Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Digitally controlled constant strain extender

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That’s how I got here - I had some sores that would never heal properly, and kept coming back. It turned out to be a combination staph and strep infection. I never knew you could get “strep dick.” Three cycles of antibiotics finally killed it all, but I was left with scars and other damage.

Just in case, you might ask for a staph culture while you’re at the doc.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
That’s how I got here - I had some sores that would never heal properly, and kept coming back. It turned out to be a combination staph and strep infection. I never knew you could get “strep dick.” Three cycles of antibiotics finally killed it all, but I was left with scars and other damage.

Just in case, you might ask for a staph culture while you’re at the doc.

Wow! Thanks so much for sharing!

Don’t know anything about staph/strep so I’ll look into it. Not sure if it’s related to STIs but I’ve never had sex with anyone but my wife.

It’s so freaking out of timing because my wife and I were discussing an open relationship and I wanted to get in 6-12 months of PE first then explore that - but not sure how this will heal and what it would look like. I don’t want prospective sex partners looking at my dick skeptically if it’s left with weird scars. Sigh.

Originally Posted by easygainer
Sorry for the delay guys. Wrapping up some work before the year is out.

Also, I have a bigger problem at the moment. I’ve only done that first session. Truth is, the blister I got hasn’t healed yet (this makes the 4th week I think?), so I’m getting checked for diabetes (which runs in our family). At first I started to panic, because I wasn’t sure if it was necrosis. A bit more info:

I was so feddup of delaying starting my PE that I went into my first session off of memory, instead of reviewing my notes, so I had forgotten the cues to look for to let me know that I might be overheating. I thought that I was fine since I was using a thermocouple to monitor temps.

In retrospect, I experienced a few hotspots and tried to endure it, rather than just move the US head along. In rereading my notes, I realized that ideally, it should feel uncomfortably hot but bearable for a long time, whereas while I was doing that first session off of memory, things felt a bit too hot at times and I thought that’s the way it was supposed to be - while drawing reassurance from the thermocouple reading being in the right range.

Once I reviewed my notes, I felt sooooo stupid about this, and I started panicking, wondering whether I cooked part of my penis. I don’t think it’s necrosis though for several reasons: the area was forming a scab, it hasn’t gotten discolored, it hasn’t gotten more painful, it has showed signs of healing, it’s not numb/swollen, etc and I think those things would have happened by now (approaching 4 weeks).

Why hasn’t it healed then? My hypotheses:
As I said, diabetes runs in our family, so I’m going to get that checked
Also, I wasn’t practicing proper wound care at first, so it kept rubbing on my underwear, got infected a few times (I know because it produced a little pus here and there). I also wasn’t using any covering/plasters, so the wound was exposed and sometimes sticking to my underwear. I also masturbated a few times (kind of an addiction) which was no doubt was tramautic to the tissue. And finally, I started using neosporin in the open wound to prevent the dressing (i.e. covering) from sticking to it (which will cause more damage when removing) and to kill any bacteria. The problem I later discovered with neosporin is that the antibiotic ingredient kills bacteria in the wound, including good strains. I got curious about whether this was delaying healing and upon researching, I found that when vaseline was compared to neosporin, the vaseline helped promote faster recovery. Also, when researchers carefully added certain strains of bacteria to open wounds, they healed faster. So healing isn’t just an inside out process, but healthy bacteria in the wound also helps. They tested this in both rat and human models.

So now I’m practicing better care, trying not to masturbate and gonna do that sugar test. I’m changing my dressing twice a day, rinsing it with running water, then wiping/dabbing it gently with a light saline solution to sterilize, adding a bit of vaseline, then covering it with a new, sterile dressing and taping it up.

I’m still anxious about this because it’s not supposed to take this long to heal, but it’s in the last 3-4 days only that I’ve started doing the right things, and I think I’m seeing some small signs of progress. One setback is that I did my first weightlifing workout in a long time yesterday and today I’m a bit sick (slight sore throat, and feel like I’m coming down with the cold/flu). So my immunity seems weak overall, and now that my body is fighting this cold/flu, I feel like it’s not going to help my wound situation.

Sigh, will keep you all updated. Hopefully this heals and I didn’t cause real damage to my penis. Already have a lie crafted to tell the doctor if I go in (vs - I was trying to lenghten my penis and pointed a US device at it, lol…I would feel too embarrassed). But consider this near accident a warning and a reminder to do things safely, and right. I know I’m not playing around next time.

