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Corpus Cavernosum Growth

Corpus Cavernosum Growth

Advice please!

I am finding that my penile girth is mainly expanding downwards, in other words, that the Corpus Cavernosum Urethrae (median) is gaining size. However, the two Corpus Cavernosa (lateral) don’t seem to be gaining as much. Also, the glans, which is attached to the Corpus Cavernosum Urethrae, has gained in size as well.

Any ideas how I can encourage the two lateral Cavernosa to grow?

My routine consists of jelqing and pumping, roughly five days out of seven (not all in row). I use a different variety of grips for the jelq (palm facing, palm away, finger/thumb at the side, finger/thumb at the top et cetera). In a session I alternate jelqing and pumping, for about forty minutes. Max time in tube is around ten minutes two times in a session. During pumping, the top and bottom of my penis touch the tube, and the base packs the tube for a couple of inches. The tube is 9” x 2”.


Age: 42 Start date: July 14, 2004 Non-BPEL 5 5/8"; Erect girth, mid shaft, 5", base 5 1/4"

Current stats: BPEL 7.5"; Erect girth, mid-shaft (MSG) 5.25", base (BG) 5.5"

I’d say concentrate on the fingers/thumbs on the sides jelqing technique and try not to involve the corpus spongiosum. Pumping probably puts stress on all the chambers, but more on the CS because it doesn’t have as strong a tunica as the CC and the glans has not tunica at all. Perhaps you should reduce your pump time or eliminate it altogether for now.

If you feel like your cock is “conditioned” enough so far in your PE, try some modified Uli squeezes, clamping with your hands both at the base and just below the head such that both lateral cavernosal chambers expand outward in all directions. Start with just a few of these between pump sets and after jelking a bit. Gradually you can add a couple more a day until you are up to 15 or 20 of them. They are great for overall girth.

Whatever you are doing to get glans gain is something a lot of guys here would like to do also. I see a lot of posts wondering how to increase glans size.



Thanks for the advice! I’m going to modify my jelq technique, and also incorporate the modified Uli squeeze. That sounds promising.

As to glans gain, I noticed an increase even before I started pumping. When I jelq, I will sometimes pause at the end of the stroke, just before the glans. I notice this causes glans expansion. As well, after I have warmed up with regular jelqing (two or three second strokes), faster strokes will increase blood volume in the glans. Although most PE’ers advocate strokes of a few seconds duration, one second strokes pump up the glans for me. Then, I return to slower strokes, and the glans seems to be well primed from the rapid one second strokes.

Above all, I keep my routine varied in stroke duration, finger positioning, and finger pressure.

By the way, pumping seems to have contributed to the increased glans size, as well as encouraging length.


Age: 42 Start date: July 14, 2004 Non-BPEL 5 5/8"; Erect girth, mid shaft, 5", base 5 1/4"

Current stats: BPEL 7.5"; Erect girth, mid-shaft (MSG) 5.25", base (BG) 5.5"

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