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Complete PE in 30 days

Complete PE in 30 days

Food for thought.

Ok, with all the talk lately of sensible and conservative PE techniques, I thought I would throw out some more radical theories and back it up with partially logical pseudoscience.

Think of the penis as a complex collection of different types of tissues, all with different physical properties. However, the penis is only as strong as its weakest link. As you stretch the penis all the tissues will begin to deform elastically. This means that if you release the tension, the tissues will recoil to their original size. However this only occurs up until a certain point when the weakest link begins to deform plastically.

A basic concept from materials science is the transition form elastic deformation to plastic deformation. You can only stretch a material so far until you start to permanently alter the material. This is called plastic deformation. In summary, if you stretch a material elastically and release it, it will go back to its original shape. However if you stretch it past the plastic transition region and release it, the material will be permanently elongated.

When the weakest link begins to deform plastically, it is essentially beginning to tear at the microscopic level. The first weakest molecular bond breaks, then the second, then the third, etc. If you keep going you will eventually see a tear at the macroscopic level, ie you will have a torn tissue. I am not advocating reaching this level.

I propose stretching the penis under very strong forces in very controlled conditions until a plastic deformation of 1cm is reached. This point can be estimated using sophisticated lab equipment that can measure the stress-strain-time relationship of your penis. In addition I could imagine using an MRI machine to visualize the tearing tissues as it happens. The point we are looking for is the statistical aggregation of microtears into a localized region. It is very similar to stretching a plastic bag. You stretch to a point until you can see a singular region of plastically deformed plastic. If you don’t know what I am talking about, get a grocery store plastic bag and pull on it until you can see an localized alteration in the appearance of the plastic. I think this process might be called “pinching” or something like that. My point is that a plastic deformation will occur in a localized region of the penis. You would need to stop before this “pinched” region of deformation completely tears in half.

So what are we left with? Well, we now have one seriously painful wiener that has been plastically deformed in a certain area. Now you need to let this region heal. It will likely heal into a structure that is much stronger than the original tissue. This is the process that people are trying to avoid when the champion the techniques of moderate and conservative stretching. Their concept is to stretch the penis out slowly, thus avoiding the buildup of scar tissue. But since you have only injured a small region of your penis, only this small region will scar over. 95% of your penis is still uninjured, and in its original state.

You can then repeat this process, say 30 times, for total gains of 30 cm. And you will have only spent about 30hours doing active PE. The rest of the time will be spent healing in an ADS device.

Thats it! If I haven’t explained things enough I will gladly explain more. I struggled trying to keep this post to a reasonable length. Its a trade-off between explaining things so that everyone can understand, and making things so long that no one will read.

Maybe we should all spend our time trying to devise ways to detect the onset of plastic deformation and stopping before complete rupture. Why injure the whole penis evenly each time we PE by slowly elongating it through the process of “creep”? This might lead to “hitting” the wall. Obviously this technique is EXTREME!

I’d like to hear everyones comments please.
No tortoise and hare analogies are allowed.


-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

>Maybe we should all spend our time trying to devise ways to detect the onset of plastic deformation and stopping before complete rupture.

The recommended hanging method accomplishes this: hang until you can’t use half your max weight. I doubt there is a better practical method.

> Why injure the whole penis evenly each time we PE by slowly elongating it through the process of “creep”?

I don’t think it does “injure” the whole penis evenly. The shorter, weaker fibers take the most stress. Once they elongate, more fibers share the load.

Time under tension is important for stretching connective tissue. So is heat. The idea is to get the most plastic deformation possible without causing a rupture.

What kind of workouts are you suggesting?

Personally I think there is a huge difference between plastic and a penis. You’re not only dealing with certain fibers, you have nerves, blood cavities, skin…etc. If the penis was only comprised of ligs then I think yes your plan might work, but it’s a pretty complex piece of meat. However that is only my opinion. Keep the different ideas coming though, it can lead to discovery.


The recommended hanging method accomplishes this: hang until you can't use half your max weight. I doubt there is a better practical method.

I agree with you. Well, I agree with you 98%. There is always room for new theories and strategies. Especially with such a new and burgeoning field as PE. However, hear me out.

I don't think it does “injure” the whole penis evenly. The shorter, weaker fibers take the most stress. Once they elongate, more fibers share the load.

Currently I don’t buy this theory. You are right that when the weaker fibers fail, other nearby fibers will bear the load (the load on the nearby fibers will increase). However, there is a probability that the second weakest fiber is right next to the first, or perhaps the 32nd weakest fiber is right next to the one that just ruptured. That is why I said the process of plastic pinching is a statistical one. While it is true that nearby fibers will probably be relatively strong, this is not guaranteed. However, what happens when 100 fibers fail? Eventually, due to the statistical distribution of broken fibers over the surface of the tissue, a single region will reach a point where there are so few fibers supporting the load (think in terms of pressure, load per unit area) that the process of deformation will snowball. This is what I meant by “pinching”. I am serious about the plastic bag. If you don’t know what I am talking about, go get a grocery store plastic bag and stretch it slowly until you visually see this isolated aggregation of deformation. This statistical process happens all over the tissue, so eventually a second “pinched” region will pop up.

Time under tension is important for stretching connective tissue. So is heat. The idea is to get the most plastic deformation possible without causing a rupture.

currently I agree.

at kind of workouts are you suggesting?
I’m not suggestion any workouts for this. I’m throwing out an idea to stimulate thought, and challenge ideas. Attempting this technique would be a very very stupid thing to do.

However, who knows what could come out of this.


-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

Thanks for your post. I agree with you. There is a vast difference between plastic and a penis. I believe anyone considering PE NEEDS to know what risks they are undertaking and needs to understand penis anatomy first.

I don’t think you should begin PE until you can understand this anatomy lesson:

Currently I am wondering how nerves can be stretched since they do not regenerate. Is each nerve cell thought to simply enlarge in size?

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

>Currently I am wondering how nerves can be stretched since they do not regenerate. Is each nerve cell thought to simply enlarge in size?

You’re thinking of the CNS. Peripheral nerves can regenerate as long as the damage isn’t too severe. Here is one link.

Edit: Here is a better link. I’m lazy, else I’d spend the time to dig up some good sources.

Interesting links, nerves are strange. They can be cut and cauterized at ganglia and they may grow back through or they may just re-route and achieve the same purposes in some cases. Hard to say it will ever be figured out, it’s seems pretty dynamic and adaptive in some respects. Definitely not a blueprint with no ifs, ands, or buts and the med community has made some blunders with surgeries in this area.

Unusual theory and I think I understand what you are saying, Tube. However, if one wants to error on the safe side of adaptation with respect to nerve tissue, time is on your side. Seems possible that nerve tissue can lengthen, but it ain’t likely to happen quickly. Even with a small break, maybe it can repair/rejoin in a sort of self-grafting or bridging, other types of tissue do this. A large gap, sounds like a gamble to me and not one to take with the cock.

I prefer the thought of slow adaptation with minimal damage or breakage, hope that’s possible.

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