Maybe, I keep on saying to myself I’ll get out of this size debate crap one year but I seem to end up back here kicking the same rotting corpse as before.
The motivation would be publicity and to make your product seem more based on the research of science than the research of psychology (packaging, advertising). You know, “maybe I should pick up Lifestyles, they actually did quite a bit of research. I don’t see any other condom company doing that amount of research”. There’s also associative messaging I think it’s called where you see their name beside condom and penis and when you think of condoms you think “Lifestyles”. (I also think of Trojan)
In conversation about the average penis size it could follow as “Oh well, lifestyles did this study where they measured 300 people and found the average to be 5.8 inches and 4.7 girth”. There’s a lot of brand name recognition at stake here. Really, to get a nice study we should coax another condom company to one up lifestyle’s study and *winks* open source their data, since open sourcing is another way to get public attention.