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7 days alone for PE "Bootcamp"...


7 days alone for PE "Bootcamp"...

Guys, my wife is leaving town to go stay with her sister for a full week starting tomorrow, and while I’m sad to see her go I AM excited that I’ll get to have some serious, uninterrupted PE time…

I’m looking for reccomendations on what kind of routine to undertake for those 7 days. I’m probably going to something like the following for starters:

2x jelqing sessions (200 reps)
3x heated stretching sessions (~5 min w/rice sock)
Multiple fowfer sessions throughout the day (eating, watching tv, etc)

What else should I include? This is the first time since I’ve started PE that I’ll have the house all to myself without any fear of interruption.

Starting Stats (APR '11): BPEL - 7.0" Base EG - 6.1" NBPFL - 4.75"

Current Stats (DEC '18): BPEL - 8.0" Base EG - 6.4" NBPFL - 5.75"

Originally Posted by ZackinOH
Guys, my wife is leaving town to go stay with her sister for a full week starting tomorrow, and while I’m sad to see her go I AM excited that I’ll get to have some serious, uninterrupted PE time…

I’m looking for reccomendations on what kind of routine to undertake for those 7 days. I’m probably going to something like the following for starters:

2x jelqing sessions (200 reps)
3x heated stretching sessions (~5 min w/rice sock)
Multiple fowfer sessions throughout the day (eating, watching tv, etc)

What else should I include? This is the first time since I’ve started PE that I’ll have the house all to myself without any fear of interruption.

Edge, edge like the wind! What you have planned sounds great; just don’t over train.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Wow, edging eh? Man, it’s would be HARD (yes, yes…pun intended) to go a full week alone without some serious masturbatory activities. Haha.

Is that all? So many views, so little input…

Starting Stats (APR '11): BPEL - 7.0" Base EG - 6.1" NBPFL - 4.75"

Current Stats (DEC '18): BPEL - 8.0" Base EG - 6.4" NBPFL - 5.75"

I think it’s not advisable to put your whole week full with PE-exercises, since rest is just as essential as workout to get decent gains.

Started 15-07-2011 NBPEL 6" (15cm) x MSEG: 5,25" (13,5cm)

01-02-2012 NBPEL 6,4" (16cm) x MSEG: 5,75" (14,5cm)

GOAL: NBPEL 7" x EG: 6" (17,5cmx15cm)

Originally Posted by ZackinOH
Wow, edging eh? Man, it’s would be HARD (yes, yes…pun intended) to go a full week alone without some serious masturbatory activities. Haha.

Is that all? So many views, so little input…

If you really want to prime the pump, go commando for a week.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Considering the free time for PE you got, I would suggest that you take max advantage of it, think of resting when she gets back.

Originally Posted by Titleist

go commando for a week.

Titleist said it all!

Titleist, I go commando pretty much every day. Today not included, since I’m wearing linen pants and you can see the full outline of my flaccid through them without boxers on. Not the smartest choice at work! Haha.

baradon, I’m pretty seasoned at this point and can usually go 5-6 days in a row without any negative indicators. Just some minor red dots, which go away with lotion and massage.

Starting Stats (APR '11): BPEL - 7.0" Base EG - 6.1" NBPFL - 4.75"

Current Stats (DEC '18): BPEL - 8.0" Base EG - 6.4" NBPFL - 5.75"

Fowfer and edge. Double doses of zinc. Keep it warm as long as is possible. Construct a PE device now you have no interruptions. Browse Thunder’s Place as much as you like. What a great week! I would love to see a daily PE diary of your week with you doing/ or investigating a new PE activity everyday. It’d be fun and maybe informative for us all to read. Just don’t kill your dick!

When you wrote about your wife going away for a week to stay with her sister, a 70’s porn funk sound track popped into my mind… I must stop watching retro porn.(:

Haha, I’ll let you know if any 70’s retro porn action takes place…

Starting Stats (APR '11): BPEL - 7.0" Base EG - 6.1" NBPFL - 4.75"

Current Stats (DEC '18): BPEL - 8.0" Base EG - 6.4" NBPFL - 5.75"

I’d recommend Horse440’s. I find they make my dick a bit sore as they can get very intense (I do 10-12 second squeezes, about 7-8x at the end of my 200 jelq session)… I try not to do them the day before I get pussy.

Since you have some time alone, I’d recommend that as you don’t have to worry about soreness. Horse440’s rule!!

Back on Jan 3, 2012 - Stats: FL- 4.5", FG- 4.8", EG- 5.6", EL- 6.1", BPEL- 6.8"

Goal by Jan 1, 2013 - EL- 7.5", EG- 6" -----> I have a LONG way to grow :)

Grow or Die Tryin'

Have gotten amazing, visible results from them, that last several hours. I feel like my recent girth gains are much attributed to these!

Back on Jan 3, 2012 - Stats: FL- 4.5", FG- 4.8", EG- 5.6", EL- 6.1", BPEL- 6.8"

Goal by Jan 1, 2013 - EL- 7.5", EG- 6" -----> I have a LONG way to grow :)

Grow or Die Tryin'

Thanks iGrow! I’ll try some Horse 440’s…do you find you get many red dots from them?

Starting Stats (APR '11): BPEL - 7.0" Base EG - 6.1" NBPFL - 4.75"

Current Stats (DEC '18): BPEL - 8.0" Base EG - 6.4" NBPFL - 5.75"

7 Days of PE sounds great. Last week I had several days with lots of private time and I did some serious PE. I jelqed and pumped allot, stretched, did erect fowfers and loads of

Erect dry jelqing, and I did some nice clamping sessions. It was a great PE week, took the weekend of and had a hardcore PE day again yesterday and my dick hurt after a while. Got some pain in the head and shaft that lasted a while so I guess my dick isn’t completely healed yet from last week. But don’t think of the healing this week. Go nuts and PE allot, but if you start feeling pain you should take it easy. I didn’t but I don’t advice anyone else to do the same.

The only other thing I’d do is pull out the sun tea jar and pump my nuts to the size of an over blown grapefruit. I haven’t done that in years.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

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