Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CNN's view of average penis size and making it bigger!

That’s right. Women need to explore and develop their sexual response, which includes toning the PC muscles. I really am working very hard to get the word out on this. It’s not like all the crazy stuff you men do here; it’s just working the muscles a couple times a week for twenty minutes with a resistance device. PC muscle tone is so crucial for vaginal orgasmic ability. And with enough work, a women can become prehensile, able to stroke her partner to orgasm just using the pussy muscles. But do women do this?

Mmm, 789, something like that I usually demand reciprocity. ;)

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Originally Posted by zaneblue
Mmm, 789, something like that I usually demand reciprocity. ;)

No problem, just PM me and I will give you my Yahoo address and we can cam. Woohoo!!!!

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
You cruising 789?

Sorry Boss, its these damn testosterone treatments. I know the rules and I was only kidding. I am a happily married man not seeking the company of additional women (but that has to jerk off 5 times a day just to see straight)

Won’t happen again.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG


Thanks for joining in.

I have a couple of questions and observations. :)

Can you have cul de sac orgasms? I’m assuming no, since you indicate 3” length is on par, to you, with one that can push into the cds well?

Concerning dildos that women choose. Big Girtha did a test with three women and a dildo that wasn’t as long as him. All three women could take all of him, the size queen could very easily, yet none of them could take all of the shorter dildo.

Ok, you’ve only heard one woman say anything about a guy being too small. But what about being a regular at measurection for a long time? You are no doubt aware of how many countless guys have indeed been put down by a female(s) about being small. That one female recount hardly applies to the reality most small guys experience does it? There’s a huge thread at Thunder’s called “Is It In Yet?”. Plenty of stories by guys small and average size.

Last edited by beenthere : 08-12-2005 at .

I’m wrong. When I’m wrong, I’m wrong. Durex survey average girth 5.2” with a standard deviation of 0.8%. That means 95% of men are over 3.5” in girth, and one percent are in fact under 3” in girth. I seriously doubt many of those men are much under 3” in girth but they do exist.

I know how it is Ponch—I have a couple dozen myself every day.

You bet I can have cul de sac orgasms! And g-spot orgasms too, like them both. In certain positions I can have a cul de sac orgasm with five and half inches. Of course women are stretchy, I can take a lot more, but I don’t need more. I know I’m on the short side, but there’s enough variation in pussy depth as there is in cock length. Now a hung-like-horse cock can’t give me a g-spot orgasm—man must use fingers. It’s nice having a g-spot orgasm during intercourse—as I mentioned it’s the g-spot orgasms that cause ejaculation. I would miss having cul de sac orgasms; if I were with a guy shorter than 5.5 inches I’d want a toy to take up the slack, but I also use toys for g-spot stimulation—I don’t see a difference there.

As for female insults, yes I am aware. First off there are size queens out there, no disputing. They are not very common, not as common as gay size queens, but they do exist. And some women genuinely do need longer cocks for cul de sac orgasms, especially black women who have deeper vaginas. I suppose those women wouldn’t let it get to the point of sex, so they wouldn’t be asking for sex advice. But I’d say the vast majority of women who make comments about size are doing it out of feelings of sexual insecurity and/or a desire to hurt. Women are well aware of the power of kicking a guy in the nads, physically and verbally.

I think the obvious point is the lpsg. If size were so important, wouldn’t that site be swarming with women?

I have heard a number of women say they prefer smaller sizes. And as I said, I’ve come across a lot of women who are actually in serious pain from their partner’s size, cervix cauterization and so forth.

The dildo vs. Real argument is very interesting, but I think that’s more an argument for smaller men developing stronger erections. Cocks are squashier than dildos, so a shorter man who develops erectile hardness will feel as big as a larger, less hard man

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

I have a question. In an earlier post, someone mentioned a unit of 3x3. Was that flaccid or hard? Flaccid I’m just under 5” (on a good day the whole 5”) and about 4.5 G. Then BPEL about 6.75” and 5.5” -5.75” EG The 5.75 EG is after a good pumping session.

I feel that the 5 x 4.5 is a decent flaccid hang, nothing special, but definitely within the average.

I always wonder about the “what’s average” threads. Are we taking soft or hard?

Wish all women were like you then! I still feel shy about being 5 x 4.5 soft!

Originally Posted by zaneblue
And with enough work, a women can become prehensile, able to stroke her partner to orgasm just using the pussy muscles.

Just reading that sentence turns me on a bit. mmm mmm mmm

Originally Posted by zaneblue
I’m talking 3x3 hard. That’s my lower cutoff point.

Nice to see you so active in the forums. :) I read all of your post with great interest. A lady who speaks her mind. :)

Starting: 6.25" BPEL x 5" EG on or before Aug. 04/93.

Aug. 04/05. 7.25" BPEL x 5.5" EG. -- Lastest: 7.625" BPEL x 5.625" EG on Aug. 07/06.

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6" EG or untill the little lady says ouch.

Yes it’s nice to get a womans take on things.Most of us men on here are so size-obsessed,that it’s nice to get an un-skewed view from time to time.

Yea, nice one zaneblue :) an education indeed.

I think it’s like this. Some men who are on antidepressants or maybe who use deathgrip masturbation or whatever can ONLY get off by having anal sex with their woman. Pussy does nothing for them, orgasm-wise. And some men can’t get off at all, no matter how tight the orifice. These rare situations it’s the man’s problem. I can imagine if this problem were widespread, women would start getting worried that they were deficient.

I think a similar problem is widespread among women, due to modern diet and lack of PC muscle tone. So of course you guys are worried. Also there is the constant visual reinforcement of porn. You are continually watching movies where women who are pretending to be like me (orgasming on penetration, continuing to go off like a Roman candle) are ONLY having sex with freakishly hung guys.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg


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