Thunder's Place

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Is every girl just one don juan (w/ a huge dick) away from being a size queen? It seems like the girls who fear large guys are generally ones who didn’t get fully aroused, well lubed, and had someone who used his tool as a weapon (slamming her cervix). These terrible experiences seem to turn some girls off big dicks for good. Of course they probably haven’t had someone who knew how to use it and who had prepared her properly for it.

From women who have had long term relationships with hung guys, they often talk about the way they became multi-orgasmic just by him being inside her. Like they went from having to work for orgasms with average sized guys to becoming easily orgasmic with the hung ones.

Also regarding the cul de sac orgasm, the way you described it in another thread made it sound like something that would be hard for a girl to ever want to walk away from if she had ever experienced it before. This is something that most average sized guys will never be able to provide a girl who’s not on the short side. You wrote “In certain positions I can have a cul de sac orgasm with five and half inches. ” - which positions?

I would think a horse-hung guy could provide a g-spot orgasm better than a small guy, if he was positioned correctly. So aren’t well endowed guys who are very good in bed, probably the best that any girl could ever experience?

Last edited by 24 Hours : 08-15-2005 at .

No, I can categorically state that a really hung guy cannot give g-spot orgasms as well during sex as a small guy. The g-spot is only two or three inches in. I would not want to give up g-spot orgasms or cul de sac orgasms. I suppose the difference is a hung guy could give me g-spot orgasms with his fingers and I would need a toy for cul de sac orgasms.

I cannot say about long-term relationships. I have been in long-term relationships with really hung guys, but that was before I was vaginally orgasmic (like more than half of all women). I am easily multi-orgasmic just having a penis inside me, but the size doesn’t matter as long as it’s above a basic minimum. I developed this ability on my own through strength training, etc. I have been with very hung guys since I have become vaginally orgasmic, but only for casual sex.

There are many women who no matter how caring and loving the partner, it’s just a bad fit. Even when fully aroused and so forth, the length and girth are such that the cervix gets mauled, or the entrance is abraded or the length cannot go in all the way. Very common complaint, even with tender and caring lovers.

I’m not trying to offend here. I love all sizes of cocks, big and small. They each have their good points. I was with a man with a medium length very slender cock who was very athletic and played to his strengths, working his cock inside me so that it hit different parts of my vagina in rapid succession. Thick guys don’t have that range of motion—it was intensely pleasurable.

Positions are with me on top for hitting the cul de sac with five and half inches.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

What positions allow that 5 1/2” guy to give you a cul de sac orgasm? Is he more or less pushing it under and beyond the cervix?

As I said I can have a cul de sac orgasm with a five and half inch guy with me on top. I know I have a shorter vagina than most. I’m not sure I understand your question. The cul de sac is the area up behind the cervix.

Thunder, a hung guy really can’t give a g-spot orgasm the way a short guy can. Honest. G-spot orgasms are good with a fast tapping. Hung guys are generally too thick to go fast without getting ropeburn, even with lots of lube. Hung guys can’t hit it at the right angle. A really short guy I can be on top and move exactly the way I like and the head of his cock does a fast tapping against my g-spot. It’s perfect.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Yes, my own, and I’ve heard it from other women too. Hold on, let me see if I can find a quote. Here:

"I am 32, a woman, and have never really had satisfactory sex till now. My previous partners all have rather large penises. I don’t know the sizes, never measured them, but I think something like 6 or 7 inches mostly.
Recently, I hooked up with this guy with a rather small penis. I measured it yesterday (blush) and it is only about 4 inches when erect. I knew it was smaller than the others and from what I have read on this forum.

The strange thing is, this little penis is about the only one that could ever give me an orgasm! It is a GREAT little penis and seemed to hit the right spot each time we made love. My guy is a very decent chap and he is very good at foreplay and knows what I like. But then, that’s not a lot different from some of the other guys I have been with in the past. I think he has a technique of lifting his buttocks up (I like to be on top) and arching his cock inside me. This seems to hit just the right spot in my vagina and really sets me off! I don’t know what it is - perhaps he is hitting my G-spot with his penis’ head. The pleasure is indescribable and I can come in just a few minutes of fucking. Oooo.. I get wet just thinking about it.

My theory is that a long penis just cannot reach my G-spot (or does it overshoot the crucial point?) while a relatively shorter one is just perfect. I thought I want to share this with all those guys who are all hung up about how small their penises are."

And this is the best toy for g-spot orgasms, especially for women learning how to ejaculate:

http://www.babe … g-spot/LN364455

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Originally Posted by zaneblue
As I said I can have a cul de sac orgasm with a five and half inch guy with me on top. I know I have a shorter vagina than most. I’m not sure I understand your question. The cul de sac is the area up behind the cervix.

While riding on top are you leaning forward to angle him so that his dick is pressuring the bottom wall of the vagina? I read on another thread on Thunders that you have to angle it below the cervix (sort of bypassing it) to stretch the fornix.


“My current bf is simply delicious. I enjoy every single fucks we had and in every case, I come really hard. No more big cocks for me. Those big cocks may be eye-catching at first sight, but from my experience, the owners usually think that’s all they need and nothing else. It is SO boring whenever I hear them boasting about the size of their dicks.

Hi, guys, not all of us have deep vaginas that can take big cocks! And we need cocks that can stimulate our G-spots, not those the lengths of elephants. Heheh “

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg


http://girlwith aonetrackmind.b … 05/milking.html

Beats me what exactly I’m doing. Hits my cul de sac at most angles with me on top.

Here’s a guy talking:

"My dick is only 5.5 inches, but I still get hella pussy. I fuck the shit out of women with my little dick. Aim straight for the g-spot with my bell-head. I love my small cock and so do 95% of the women I fuck. And I’ve never even had to eat twat either. I steal big dick dude’s girlfriends. "

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Last edited by zaneblue : 08-15-2005 at .


the way you described cul de sac orgasms on another thread it sounded like the far superior orgasm. just curious, what’s your preferred orgasms from best to least best?

cul de sac, g-spot, clitoris?

Originally Posted by zaneblue
“My dick is only 5.5 inches, but I still get hella pussy. I fuck the shit out of women with my little dick. Aim straight for the g-spot with my bell-head. I love my small cock and so do 95% of the women I fuck. And I’ve never even had to eat twat either. I steal big dick dude’s girlfriends. ”

The secret ingredient he failed to mention: girth
He’s probably 5.5” x 7”


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