Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Digitally controlled constant strain extender

Yes it is true that restricted length clamping while heated will probably compromise some length as the fibers contract. Consequently, would probably be wise to effect a full erection while heated to finish things off.

Some theorize that it’s better to achieve length first as generally the thicker the shift, the more load required to strain. Personally, I think that is primarily due to ineffective strain protocols. The physiological response that toughens the tissue against further strain is happening at the cellular level without regard to the total nominal load. With our protocol, we are reaching that desired strain at low loads, so additional girth prior to length treatment shouldn’t really matter. But if you use crude ineffective girth protocols that also induce cold longitudinal strain simultaneously, then this will prevent gains when you get around to length protocol.

The CS should generally be squishy even while erect. IMO, most of the girth gains reported on TP from clamping are actually just temporary swelling and edema in the CS and dermal layers because it is so difficult to effectively strain the transverse fibers and more importantly the pillars. As to why you don’t ejaculate… do you have prostate problems? Also too much masturbation with a weak pelvic floor could contribute.

I measure BPFSL inside the device during treatment.

Originally Posted by Tutt
Yes it is true that restricted length clamping while heated will probably compromise some length as the fibers contract. Consequently, would probably be wise to effect a full erection while heated to finish things off.

Some theorize that it’s better to achieve length first as generally the thicker the shift, the more load required to strain. Personally, I think that is primarily due to ineffective strain protocols. The physiological response that toughens the tissue against further strain is happening at the cellular level without regard to the total nominal load. With our protocol, we are reaching that desired strain at low loads, so additional girth prior to length treatment shouldn’t really matter. But if you use crude ineffective girth protocols that also induce cold longitudinal strain simultaneously, then this will prevent gains when you get around to length protocol.

The CS should generally be squishy even while erect. IMO, most of the girth gains reported on TP from clamping are actually just temporary swelling and edema in the CS and dermal layers because it is so difficult to effectively strain the transverse fibers and more importantly the pillars. As to why you don’t ejaculate.. Do you have prostate problems? Also too much masturbation with a weak pelvic floor could contribute.

I measure BPFSL inside the device during treatment.

“Personally, I think that is primarily due to ineffective strain protocols.”

Damn! I would not have thought of’re really sharp Tutt. Thank you so much - I appreciate that insight.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the other topics above as well.

NB. I do ejaculate. I meant that I seldom shoot semen more than a few inches like I used to in my teenage years which made me wonder whether my BCM was weak. But if the CS will be squishy anyway, then it doesn’t really matter - no cheap girth gains to be made there.

On a side note, my skybox received the lead screw in Miami which means they’re ahead of schedule! I’m guessing I’ll get it by next week, or maybe the early part of the week after. Where I live, that’s fast, haha. Super excited to complete my build and get started.

Another question. What makes the difference between growers and showers? Does it have to do with collagen and elastin ratios in the penis? I’m a huge shower. I’m typically around 2 inches flaccid and on cold days, I can shrink to an inch (sometimes less?). It’s pretty dramatic when I get erect to over 2x my flaccid size. Anyways, if it does have to do with elastin and collagen, I’m wondering whether that might be advantageous for me - maybe loosening that tight septum over time via our methods would allow my elastin-dominant phallus to elongate/grow to it’s ‘full potential’ during erection? I’m all for accepting any possible factors in my favor.. I think a little placebo could go a long way here (pun intended). Do you think there might be a legit advantage to being a shower?

Flaccid length is primarily related to the musculature, both the supporting muscles and the smooth muscle tissue in the shaft. For example, lots of masturbation while clenching the pelvic floor will result in a tightening of the muscles. Also things like anterior pelvic tilt cause the penis to retract somewhat. And low blood flow cause the size of the shaft to shrink in both girth ans length while flaccid.

Generally, your flaccid will improve with repeated treatment with your new device.

Okay, duly noted.

I do have some anterior pelvic tilt so I’ll look into that.

Soldered up some of the components today to test my stepper and it’s working well!

Now I just have to continue working with my guy to dial in the right settings so that the speed and torque ratios work well for our purpose.

Originally Posted by easygainer
Okay, duly noted.

I do have some anterior pelvic tilt so I’ll look into that.

Soldered up some of the components today to test my stepper and it’s working well!

Now I just have to continue working with my guy to dial in the right settings so that the speed and torque ratios work well for our purpose.

Will you share the guide for us later;)

Sorry for my English

Originally Posted by Holdion
Will you share the guide for us later;)

Of course I will.

Prototype test. Looks good so far as it can pull 2.5kg. https://drive.g … iew?usp=sharing

Next I need an arduino programmer to write the code for my membrane buttons so I can hit the speeds I need with the push of a button and I should be all set. I still have to build my phantom - I already have the 2 bottles of dragon skin waiting in my room so it’s just to buy the PVC, build the mold and cast it.

Originally Posted by easygainer
Prototype test. Looks good so far as it can pull 2.5kg. https://drive.g … iew?usp=sharing

Next I need an arduino programmer to write the code for my membrane buttons so I can hit the speeds I need with the push of a button and I should be all set.

WOW! THAT IS SO COOL! There is so much thought put into it!

Originally Posted by easygainer
I already have the 2 bottles of dragon skin waiting in my room so it’s just to buy the PVC, build the mold and cast it.

Remenber to mix the part A and part B in equals amounts and vaccum it after mixing both parts together.

Otherwise it will happen the same to what happened to me, that the bubbles will be inside the phantom pad and may cause reflections, since quite literally will be air pockets.

A mason jar with a hole + a brake vacuum bleeder will do the job ^^


I should have bought the NV Dragon Skin…my next mistake was buying the Very Fast…the pot life is only 4 minutes…sigh…it takes so long to receive packages from Amazon so I guess I’ll have to give it a shot.

