Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Did anyone here struggle with girth gains, but experienced a breakthrough?

I don’t remember honestly, but I don’t think it was much. It’s all detailed in this thread:

My Girlfriend said those lovely words…

Read through there and you can see where I come in and comment and said what I did.

I’m trying a different, more intense variation of these now which I’ll report back on in a little bit.

Yeah, I did.

I gained a ton of girth over the years without supplements.

But I can’t exactly tell you “how”, only what my routine was. I’m genetically gifted to heal faster than most men, it’s kinda cool except a chance of cancer comes with it.

For the most part I recommend doing less than traditional PE programs to save on time, and only doing PE once or twice a week to heal faster. Remember your blood vessels and capillaries injure fast and take days to heal! I do dry jelqs superset with holds, two different areas for this each about 1” in range of motion for the dry jelk. Then I finish off with perfect form slow wet jelqs or pumping performed for 3 minutes tops (3-5”hg for the pump). Try to do your wet jelqs in the dark by feel alone and make every rep count! You’ll find doing dry jelqs then wet jelqs wears you out faster than doing hundreds of piss poor wet jelqs.

This along with my diet of high saturated fats from full fat milk, whole eggs, butter, red meat, and fresh green every day (low carb most days) contributes to higher testosterone. I supplement with bone broth for strength and only take powdered kelp and alfalfa for vitamins. I eat liver once a week too!

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.75", Meg: 5.5", Aheg: 5.25", Heg: 4.5" - 11/18/11

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg: 5.63", Aheg: 5.38", Heg: 4.75" - 5/18/12

Bpel:+1/4", Bpeg:6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg:+1/16", Aheg: +1/16", Heg: +1/16" - 6/18/12

Originally Posted by TheGreatDivider
Yeah, I did.

I gained a ton of girth over the years without supplements.

But I can’t exactly tell you “how”, only what my routine was. I’m genetically gifted to heal faster than most men, it’s kinda cool except a chance of cancer comes with it.

For the most part I recommend doing less than traditional PE programs to save on time, and only doing PE once or twice a week to heal faster. Remember your blood vessels and capillaries injure fast and take days to heal! I do dry jelqs superset with holds, two different areas for this each about 1” in range of motion for the dry jelk. Then I finish off with perfect form slow wet jelqs or pumping performed for 3 minutes tops (3-5”hg for the pump). Try to do your wet jelqs in the dark by feel alone and make every rep count! You’ll find doing dry jelqs then wet jelqs wears you out faster than doing hundreds of piss poor wet jelqs.

This along with my diet of high saturated fats from full fat milk, whole eggs, butter, red meat, and fresh green every day (low carb most days) contributes to higher testosterone. I supplement with bone broth for strength and only take powdered kelp and alfalfa for vitamins. I eat liver once a week too!

But did you experience a breakthrough in girth or did you gain gradually from the start? Your input is still valued.

Regarding frequency, there seems to be many different opinions on this. I would not mind doing one or two sessions per week, but a lot of respected guys in here says it’s too little.

I’m considering trying every other day now though, at least for girth.

I took one of monkey’s vacuum sleeves that I don’t use any longer and made myself a padded clamp using two strips of silicone. I tried one 90 second set today after jelqing and it felt good!

I will try a every other day routine now and see if I respond better to that and I will gradually ease into clamping. This will be my last attempt at clamping, but the major difference from prior attempts will be the following:

1) Very gradual easing into the routine, starting with one 90 second set for at least one week and then build up to a 5 minute set and evaluate from there. I usually became too enthusiastic in the past.

2) Perform the clamping in combination with and AFTER jelqing, such that my unit is warm and stretched already. I think this can make a huge difference compared to clamping a cold unit (which I will admit happened).

3) Use a better clamp with softer padding.

Wish me luck! :)

Originally Posted by Renholder

2) Perform the clamping in combination with and AFTER jelqing, such that my unit is warm and stretched already. I think this can make a huge difference compared to clamping a cold unit (which I will admit happened).

Wish me luck! :)

:up: and good luck!

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by Renholder
But did you experience a breakthrough in girth or did you gain gradually from the start? Your input is still valued.