Oh, I forgot to explain a critical detail about how I got the blister. You all may know that the thermocouple wires are quite stiff (well at least the ones for my device are). I didn’t run mine with the same direction of the length of my penis, but perpendicular to it. I bent the probe wire (I used just 1) so that it would contour to my shaft, so that when I added my phantom, it wouldn’t create any air gaps. The problem is that when I was moving the US head, it kept bouncing the part of the wire exiting the phantom and running to the floor where the thermocouple unit was. As it bounced the wire, the top of the wire, which I taped directly onto my shaft sort of dug into my skin and hurt. So this went on through the duration of the session and I didn’t think it would be problematic. After the session, when I washed up, eveything seemed fine. Then tiny little blister sacs appeared. The next day, those little blisters joined up into one big blister exactly where the thermocouple wire was taped.

I’m sharing this so that you all will not repeat that mistake, and also because this makes me a little more confident that my blister was caused by that rubbing being traumatic to the skin (especially under heat) vs internal cell damage by the US heat. I’ll monitor it for a few more days and hopefully it fully heals.

Ouch, hopefully you get it all sorted out soon. 4 weeks is definitely a long time to heal even if you’re not being careful with the wound. That said, I still hope it’s just a long time healing vs diabetes!

My training sessions have been delayed as well due to family staying almost an extra week longer than planned over the holidays and not having privacy. Once they’re gone I’ll probably continue the FIR hanging until you are able to put up a new parts list and building instructions, unless that ends up taking a lot longer than expected. Then I’ll probably just break until I can get everything and put it all together. Given it is my first foray in to any kind of significant PE, I should still be in a relatively non-conditioned state compared to many. Thanks for sharing the incident, because I’ll be new to US heating, too.

Originally Posted by easygainer
Don’t know anything about staph/strep so I’ll look into it. Not sure if it’s related to STIs but I’ve never had sex with anyone but my wife.

The doc said “staph is everywhere.” It’s not an STD, just something you can pick up randomly with some bad luck.

I’m sort of paranoid on the subject now.

Originally Posted by easygainer
Oh, I forgot to explain a critical detail about how I got the blister. You all may know that the thermocouple wires are quite stiff (well at least the ones for my device are). I didn’t run mine with the same direction of the length of my penis, but perpendicular to it. I bent the probe wire (I used just 1) so that it would contour to my shaft, so that when I added my phantom, it wouldn’t create any air gaps. The problem is that when I was moving the US head, it kept bouncing the part of the wire exiting the phantom and running to the floor where the thermocouple unit was. As it bounced the wire, the top of the wire, which I taped directly onto my shaft sort of dug into my skin and hurt. So this went on through the duration of the session and I didn’t think it would be problematic. After the session, when I washed up, eveything seemed fine. Then tiny little blister sacs appeared. The next day, those little blisters joined up into one big blister exactly where the thermocouple wire was taped.

I’m sharing this so that you all will not repeat that mistake, and also because this makes me a little more confident that my blister was caused by that rubbing being traumatic to the skin (especially under heat) vs internal cell damage by the US heat. I’ll monitor it for a few more days and hopefully it fully heals.

Healing up OK?

I was going through the previously listed parts to start ordering things and be ready once more detailed instructions are ready.
There are a few things no longer available on servocity (some at all that I can see).

10mm (0.770”) Clamping Hub 545628, out of stock, but available here

1601 Series Flanged Ball Bearing (8mm ID x 14mm OD, 4mm Thickness) - 2 Pack 1601-0014-0008, discontinued, but replaced by’d-x-14mm-od-5mm-thickness-2-pack/ which appears to be the same thing functionally.

2800 Series Zinc-Plated Steel Socket Head Screw (M4 x 0.7mm, 20mm Length) - 25 Pack 2800-0004-0020 out of stock, but easily purchased many places

***90° 0.770” Pattern Mount 545400 This one is discontinued, and it suggests this as an alternative, but I don’t know if the measurements are exact enough to actually use-

***X-Rail Roller Bracket (2 pack) 585067 Discontinued with no suggested replacement and I don’t see anywhere to get any online

Those last two may be an issue, and I don’t want to start ordering things yet if they are not easily replaceable or will throw off the build.

