I’ve looked at many surveys including Thunder’s pre PE and a doctor’s survey(Wessell) his staff performed where he measured both bone pressed and non bone pressed. 6 1/4 bpel is about average. When a survey has the average at 5 1/4 it measured non bone pressed. Yet for some reason a show like CNN will only pick out a non bone pressed survey , even take a quarter inch off it’s results and announce 5 inches is average.
I’ve been with about a dozen women in my life and my 6 1/4 bpel pre PE was not impressive to any of them.
I certainly couldn’t cause any of them pain during sex.I was considered on the small side by some of them. Even my current 7 1/4 bpel is just average to my SO. She’s been with 4 other men and only 1 was shorter than I currently am!