Regarding frequency, there seems to be many different opinions on this. I would not mind doing one or two sessions per week, but a lot of respected guys in here says it’s too little.

I’m considering trying every other day now though, at least for girth.

IOne thing that set me apart was I started at 14 and did PE very regularly for the first couple of years.

At first I grew a quater to a half inch every month for the first few months. That amounted to 1” in length every year for four years straight!
Eventually, even that dwindled and I settled with 8.5” x 6” happily.

I went back to the notes I had taken years ago and threw everything up on the drawing board this weekend. Apparently I was wrong about the twice a week program even though that is not a bad idea with consideration. No, the best gains I ever had…… as I am remembering now….. all took place in my first year to year and a half when I did a one ON one OFF routine alternating between intensities with light fluffing exercises and warmups daily, limited time to PE under 30 minutes(which is more than enough), while on a reduced calorie high fat/protein low carb diet, with lots of exercise daily.

I’ve gone back to that approach in both PE and BB with a one set per exercise, rest pause, long static hold approach and the results are phenomenal. I’m still working on it so don’t follow in my foot steps and get yourself hurt. Remember I’m a super fast healer naturally with a high level of Testosterone! I started experiementing with a 3 day high intensity (2 days of girth, 1 day of length) for ON days, and a 3 day very low intensity exactly the same as the ON days but more of a warm up for OFF days. It’s only the first week and I plan on hitting a slump I can take notes over and modify my routine by, but done for 300 days I should have some interesting results.

I should also add I found partially fasting and intentionally lowering insulin levels very beneficial for PE purposes. When in a fasted state HGH and testosterone levels rise in response to low blood sugar and stay elevated for around 30 hours. But you only need to go 12 hours to experience this without feeling hypoglycemia. And no your muscles will not fall off if you miss a meal! On the contrary the only thing that get’s used for the first 1-3 days of complete water fasting is glycogen and glucose. And you will feel so fucking horny and testy you wouldn’t know what to do with a glazed donut in the morning. Just make sure you don’t push it past 16 hours or else you get mild depression and feel sleepy.

Also I’m testing out Oxygenated ozone olive oil paste. I didn’t believe much in this stuff at first but the healing results after only a couple days are incredible. I mean this stuff may be the best supplement there is for PE without messing with your endocrine system and possibly your liver (like PE pills). I don’t really go for supplements anymore, I mean if you have to have them then either your training or your diet sucks, but you can not go wrong with old world fermented cod liver oil which supplies loads of healthy fat and vitamin D - You’re not getting as much D in your diet from milk and eggs as you think and it only comes from Seafood, animal bones/marrow, full fat milk, and eggs. Vitamin A is rich in land animals and vegetables and D comes mainly from the sea.

I’ll report back on what I find from trial and error in the future. I’m going to see if I can reach 10” by 7” over the next few years of constant SMART training.

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.75", Meg: 5.5", Aheg: 5.25", Heg: 4.5" - 11/18/11

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg: 5.63", Aheg: 5.38", Heg: 4.75" - 5/18/12

Bpel:+1/4", Bpeg:6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg:+1/16", Aheg: +1/16", Heg: +1/16" - 6/18/12

Interesting post GD quick off topic question have you read Timothy Ferris’s book “The Four Hour Body”? You use a lot of the same diet protocols and training protocols he mentioned.

I also have struggled with girth and will be adding Orange bends after my week off. I’m thinking of a routine something like this.

Warm up
50 3-5 second jelqs
O bends all through shaft
50 more jelqs
O bends.
Warm down

Any feedback would be much appreciated.

Originally Posted by Ironhead22
Interesting post GD quick off topic question have you read Timothy Ferris’s book “The Four Hour Body”? You use a lot of the same diet protocols and training protocols he mentioned.

I also have struggled with girth and will be adding Orange bends after my week off. I’m thinking of a routine something like this.

Warm up
50 3-5 second jelqs
O bends all through shaft
50 more jelqs
O bends.
Warm down

Any feedback would be much appreciated.