I’m thinking of pouring it straight into my mold, then using my vacuum cup vacuum over the top of the two pieces of PVC to try to suck out air. I guess the silicone will expand, then I can release the vacuum and give it a few taps. I think I can do all this in 4 minutes. I’m guessing my vacuum cup vacuum is far too weak to do much here. Thoughts?


What do you mean the car is an unlimited vacuum?


My current prototype is programmed for 2mm and 1mm/minute strain rates for the initial and heated phases respectively. I saw you mention repeatedly strain rates of LESS than 1mm/minute. Can you suggest some ideal strain rates for both phases? Maybe 1.5mm and 0.8mm? If you have any rates in mind, let me know.

The rates are not discrete so you don’t have to be ultra precise. Slower is better, but you can’t stay under US heat for hours, so it isn’t reasonable to drop down to something like 0.25mm/min. In my experience, anything less than 1%/min is reasonable but I wouldn’t exceed that, and during the actual strain phase I would target something closer to 0.5%/min, given that your device is sufficiently precise. So your suggestion of 1.5mm dropping to 0.8mm is fine if your BPFSL is in the ballpark of 150mm. Speed it up a bit if you are longer.

Originally Posted by Tutt
The rates are not discrete so you don’t have to be ultra precise. Slower is better, but you can’t stay under US heat for hours, so it isn’t reasonable to drop down to something like 0.25mm/min. In my experience, anything less than 1%/min is reasonable but I wouldn’t exceed that, and during the actual strain phase I would target something closer to 0.5%/min, given that your device is sufficiently precise. So your suggestion of 1.5mm dropping to 0.8mm is fine if your BPFSL is in the ballpark of 150mm. Speed it up a bit if you are longer.

Thanks @Tutt! Appreciate it.

Can you spell out what 0.5% and 1% strain rates ~ translate to in mm/minute.

So I think the Very Fast Dragon Skin isn’t going to work. My first attempt at making the phantom didn’t go well. Will have to order the NV and wait a few weeks again, sigh.

Excited to begin!

Originally Posted by easygainer
What do you mean the car is an unlimited vacuum?

An idling engine (if it’s not a Diesel) pulls quite a bit of vacuum. There are generally small rubber caps here and there on the induction side; pull them off one at a time until you hear air whistling in; that’s a vacuum port. Hook your hose to that.

Originally Posted by Tutt
Yes it is true that restricted length clamping while heated will probably compromise some length as the fibers contract. Consequently, would probably be wise to effect a full erection while heated to finish things off.

Some theorize that it’s better to achieve length first as generally the thicker the shift, the more load required to strain. Personally, I think that is primarily due to ineffective strain protocols. The physiological response that toughens the tissue against further strain is happening at the cellular level without regard to the total nominal load. With our protocol, we are reaching that desired strain at low loads, so additional girth prior to length treatment shouldn’t really matter. But if you use crude ineffective girth protocols that also induce cold longitudinal strain simultaneously, then this will prevent gains when you get around to length protocol.

The CS should generally be squishy even while erect. IMO, most of the girth gains reported on TP from clamping are actually just temporary swelling and edema in the CS and dermal layers because it is so difficult to effectively strain the transverse fibers and more importantly the pillars. As to why you don’t ejaculate.. Do you have prostate problems? Also too much masturbation with a weak pelvic floor could contribute.

I measure BPFSL inside the device during treatment.

I’ve found your thoughts on heated hanging very enlightening.

Do you really think that all the 1”+ girth gainers out there are just edema? I’ve encountered a number of clampers and pumpers that have added serious mass and have maintained their size indefinitely (multiple years). I feel like if it was just simple edema they would fade quite quickly and would not provide normal hard erections. I’m not sure I agree with that assessment based on what I’ve seen here and other PE forums. Perhaps there is another mechanism at play here that is not obvious? I don’t think the girth puzzle has had as much progress as length and there is a lot to still uncover there.

As an aside, practitioners of Angion Method who graduate to the wheel (check out the angion subbreddit if you’re interested) actually develop a very firm CS that can take on an almost bulbous appearance as the arteries enlarge and thicken. It’s a very interesting adaptation.

Originally Posted by RedCommander
I’ve found your thoughts on heated hanging very enlightening.

Do you really think that all the 1”+ girth gainers out there are just edema? I’ve encountered a number of clampers and pumpers that have added serious mass and have maintained their size indefinitely (multiple years). I feel like if it was just simple edema they would fade quite quickly and would not provide normal hard erections. I’m not sure I agree with that assessment based on what I’ve seen here and other PE forums. Perhaps there is another mechanism at play here that is not obvious? I don’t think the girth puzzle has had as much progress as length and there is a lot to still uncover there.

As an aside, practitioners of Angion Method who graduate to the wheel (check out the angion subbreddit if you’re interested) actually develop a very firm CS that can take on an almost bulbous appearance as the arteries enlarge and thicken. It’s a very interesting adaptation.

I think just like all collagenous tissue there is a certain amount of strain that comes from uncrimping and orienting the fibers (aka newbie gains). Then there is a modest amount that is achievable through actual brute force strain prior to the physiological toughening response, after which there will be a plateau that is insurmountable. Together these might equate to around 0.25 to 0.5”. What you are describing to me sounds exactly like the result of chronic edema resulting in tissue fibrosis which would make the CS bulge and feel hard. The CS is not supposed to be hard, and if you have reached the point where it is, you have produced irreparable damage to the tissues. In that sense you have just achieved more girth by recruiting your body to add layers of scar tissue to your shaft. Not very appealing to me personally, but I’m sure that many here would say it’s worth the tradeoff.


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