Also, in addition to the scale, what kind of motor/control board/power, etc. Will be needed? I’m sure you were probably going to add those details as well, but figured I’d pre-emptively ask since I don’t have anything else to do at the moment. :)

Any of you engineering types know how you would connect a motor shaft to the micrometer here like Tutt used?

The end of the micrometer is a female M4 threading. Not sure how to go from that to a normal dc motor shaft easily.

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Originally Posted by dickwut
Any of you engineering types know how you would connect a motor shaft to the micrometer here like Tutt used?
The end of the micrometer is a female M4 threading. Not sure how to go from that to a normal dc motor shaft easily.

I’d really like to know this myself as I too am thinking of trying my hand at creating one of these. The linear stage micrometer option seems more expensive it also seems like the simplest setup…

Originally Posted by youngone30
I’d really like to know this myself as I too am thinking of trying my hand at creating one of these. The linear stage micrometer option seems more expensive it also seems like the simplest setup.

I found a cheap one used on Ebay. Seems to work great, though the travel on the micrometer is only about 46mm instead of 50mm because of the way the sides connect and the micrometer alignment being limited (the micrometer brand may be different than the one Newport sells/recommends, so it’s not perfect). Should be plenty, though.
It came with a little thumb screw inserted in to the handle, which had a fat 1cm width on the end. I ordered a 10mm to 6mm flexible shaft coupler, which can connect the motor to that nut. Hopefully hand-tightening the nut in to the micrometer will hold, and if not I’ll just use metal epoxy to lock it in.

I have almost everything except some plugs that I need to solder to get the battery/switch/charger connections working quickly and easily, and I’m waiting on a HDPE board that I’ll use to attach everything to the stage. Probably get some 90 degree brackets to connect the extender to the base, rather than the big block of plastic like Tutt did since I can’t machine something to fit easily like that.

Then I need to order the US machine. Probably a couple weeks from going live with it. I’m sort of deconning from about 1 month of hanging. So not a huge rush, but I’ll start as soon as I have it working.

The extender I got is a bit too narrow to use as is. The Phallosan cup doesn’t quite fit between the posts without pulling the screw posts apart somewhat. I’m either going to have to get a heat gun and expand the base, or just have the ends of the extender attach to the device at a bit of a wider spread than where the base will press against the body.

Got the motor/switch/battery all running with plugs on each connection so I can take it apart easily. I’ll need to put it all on the translation stage soon.

I gave my first run of US with my Tutt-emulated translation stage. It didn’t go all that well. Probably mostly because it’s a completely foreign process. My extender isn’t quite wide enough, so I was trying to have the screw posts bend outward slightly while running it, which caused it to not be stable at times and try to twist/rotate during the session. I started heat at around .5kg weight, but it took forever for the weight to keep going up because I don’t think everything was very stable. I almost ran out of my 50mm and it had still only gone up to about 1.3-1.5kg. Also started losing vacuum in the cup, possibly because I forgot to lock the vacuum pump on the Phallosan and couldn’t get it to re-pump during the session. (it rotates to a locking position after you finish pumping the vacuum. I can only assume the pumping position isn’t as solid a vacuum seal as the lock position) At that point I just aborted the session.

Heating was. Interesting. I got one really sharp pain early on, which I guess is the hot spot issue. After that I didn’t have any issue with that again, just tried to keep it going and keep that almost uncomfortable feeling going, but using the 5cm head was too big I think. I’ll have to try the 1cm head next time. I’m using a Soundcare Plus. It kept beeping as if it was losing signal quite often even using a lot of gel, and I’m not sure exactly what the trigger was to have it “turn on” again. Regardless, I’m sure I wasn’t maintaining any consistent temperature, and also I wasn’t getting any good temp readings either way due to-

I used a thermocouple slipped inside the bottom of the Phallosan sleeve along the ventral side. It never got above about 28c even though it was right against the skin? The thermometer works. Just not sure how you guys are getting solid reading on it.
How does everyone attach them? Micropore tape the end directly to the shaft and slather it with gel? And then again on the wire somewhere to stabilize? I should probably have it on the dorsal side as well, but even so I should have gotten at least a body temp reading closer to 37C if not higher. Not sure what was going on there.

At this point, I’m going to need to order a better extender base which is wider like the one nshaq is using (and while I’m at it, might just order the entire set up he has, since it’s probably better overall anyway). A little frustrating start.

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