I bought that book from Half Price Books over a year ago, this was before I found

Let me tell you the The Four Hour Body is the biggest piece of shit I have ever read in a fitness book. The guy is a complete narcissist who talks about himself endlessly in all of his books, and from what I gather from reading about the authors who worked with him. All his strategies are ripped off from other books and half of them are a joke anyways. The 4HB is more of a compressed stack of bodybuilder magazines than anything else! To give you an example, the guy actually weighed his poop to see if he was digesting all six thousand callories he ate that day after loading up on caffeine…… Isn’t that what teenage anorexics believe? Eat all you want but take a bunch of laxatives first. Then you get to the gain muscle section and you see he’s contradicting himself as a intelligent fitness enthusiasts by taking crap loads of NO-EXPLODE and working out exclusively with machines. This book is no more than a fucking joke meant to make money on beginners who are completely clueless and looking for a quick fix.

In case you’re wondering where I get my information, I started reading books about early Native Americans and found their diet worked for strongmen, hand-balancers, and athletes more than a hundred years ago. I did a ton of research last year and discovered different approaches to diets to manipulate strength and certain hormones without any supplements. Over the past three years now I experimented quite a bit with different approaches to PE and found a lot of the same principles used in PE are one in the same for fitness. Where do you think the M-W-F three day a week routine gets it’s roots from? Cardio programs! But what guys here fail to realize is just how stressful PE is the nervous system and how your kegel muscles need to be stronger.

I really don’t think “Orange Bends” are a good idea! The blood vessels and CC chambers in your penis can only handle so much pressure before they rupture and O-bends place unnecessary stress on one side. If you don’t believe me take a flashlight and a magnifying glass to your penis the day after a couple sets of these and see if those tiny blood vessels in your skin aren’t more purple or blue. Have you ever had a woman get a little wild while riding your cock and bend it? That pain you felt and loss of erection we’re because your penis isn’t supposed to bend at that angle. Instead I recommend light squeezes up the shaft starting at the very base and moving in five sections throughout the shaft. I break mine up into base, midbase (between the middle of the shaft and the base), middle, midbase (between the middle and the head), and head which you want to squeeze about a quarter inch behind the head (this allows for some movement with your grip slowly sliding forward which happens naturally).

Be sure no matter what you do you start off your PE workout with some form of edging followed by very very lite wet jelqs. You only need to do ten or so and then stop. Then allow yourself to come to attention again and do another ten with a little more force and a slightly higher EQ….. basically warming up like you would in the gym. Don’t be afraid to warm up with hot water several times too. At first, as a newbie, you’re going to need more time to warm up because your blood vessels need to be coaxed gently into relaxing. I know it’s a weird theory but I found over time your penis will have better blood flow and need less time to warm up.

The best way I found to structure my routines is like follows….. Blood flow warm up, warm up for exercise, light jelqs (stop before you lose your EQ level), dry jelqs/holds, wet jelqs/pumping, cool off. Starting out this would be a hot wrap a couple of times and a few minutes of edging. Then about 10-50 easy wet jelqs done one set of ten every minutes until I’m loose and ready. Then the actual routine it’s self is short but works none the less….. I work one half of my girth one day followed by full wet jelqs and then take a OFF before doing the same thing for the other half, then a day OFF, and repeat. I never do hundreds of wet jelqs anymore because I see them as a waste of time and very damaging causing inflammation over time. So instead I do as many high quality wet jelqs I can do for a single set until my erection gives out and then call it a day. The most I’ve ever gotten was 50 wet jelqs in about a minute and a half, but I regularly only get 20 if I’m worn out. So I shoot for 25 and then hit the shower. I found giving up that “I gotta do more!” mindset very hard to quit but once I did I started growing again and got better and better erections over time.

The same goes for my workouts at home. I only do three actual sets every workout, one for each group (ie Chest, Shoulders, Tricep) about 8 reps, and two sets of rest pause to about 15-20 reps total (30 for some like legs), with static holds 20-30 seconds or longer. I’m growing muscle like I did before, but this time I’m not stressing myself out trying to workout six days a week eating 6-8 times a day. I eat maybe once or twice a day and have never looked better! So I’m using this approach for PE as well and IT’S WORKING WONDERS!

