Digitally controlled constant strain extender
Mod edit: split the device discussion into this stand alone thread from the original thread:
Using the ultrasound for therapeutic heat in PE (p. 84)
@Tutt @Kyrpa
Thank you both for all your hard work and collaboration to reduce PE to it’s scientific fundamentals.
I’d be happy to test the 2 proposed (potentially optimal) protocols you outlined that seeks to (possibly) avoid/minimize plateaus.
I.e. A) 13-21 days treatment > 3 months decon treatment
B) treatment every 4-7 days > possibly no decon
I have a decent grasp of everything I’ve read thus far but I have to go over everything a few more times to reinforce my learnings.
I’m thinking they can be tested in phases, so first b) for as long as results are coming (maybe 7 days first for X period, then 4 days). If strain starts decreasing, then we switch to a) after a decon (if not dial in to a less frequent treatment in b)).
A few advantages on my end:
-I have never done any PE to date, just lurking and reading, so we have a fresh slate (I do masturbate a lot so I’m not sure to what extent that counts as strain but I’d guess it doesn’t - I have been trying to stop so this will help give me reason to not touch)
-I’m a remote freelancer, so I work from home and have lots of free time/privacy, etc
-I should be able to afford the essential tools needed (save for RF heat - we’re looking at US) - not sure of all the costs yet, but I’m willing to spend about ~$750-1k which I’m guessing should be enough to get a device in place.
I would need your help with a few things Tutt, so let me know how interested/able you are to help. I plan to do as much of this on my own as possible but there will be gaps that your input would help close much faster.
For example, as a starting point, I’d need to build a precise device. I’m not sure if the details of your device is something you plan on keeping private for commercial reasons - if not, I’ll need some help to build something similar. I already know that I’ll need a linear micrometer translation stage, turnbuckle, scale, base that anchors off the pubic bone and some controllable, reversible motors. Those are all terms and design ideas I would not have known without your posts. Anyways, I’m not sure 1) whether you’re using the 1 or 2 motors to turn the both the turnbuckle and the micrometer, 2) how the motor interfaces with both these components (are there micrometers with gears for example?), 3) what torque would the motor need to have to be able to turn the turnbuckle and/or micrometer?, 4) How much load the translation stage needs to be able to bear.
If you can just help me out with design questions like the above, a few questions about theory/methods as they arise, I can tailor my protocols to see whether we can move a little further toward optimality building on the foundation that you and Kyrpa has set. I’d be more than happy to execute and collect data to this end. Let me know?
Last edited by 32quarters : 03-06-2022 at .