solution.

There are many many more things needed to increase ones feeling of self worth or your success socially or sexually with women.

Whatever the reason we want to do PE it should never be looked on as the only or final solution to success with women or low self esteem.

Dont remind me of my failures,I have not forgotten them. ( Jackson Browne )

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
You know what I like about you dk?

What, or should I be afraid to ask?

Originally Posted by Osu-danuki
The thing I’ve unfortunately come to realize about journalism is that they’re just reporting the “standard” info. They get from textbooks, “experts,” etc. They don’t speak from experience or necessarily have any idea what they’re talking about. They can’t because they report on something different every week.

I’ve worked on an infotainment program, and I can definitively say that they’re not particularly interested in comparing sources when quoting studies. Most of this stuff is made by amateurs that read scientific articles done by the mainstream, and delivering it as the be all end all truth.

Me and my colleague tried to get more obscure, less known phenomenons into the content, but the rest of the team just looked at us like a dogs who’d just been shown a card trick. :)

There are enormous amounts of great knowledge that never reach the public because it’s not deemed relevant by the media. Thank god (or science, if you’re an atheist) for the Internet…

Started 25/03/04: 6.9x6.3" (17.5x16cm) EBPL

Last time I measured 15/04/08: 8.4x6.5" (21.5x16.5cm) EBPL

Long Time Goal: 9x7" (23x17cm) ENBPL - Long Long Time Goal: 10x8" (25.5x20.5cm) ENBPL

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
You should be afraid. ;)

Wow, I gotta ask now. So what is it that I did that struck you so?


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