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.75", Meg: 5.5", Aheg: 5.25", Heg: 4.5" - 11/18/11

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg: 5.63", Aheg: 5.38", Heg: 4.75" - 5/18/12

Bpel:+1/4", Bpeg:6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg:+1/16", Aheg: +1/16", Heg: +1/16" - 6/18/12

Thanks GD I appreciate your input. I am dying for some extra girth if I didn’t gain another mm in length but only girth I would be happy!!! Perhaps I will try these squeezes. When do you do them in your routine? I think I would do them after my jelqing as that’s when I would get the greatest extra expansion. I also only PE 3-4 days a week and won’t do over 100 dry jelqs, this has worked great for me until this first plateau.

Actually I found if you do your holds/squeezes and dry jelqs BEFORE wet jelqs you get more expansion and work yourself harder in less time. You could also try pumping instead of wet jelqs or clamping at the end, but don’t rely on gadgets all of the time. I feel you get more benefit from using all your muscles to remain erect. Also throw something in there for off days like edging with a cockring or a light wet jelqing session that’s more like a massage. In the bodybuilding world this would be like posing and doing some light yoga on your off days to drain waste material from your muscles and keep them loose. You could also try doing edging everyday, but I feel I should warn you that those kegel muscles need a break too! If you are constantly trying to get an erection you could be keeping your kegel muscles from relaxing which could end up causing hemorrhoids.

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.75", Meg: 5.5", Aheg: 5.25", Heg: 4.5" - 11/18/11

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg: 5.63", Aheg: 5.38", Heg: 4.75" - 5/18/12

Bpel:+1/4", Bpeg:6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg:+1/16", Aheg: +1/16", Heg: +1/16" - 6/18/12

Thank you for that write-up, TheGreatDivider!

For what it’s worth, here is my current routine:

Morning session:

5 minute intense warm-up using a cloth and hot water
10 minutes jelqing
3 minutes clamping
5 minutes hot wrap
5 minutes SO stretching and helicopters

I focus on using as much heat as possible and usually wrap between the jelqing and the clamping.

Evening session:

20 minutes of Memento’s fulcrum stretch.

I also do piss pulls every time I use the toilet.

I go by PI’s to figure out my frequency. If I wake up with good wood or at least a fat and relaxed penis, I do my morning session. Typically, I can do 3 days in a row with ease, but I take days off when I feel like it. I try to stretch every day and may stretch on days where I don’t do girth, but I also take complete off days once in a while.

I still struggle with my hormonal issues, but EQ seems very decent lately. My penis seems more fat and relaxed, so I take that as a judge of my EQ being good or that my penis is responding positively to the routine. I don’t shrivel up afterwards.

I’m not sure if I’m gaining yet, but I believe I will get there. When I build up to 5 minutes clamping, I need to reconsider what to do from there. Add one more set? Or work up to a 10-minute set?



In case anyone was wondering I am really enjoying the O bends, I do believe my girth has increased in the short time I have done them, however I won’t measure until I have been doing them for a month, but my erections definitely feel and look fatter! Here’s to hopin my eyes and hands aren’t playing tricks on me!

Originally Posted by Ironhead22

In case anyone was wondering I am really enjoying the O bends, I do believe my girth has increased in the short time I have done them, however I won’t measure until I have been doing them for a month, but my erections definitely feel and look fatter! Here’s to hopin my eyes and hands aren’t playing tricks on me!

Can you describe how exactly you do O bends?

Well they are Orange bend if that helps.

Step 1: get a chub about 10% erection
Step 2: Put index finger and thumb around base kegel some blood into the shaft then clamp off with your fingers.
Step 3: Grasp the top of your shaft and bend forwards as far as you can.
Step 4: Also during the bend you can use your bending hand to push more blood into the angled area, sort of like a backwards ULI.
Step 5: do the same thing bending to the left and right and backward if it is comfortable.
Step 6: Grasp the base of your shaft with two fingers and thumb instead of one and repeat the process, then 3 fingers, and 4 fingers.

Experiment with it and you will find how they work for you, you get the sensation of the tunica stretching from the inside out.

Hope that helped.

Yeah, I know they’re Orange bends. I have general idea of how to do them, but since original poster wasn’t very clear, everyone does their own version of it.

I wish I could do them properly, I can’t keep my erection that low with hands around my penis.


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